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Comment Re: We are fucked (Score 1) 126

Not entirely sure what you mean by downloading offline, whether you mean pirating for offline use or buying at a store.

Yes, let's go back in time twenty years to when brick and mortar stores were all the rage rather than following technological evolution because a few powerhouse ISPs want to have their cake and eat it too.

Comment Re: We are fucked (Score 2) 126

It's not just movies, though Netflix has been the visible player in all of this.

Imagine if Valve and Comcast can't reach an agreement. Whoops, suddenly your Steam library downloads at 10 KB/s. Or that MMO you play, their latest 10 GB download for the next expansion comes down at that speed because you're with Time Warner. Wanna try out a beta for a game? No agreement signed, you'll be ready to play in a week.

This is not just solved by RL rental stores or pirating. Oh, and if this non-neutrality goes through, rest assured that P2P can suddenly be throttled to effectively a trickle.

Comment Re:The over-65's swung it for No (Score 1) 474

You missed my point.

The point is that being part of the UK does not - at least to the extent of my knowledge - leave the Scots oppressed, with no rights or luxuries. They are not an ostracized minority in their own country. Yes, of course they would have basic necessities and luxuries whether they were in the UK or not, but if leaving at this point means a portion of the citizens face financial ruin, then of COURSE they will vote no to leaving.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 264

When the next President( who will be the one who promises to castrate the NSA)

So you're saying the US won't elect a new president in 2016? Or just the one who promises it?

decommissions the server farm storage they have with our records on, they can be used to store police footage in perpetuity

No, it seems you actually think he would promise it AND follow through.

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