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Comment Re:are google glass users ready for... (Score 1) 469

Man, I really hope you take the time to verify that the glasses are recording and that it's actually Google Glass and not some hipster look-alikes.

Otherwise randomly punching people in the face for no reason is hardly self defense. Nor do I think a court would see it that way even if he WAS wearing Google Glass.

Comment Re:so what should i be using now? (Score 4, Insightful) 400

For the time being why not just keep using WinAMP? They're not remotely disabling all installations of the program, they're just removing all ability to get more updates or even to get the install file. From them, at least. I'm sure it'll be floating around for ages.

If WinAMP works perfectly for you right now it's a reasonable bet it will continue to do so for at least a few years down the line. It's not like the mp3 spec is changing weekly, for instance, and that collection of music sitting on your hard drive? So long as you don't re-rip it to the latest and greatest codec those files aren't going to change. If they work today in WinAMP, they will work in WinAMP in twenty years.

Comment Re:Re public transport for free? (Score 1) 96


You are confusing 'free' with 'paid for by your tax dollars'.

People are not going to suddenly spend half their day on a bus driving back and forth because suddenly it's free (at the point of getting onto the bus) to do so. They will go where they need to go, just as they do today.

The operator will get X million dollars from the government (from your tax dollars) to keep the busses running, serviced etc. If they go over budget they're screwed, which means they will want to increase efficiency so there's money left over for bonuses for the managers.

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