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Comment Re:And who will collect the trash? (Score 1) 441

Some of us try our best to live up to the standards set by the society we live in without being forced to, because it's in our own best interest.
And sometimes that means you collect your own trash.

Socialism means that the poor old crippled lady who lives next door is denied the freedom of carrying her own trash out to the nearest dump, and is forced to rely on Evil Government employees to demean her by helping.

Socialism has been tried in the "modern era" and it failed

That depends on your definition of "socialism". The USSR is not the same as Sweden or the UK in the 1940s.

-- why are so many people against trying the opposite? (To my knowledge it's never actually been tried in modern times, especially with only people who give a damn.)

I really don't see what is stopping you from trying it, there are already Russian oligarchs who basically live on their yachts and pay no tax anywhere.

Comment Re:And who will collect the trash? (Score 1) 441

So they want their forever teenage libertarian floating island as long as they are the ones in charge.

What part of "libertarian" do you not understand?

I think GP understands libertarianism pretty well. It is a system where the rich and powerful have absolute freedom to do what they want, in precisely the same way that an adolescent dreams of being freed from the constraints of his parents.

Comment Re:Stone Age diet ? he wants to live all 20 years? (Score 1) 441

Isn't HGH illegal unless it's prescribed by a doctor for a specific medical condition? This sounds like a [at best] "I paid a doctor a bunch of money to prescribe it for me" situation.

The word "illegal" applies only to sheeple. This guy's a fucking Randian superman: he's going to live forever, he's paid his guys to find a cure for cancer and his primary residence is almost certainly inside a hollowed out volcano.

Comment Lost me at Atlas Shrugged (Score 1) 441

If you're going to try to justify your utter selfishness you need to try harder than citing some third rate novelist and amateur "philosopher".

For those of us not in the US, name-dropping Ayn Rand is analogous to saying you've read the great philosophers like Norman Vincent Peale (in Tom Lehrer's words).

Comment Re:Note to Slashdot Mods (Score 1) 153

The evils of copyright law are well documented and understood. It has destroyed whatever good intentions there may have been in the original concept. And now it is obvious what will always come of it, censorship and sanction. Why should anything contrary to the facts ever be modded up?

The following are all self-evident facts to the slashdot hive mind: all software should be free as in beer as well as free in freedom; communism and socialism are evil; the US is the best place to live in the world; any form of space exploration is automatically a Good Thing, no matter the cost; NASA is evil; The Government is evil; Microsoft is evil; there is no such thing as racism in the US any longer; all Cops are psychopathic murderers; anyone in the Military is a hero; all Muslims are basically terrorists-in-waiting; abortion is a terrible thing; rape is almost entirely imaginary, except when it happens to heterosexual men, when it is appalling; women just aren't good at maths and computer science; anyone who isn't a well off Western computer programmer has only themselves to blame; cars lend themselves well to analogies; Europe is an homogenous socialist bloc; Uber is a great service; Sony Pictures deserve to die even though they're nothing to do with Sony who make the Playstation; everyone should be armed at all times; Africans are genetically inferior or else they wouldn't catch Ebola; libertarianism is a sensible political philosophy.

Anyone who disagrees with any of these is simply lying and/or a troll.

Comment Re:How soon? (Score 1) 153

already figured out. Bach's music is played by an artist who gets to copyright that recording.
I discovered this trying to put a Claudio Arrau recording of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata as music for one of my videos on youtube.
Copyright protected. Bullshit.
Fuck Sony.

You are perfectly free to learn to play the piano as well as Claudio Arrau and record your own version of the Moonlight Sonata, you know.

I could train to be an automotive engineer, design and build my own car, and not have to pay Ford ten grand, but guess what's easier?

Comment Re:How soon? (Score 1) 153

The public should not be permitted to benefit from anybody's creativity unless they pay through the nose for it, forever. Screw culture.

Where by "pay through the nose" you mean "pay".

If culture should be free, so should everything else. Otherwise, it's just artists who have to work for nothing, and not computer programmers or burger flippers.

Comment Re:Summary is wrong (Score 1) 153

When arguing about copyright law, always keep in mind... the people that "own" these copyrights are almost never the artists or their families. Business own then and the attempts to extend copyright into perpetuity has absolutely nothing to do with rewarding the creator of the music. It has to do with extending what was usually a theft from an artist, into a theft from mankind as a whole.

That would be an incredibly easy thing to solve by not allowing the transfer of copyrights at all, either to corporations or your own children.

Although to be fair, most arts aren't run by such blatant crooks as the music industry.

Comment Re:It's crap anyway. (Score 1) 153

Seriously, if they're out-takes, they weren't considered good enough to release. Releasing them goes against both the original musicians' wishes and foists crap on the general public because "otherwise you don't have the complete set."

No one's forcing you to buy the out-takes are they?

If people find them interesting enough, good luck to them.

It's like reading the original manuscript of a poem or novel, and seeing what was changed before publication. Unless you're a really dedicated fan, it probably wouldn't be of much interest, but for scholars it can be fascinating.

Having said that, you'd only normally do this after the artist was dead.

Comment Re:How soon? (Score 1) 153

Copyright fanbois are the ones who don't realize that copyrights are a ham-fisted attempt to make an infinitely replicable idea seem more like a physical object via creating artificial scarcity through government fiat.

All scarcity is artificial. There is no logical reason why all physical and non physical things should not be shared equally.

"Ownership" is an entirely man-made concept: it's just human beings deciding how to organise themselves, not a law of nature or God.

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