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Comment Re:This happens about... (Score 1) 131

If you're afraid of getting fired, then you should quit and find a job where you don't fear losing it.

Fear eats you, ruins your life and no salary is big enough to compensate that for long.

Not all fears are irrational. It is sensible to be afraid of being shot if you're a combat soldier, it makes you alert.

It is also rational to worry about being fired, since there is no such thing as a secure job any more.

Comment Re:This happens about... (Score 1) 131

It's obvious that the reason for those changing requirements is that they lack understanding of how development process works, so they just need technical background to understand what requirements make sense and what don't. Just being good at "management" is not enough.

You don't need any special industry knowledge to know that if someone says "we need to do X, Y and Z in addition to what the original project plan says" then it's going to cost money.

Comment Re:Disbarring (Score 1) 118

I don't want to defend Thompson at all. I do think that if people are committing criminal acts, like fraud, or intimidation, or harassment, or contempt, then we already have laws to deal with that, and we should use those laws. We don't need an extrajudicial process -- the judicial system should eat its own dog food.

So I suppose you would be against schools screening out paedophiles as teachers, since they can always be convicted of rape after the event?

Also, what is the libertarian defence of having a legal system at all? It is the basis for all government which you seem to hate so much.

Comment Re:Disbarring (Score 1) 118

The concept of mandatory bars and disbarring seems, ironically, to be unamerican. I can see having bar membership as an optional accreditation. We have ASE certified mechanic, or CCNA IT guys. Actually disallowing someone from doing a job, though, merely because someone else says they're unqualified seems incongruent with basic capitalism and free market principles.

And sending someone to prison for committing murder is an even more serious interference with their right to make money.

I would like to think you were joking, but there is no evidence for that, so I will instead assume you're a fucking idiot.

Comment Re: We lucked out (Score 2) 118

You're joking, right? Her videos have been absolutely demolished by anyone who spends more than 3 seconds thinking about them. Some of her examples have been entirely debunked - she simply made up facts to back her argument.

Of course, you probably never heard of any of this because of the incredibly persuasive response to those debunking her bullshit: misogyny!

You should try reading posts you reply to rather than spewing out a kneejerk "SJW-feminazi" response.

OP was pointing out that if the original response had been to debate and defeat her arguments, that would have been sufficient to put the whole thing to bed. Instead, it was used as an excuse to push out piles of unpleasant misogynistic crap which actually reinforced her argument that a lot of games/gamers are misogynistic.

It's analogous to gamers responding to Jack Thompson's claim that games make people violent by going out and shooting him.

Comment Re:A first: We should follow Germany's lead (Score 5, Insightful) 700

The USA system has worked well for centuries why mess it up?

Because there's a significant number of people here that are hostile towards religion in any shape or form. The mere fact that it exists drives them insane.

As an atheist, I can safely say that my view of religion is essentially the same as towards people who believe in astrology, fairies or alien abductions, i.e. it's your problem

The difference is that religions think they have the right to make it my problem too.

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