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Comment Re:Nit picking regarding "changes". (Score 1) 776

What helps is to identify the protagonist. By the classical definition, it's the character with change.

Just for the nitpicking: it's not a "classical definition", it's a peculiar definition typical for litterature and movies in the US. Other parts of the world don't necessarily need a *change*. (Maybe that's why American have problems understanding european movies).

Americans are obsessed with the idea that anyone can change themselves into anything if they just work hard enough.

It's why in places like slashdot there is so little sympathy for poor people or minority rights groups, as it's generally assumed that they're just not trying, and so much love for billionaires, as it's generally taken that they are (a) supermen, (b) able to be emulated, and (c) worthy of emulation.

Comment Re:We've known that mountains 'float' for a long t (Score 2) 95

I think is was discovered that mountains 'float' when they did the survey of India back in the 1700 and 1800's. The summary makes it sound like it is news. It is not. I learned about it as a geophysics undergraduate.

Astonishingly, not everyone was ever a geophysics undergraduate.

Comment Re:Copyright and Public Places (Score 1) 379

Also any photography in public places is totally protected

A school is not a public place.

To test this, go to a random school and start taking pictures of the kids, then have fun explaining to the security guard or cop that will soon appear that you're exercising your right to take pictures of school children without their (or their parents') knowledge or permission.

Comment Re:Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later..." (Score 1) 379

whose job involves weeding out students who will be more trouble than they're worth.

Students who understand and exercise their civil rights are not "more trouble than they are worth" if the student is pursuing a career in law or journalism.

I hadn't realised that "making money illegally" was now a civil right in the US. Presumably the relevant constitutional amendment was sponsored by Uber?

Comment Re:Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later..." (Score 1) 379

My parents tried grounding me once. After I thoroughly enjoyed having so much free time to make progress through my stack of novels, they started adding the stipulation, "...and no reading!" whenever they'd send me off to my room. Getting grounded stopped being so much fun after that.

"Anubis, you've been a very naughty boy, so you have to go out and play football in the park with your friends, chase after girls, and go to bed late."

Comment Re:Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later..." (Score 1) 379

We used to call it "the hot seat" back in the 70's, there was no such thing as 'suspension', you were either punished or expelled.

You were lucky. In my day you were flogged with a cat-o-nine-tails even if you'd done nothing wrong. If you did something really bad (like getting a Latin declension wrong) then you were summarily executed. Twice if it involved girls.

And you try telling that to kids today...

Comment Re: Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later... (Score 1) 379

has a restriction on the use of photographs taken at a sporting event and subsequently used for commercial gain ever been tested in court?

It would be settled (or rather thrown) out of court because its's fucking illegal to make commercial use of a model without a signed release form.

But of course, on slashdot, as long as something makes money it must be good because it's not the government.

Comment Re:Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later..." (Score 1) 379

I think you win the shithead, fucked up, most stupid and ignorant post of the year award. Um, congrats?

So, you don't agree with him then?

The OP made a not unreasonable analogy. Just because you subscribe to the slashdot hivemind belief that (a) copyright is bollocks and (b) everyone has a god-given right to make money in any way they like *cough* uber *cough* does not mean that there aren't valid counter-beliefs you can argue for.

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