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Comment Re:The light is on but nobody's home (Score 1) 192

HTC - Horrible Taiwanese Crap

Seriously has anyone ever had a positive experience with an HTC?

captcha: cellular

My HTC One makes the Samsung Galaxy look like a kid's plastic toy in terms of construction quality. I've no idea why people rate Samsung so highly, their phones look as though they'd disintegrate if you put them down on a table too hard.

Comment Re:Is Facebook a Toxic Brand? (Score 1) 192

When I do sign in, I just scan over some of the stupid shit my family and acquaintances are doing. Occasionally, I'll sign in to post a petition to kill bankers, or kill pharmaceutical corporate officers, or kill all lawyers and politicians

So your family and friends posting photos of interest, discussing topics of mutual interest or just having a few giggles is "stupid shit" but signing a totally meaningless and juvenile petition to kill strangers is somehow a good use of your time and the resources of the internet?


Comment Re:Is Facebook a Toxic Brand? (Score 1) 192

Because you could connect with classmates that you didn't necessarily know. There was a good 18-month period where FB was very useful for setting up study sessions and whatnot.

Maybe US colleges are different than here in the UK, but how fucking difficult is it to talk to people in your class? Out of all the times in your life, college is where it's easiest to meet new people.

Christ knows what you were like when you started working, did you literally never talk to any of your colleagues except over the internet? Even if they were sitting next to you?

Comment Re:Use some logic, dude. (Score 0) 192

Everybody hates it and everybody uses it? That doesn't make any sense.

Really? Because everybody hates driving in rush hour traffic, and pretty much everybody has to.

(Yes, I'm being Amerocentric)

Unless everyone were forced to use facebook for their work, your analogy is profoundly unhelpful, verging on idiotic.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 1) 121

But if you're looking for a relatively free country, a country with relatively low taxes, or a country with a lot of opportunity you aren't going to do much better than the US.

The main area of freedom where the US leads the world is the freedom to own many guns, which is irrelevant to all but a handful of people in the rest of the civilised world.

And high taxes never stopped anyone succeeding, it just means they have to pay some of their wealth back into supporting society. There are plenty of entrepreneurs in Scandinavia, or wherever.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 2) 121

As an example, back in the late '60s and early '70s there were an awful lot of angry young sheeple bleating, "Hell no, we won't go!" because they were only interested in what their country could do for them and weren't willing to do anything for their country

The opposition to the war in Vietnam wasn't just a case of people being scared to fight. It was massively unpopular for very good reasons, including the fact that it was unwinnable without actually flattening Vietnam and killing everyone there, and it served no useful purpose other than cock-waving at the Evil Commies.

I'm more disappointed at the lack of similar protests by people over the Iraq war. Or perhaps it's just that politicians don't even pretend to listen any more.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 1) 121

what I'm yelling is: "I did it, so can you".

Repeating something more and more loudly doesn't make it true.

If the economy is up the spout and there are lots of unemployed people around, you cannot necessarily get a job at all, never mind one that is the start of an actual career.

Yes, some people will succeed - of course they will by definition unless there's 100% unemployment. That doesn't mean they're any more intelligent, hard working or anything else apart from lucky.

The whole fucking point of capitalism is that the worse the economy, the higher the unemployment, and the easier it is for companies to screw workers. Right up to the point where no one's got any money left to spend on food even, and the riots begin.

Comment Re:Shorter answer (Score 1) 121

If you want to make your life better, that's on you: it won't be handed to you. You can make your life better, but only if you're willing to change. You have to change you, not the world.

What fucking Christmas cracker did you get that gem from?

Next you'll be telling us that our children are the future, and that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.

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