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Comment Re:Creepy (Score 4, Insightful) 188

No one is going to waste a $250 smart bullet attached to a $5000 weapon system on some kid.

The Iraq war has killed an estimated 300,000, and we have spent about $500 BILLION to do it. That comes out to about $1.7 million per kill, and MANY of them were kids. $250, or even $5000, is an infinitesimal sliver of a rounding error when it comes to the cost of a war.

Comment Re:Provide money and guidance (Score 1) 54

Too often, school funding comes with so many flipping strings attached it's sickening.

An obvious solution would be to consolidate all federal education spending in a single department (maybe this would be a good job for The Department of Education). Then all the other departments can go back to doing their jobs. Why the hell is the FCC sticking its nose into school spending? Nonsense like this is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 2) 188

It would probably be easier to have a couple cameras capable of seeing infrared and ultraviolet. You will see the laser on target and can just remove yourself from the area before the trigger is pulled.

An obvious countermeasure would be to have the laser turn on only when the trigger is pulled. With a velocity of about a km per sec, the bullet won't give you much time to "remove yourself from the area".

But all these silly scenarios about "always on" spoofing, and arrays of cameras, are not realistic. Most of America's likely adversaries are not sophisticated. The likely target of this weapon is going to be some impoverished kid wiring up a dud mortar round as an IED by the side of the road.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 1) 188

I think the point is that important figures could have several "dummy" lasers present at all times to fool the bullet into going elsewhere.

Then target the "dummy" lasers with an area weapon, such as a cluster bomb.

It would act similar to any other frequency jammer.

"Always on" jammers tend to have very short lifetimes on the modern battlefield.

Comment Re:Technically, it's not a "draft notice" (Score 1) 205

you will likely want to look at some actual polling data ...

This polling data is after the war was already started, so it doesn't count. It is much harder to get out of a war than it is to avoid it in the first place. So it is only effective to oppose starting the war. In later years there were hundreds (eventually over a thousand) of Americans in North Vietnamese prison camps. Thousands more were missing in action. Tens of thousands were dead, and their deaths would be "in vain" if we pulled out (there are no "sunk costs" in politics). North Vietnam was completely intransigent on all these issues. It was called a "quagmire" for a reason.

Comment Re:Technically, it's not a "draft notice" (Score 4, Informative) 205

a war that nobody but a small number of politicians seemed to want

This is revisionist nonsense. Vietnam was the most popular war in US history. At the time of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 90% of American's supported deeper involvement. No other war has ever had so much support. For instance, only 70% of Americans thought the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a good idea. Of course, support for any war declines as it drags on, especially if we appear to be losing. But it is a lot easier to get into a war than out, so it is only the support at the beginning that matters.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed the Senate with 98 votes. The two senators that opposed it were both voted out of office at the next election. It is silly to say that this war was forced on the American people by the politicians, when the truth is that it was fear of the voters that pushed the politicians into supporting the war.

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