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Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 1) 121

But if you're looking for a relatively free country, a country with relatively low taxes, or a country with a lot of opportunity you aren't going to do much better than the US.

The main area of freedom where the US leads the world is the freedom to own many guns, which is irrelevant to all but a handful of people in the rest of the civilised world.

And high taxes never stopped anyone succeeding, it just means they have to pay some of their wealth back into supporting society. There are plenty of entrepreneurs in Scandinavia, or wherever.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 2) 121

As an example, back in the late '60s and early '70s there were an awful lot of angry young sheeple bleating, "Hell no, we won't go!" because they were only interested in what their country could do for them and weren't willing to do anything for their country

The opposition to the war in Vietnam wasn't just a case of people being scared to fight. It was massively unpopular for very good reasons, including the fact that it was unwinnable without actually flattening Vietnam and killing everyone there, and it served no useful purpose other than cock-waving at the Evil Commies.

I'm more disappointed at the lack of similar protests by people over the Iraq war. Or perhaps it's just that politicians don't even pretend to listen any more.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 1) 121

what I'm yelling is: "I did it, so can you".

Repeating something more and more loudly doesn't make it true.

If the economy is up the spout and there are lots of unemployed people around, you cannot necessarily get a job at all, never mind one that is the start of an actual career.

Yes, some people will succeed - of course they will by definition unless there's 100% unemployment. That doesn't mean they're any more intelligent, hard working or anything else apart from lucky.

The whole fucking point of capitalism is that the worse the economy, the higher the unemployment, and the easier it is for companies to screw workers. Right up to the point where no one's got any money left to spend on food even, and the riots begin.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 1) 121

If you want to make your life better, that's on you: it won't be handed to you. You can make your life better, but only if you're willing to change. You have to change you, not the world.

What fucking Christmas cracker did you get that gem from?

Next you'll be telling us that our children are the future, and that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.

Comment Re:Fair's fair... (Score 2) 339

But when you come by looking to sell ads for our hospital, you need to demonstrate knowledge of least a couple of basic surgical procedures. Someone who doesn't understand surgery shouldn't be making ads for us.

Why on earth not? What sort of ad for a hospital is going to have any technical content whatsoever?

Comment Re:Moronic (Score 1) 339

But I recently in the UK I saw a local agency to me that had for a job for an experienced groundworker aka a navvy that was next to an advert for a php programer the navvys job paid more than the Php Dev ;-)

Basic labourers earn fuck all. Maybe if you're a skilled brickie or carpenter or something, but someone who can just carry bricks and shovel sand doesn't get paid that much more than minimum wage. A quick search for unskilled labouring job where I live shows hourly rates in the range of GBP 6.50 to 7.50 and the minimum wage is currently GBP 6.30

Personally, I'd rather get a job sitting at a supermarket checkout or serving burgers, at least you don't have to knacker yourself to do your job.

Comment Re:O'rly? (Score 1) 339

Who in the hell wants to listen to an "English major" who runs an online ad service? This guy should be drawn and quartered, not quoted.

But does he run a company that makes money? Because that's all that counts.

It doesn't matter whether he's got a BA in Drawing Fairies or a couple of PhDs in theoretical quantum physics and mechanical engineering.

He is talking about employing non-computer science graduates to work in a non-technical role. If you're selling online advertising (or whatever the graduates are employed to do) it is entirely self evident that some background knowledge of how the web works is going to be your advantage, even if it's just enough to let you bluff your way through presentations to clients.

Comment Re:O'rly? (Score 1) 339

Like Bill Hicks said it, if anyone is in advertising or marketing, just kill yourself.

That would wipe out companies like Google completely then.

Even the geekiest geek spending his free day a week researching pure computer science topics is only there because Google earn enough money from advertising to finance his research.

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