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Comment Re:HUH (Score 1) 341

Just like we don't have flying cars because it's not practical from production cost or for the manufacture or owner to take on that liability as a mechanical failure at altitude is immediately a costly accident.

That doesn't take into consideration that the manufacture can put all liability on the customer as a condition of purchase. Nor does it account for that the customer could be very rich and want to avoid 2 hour queues daily to get to work and back.

Comment Re:Nitrogen asphyxiation? (Score 4, Informative) 1081

You're absolutely right. We HAVE found a humane way, and nitrogen (or argon) asphyxiation is not just just painless, but also maybe even pleasant. Here is the proof (you only need to view the first 5 mins, but the whole 10 are fascinating):


I think the death penalty's quite barbaric, but if we must have it, then that is the way to go.

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