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Comment Re:Is Uber a big government straw man? (Score 1) 299

Well they are worth $40 billion

No, they're not. A bunch of billionaires are funding them handsomely, presumably on the basis that if enough laws get broken, everyone will just give up with the rule of law, and revert to a pure laissez faire system. At which point the billionaires will be happy.

There is no other logical explanation for investing so much in a fucking taxi company.

PS what is up with the slashdot layout? There are huge slabs of unlovely grey everywhere, it looks like Day One of a "build yourself a website in 7 days" course.

Comment Re:Betteridge Is Wrong On This One (Score 1) 227

I don't see that as 'anti-science,' I see it as anti-authority. If you talk to people who are anti-vaccers (it's tough, I know), they will often point to experiments to support their reasoning (naturalnews.com links to all kinds of questionable studies to support its inanity). They merely feel the scientists they trust are more correct than the scientists you trust.

With the exception of those of the religious persuasion, most people do not think of their beliefs as irrational.

Apparently crazed neo-Nazis will quite happily defend their beliefs with apparently rational arguments.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

I have a huge problem with the concept that Atheism is some sort of prerequisite to doing science. Useful or not, religion is a huge part of a lot of people's lives. The current rationalist approach drives very few people from religion but it does drive a lot of people further away from scientific acceptance. The worst part is the rationalists don't see that they are having the exact opposite effect that they desire.

If you're not being "rationalist" you're not doing science. Your argument makes exactly no sense.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

Bill Nye has been known to wander off into nutter territory on occasion, lumping all religious folks into the same category as the literal-6,000-year-old-Earth nutters that he opposes.

I don't think anyone who believes in God, Jesus and the Bible is in a position to call someone who takes the very foundation of the Biblical creation myth seriously a nutter.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

Im a Christian with a passion for science and I really enjoy watching Neil talk about science, but it gets really cheesy when he makes the occasional snide remark about the Bible or religion when there isnt any hard science backing up that viewpoint.

It is up to people who believe in the Bible (for instance) to provide the "hard science" as to why it should be elevated above any other collection of words.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

You think you are being a smart ass, but you seem to have blurred the lines between fact and conjecture.

Yes, the fact is that pretty much all the Anti-Capitalist Scientists in the world who have looked at this are in a giant conspiracy with The Government and the all-powerful Green Lobby. Only a few brave voices in the wilderness (coincidentally funded by oil companies) dare to speak out against this Communist Plot.

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