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Comment Re:gtfo (Score 1) 724

"The problem is that, being online, there are no longer limits. If you're a woman gamer, and you don't respond to certain male gamers they way they want you to, you will get death threats, rape threats and doxxing. And it goes from 0-60 in nothing flat. Playing online games all day has left many of these young men completely without any sort of self-governance of their id. And people end up getting hurt. Sometimes in very real-world ways."

maybe the problem is that girl gamers should take this as the way people are's not about misogyny, it's the detachment a game world gives to those who would otherwise control their emotions, no (perceived) repercussions and anonymously engaging others seems to breed this behavior.

It happens all the time to me and the friends i play with as well as girls i play with (my daughter is 19 and plays l4d2 with me so i see it firsthand) maybe it's just easier to trigger people who have a chip on their shoulder to begin with...?


GlaxoSmithKline Released 45 Liters of Live Polio Virus 209

ferespo sends this news out of Belgium: As reported to ECDC by Belgian authorities, on 2 September 2014, following a human error, 45 liters of concentrated live polio virus solution were released into the environment by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline in Rixensart city, Belgium. The liquid was conducted directly to a water-treatment plant (Rosieres) and released after treatment in river Lasne affluent of river Dyle which is affluent of the Escaut/Scheldt river. Belgium's High Council of Public Health conducted a risk assessment that concluded that the risk of infection for the population exposed to the contaminated water is extremely low due to the high level of dilution and the high vaccination coverage (95%) in Belgium.

Comment Re:Yawn... (Score 1) 534

"This makes me think you havent read the book. I cannot off the top of my head think of a single thing that would make aliens problematic, whether taken literally, metaphorically, or otherwise. It simply doesnt speak on the topic."

as one who has read the book thoroughly let me explain why this would be problematic, since jesus was born on this earth through the lineage of adam, as the sacrifical lamb slain for our sins, caused by the first of humans, how could he possibly be the sacrifice for a life form on a different planet?

are those beings bound by sin because of something done by someone not of their lineage?

best case scenario is that this has played out multiple times on the differing planets (each planet's race having their own jesus), otherwise the whole religion is a lie.

if the best case scenario is true then christianity is STILL a lie since Jesus supposedly was the creator of everything (thru him god did creation) and is the sole savior... which doesn't work with the best case scenario.

aka, if there is life on other planets (humanoid life, intelligent, sentient, knowing guilt from "sin" aka right and wrong) then the bible is a lie.

so.. that's the issue.

Comment Re:Yawn... (Score 1) 534

I see your luke and raise you a

1Corinthians 6:2

"Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! "

Most people don't understand the passages in the bible and since understanding is given by god, it's hard to know what you know... that's why it's better to worry about your own plank than try to solve the specks of others...

  the judging not passage has more to do with mercy than telling people not to judge, as mercy triumphs over judgement, so you can judge (how would you live life without making judgements?!?) but be warned, if you are going to judge others by a strict interpretation of biblical theology, you are held to the same standard.. and you will fail just as those you judge fail

if you need to figure out who is "christianly" because you want to avoid "false christians" jesus goes on (from that luke excerpt) to talk about the things people do, not what they say:

Luke 6:43
“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 44for each tree is known by its own fruit."

Comment Re:Islam and Math / Science (Score 1) 534

"While there were Christians who fought slavery, the idea that slavery is immoral is not based on the Jewish nor Christian sacred texts which explain in detail who can be a slave, and how to treat slaves. 10 commandments, none of them even hint that slavery is bad."

Maybe you haven't read it in detail but in these texts were the first ever commandments that slaves be given rights, and eventually freed as well as punishmnets for mistreatment of slaves.

  if that's what you mean by "how to treat slaves" then i apologize but it seems a gross oversimplification of the fact that before the old testament and foundation of judiasm, slaves had no rights and would never be free.

" Gay rights? Nope."
In texts that propose that sexual perversion is evil and evil is bad, no i don't think it would champion "gay rights".

"Women's equality? Nope."
the old testament gave women rights above what had existed previously, the new testament elevated women to equality with men in the eyes of god...

Religious freedom?
"Religious freedom", wow ok, maybe the old testament but definitely not the new... the new testament forbids anything other than loving your neighbor so i don't see how anyone could associate anything else with christianity without blatantly overlooking the stated intent of it's founder.

  Freedom of speech?
wtf? i'm not even sure what you're talking about.. grasping at straws i guess...

"If you mean in some magical sense where the universe or reality at its core cares one way or another, no values are better than other values. But I assure you, some values lead to more flourishing and some values lead to more suffering."

the one value the universe holds which is pretty self evident, is one of balance, which is pretty much the core value of the old/new testament too.. so.. if i had to guess you hate anything religious and this attests to the slant and bias your post is full of...

Comment Re:Fine! (Score 1) 365

"but once you have 80 billion dollars, they can't do much to take that money away from you. They can only take new money that you earn using that money."

Where do you keep it? In a bank? accounts are only insured to 100k per account?

invest in stock market? crashes, overseas accounts? nationalized, property? Values fluctuate.

I'm not sure how you would maintain that wealth but maybe because i don't have it.. but i'd be interested to know...

Comment Re:illogical captain (Score 2) 937

"Obviously, the existence of a god is a complex notion and hence cannot be the the default, but is something that must be demonstrated, i.e. must have supporting proof to be accepted."

Like water turning to blood, raising people from the dead, turning water to wine, etc, or like God speaking from a mountain, food falling from heaven, a fire in the sky at night and a cloud during the day?

The problem with continually asking for proof is that 2000 yrs down the line another guy is sitting there demanding proof from a god that has given more than enough already.

god then has two choices.. sit there at your side for constant proof which no one would choose sin, or well i guess one choice since atheists won't be happy otherwise.

If you want proof, there is a book that god wrote that gives many many examples as well as ways to test his promises and existence.. but you have to be willing to try......don't listen to any other man's interpretation of this book go read it yourself.. find the promises and examples yourself and test them for your own knowledge.. if you don't but yet still spout this self serving tripe.. well then i assume you're like every other atheist i've ever met or heard talk about god.

Comment Re:illogical captain (Score 1) 937

" I imagine your position would suddenly reverse if government assets were used to promote a hate group that targeted [] you. []"

Nope, as a christian (who i'm guessing your throwing this assertion towards) we are told to turn the other cheek, to be allow persecution for our beliefs gladly.

It's the highest glory/honor to be murdered by someone because i'm a christian... just like christ. Fuck yah, bring it!!!

Comment Re:illogical captain (Score 1) 937

" then you are an evil person at heart, merely constrained by religion."

muslim/judaism/christianity (pretty much all religions as well?) say people are evil at heart.. that anyone born to this world is of the evil inherent in the world, and the teachings of those religions are a path to free yourself from that evil.

the carrot and stick is not an approach or constraint of evil (as any atheist loves to point out) as evil abounds in even those who profess to be religious, but a guarantee of justice professed by all three. hell is not the reason to find salvation, the path to salvation is there for those who would choose it because they prefer it over evil. it's a choice.

Comment Re:A solution in search of a problem... (Score 1) 326

I had a truck try to split an over pass embankment and end up rolling 4 times across 5 lanes of traffic while next to me, only because my wife yelled out when she saw this happening was i able to speed forward and avoid being crushed/part of the accident.

The driver had been texting, i knew this because before we got on the on ramp i was behind him at the light before the on ramp which he did not notice change and which caused me to "beep" slightly to get his attention (i watched him look up, etc.. and saw the phone), he did something similar two times before actually getting on the road.


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