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Comment Re:Turing test not passed. (Score 1) 285

"What is intelligence?"

Intelligence is the ability to formulate an effective initial response to a novel situation.

"Formulate" is important, because intelligence is thinking not acting. "Initial response" is important, to rule out simply cycling through every possible response by trial and error. And "novel" is important, because intelligence is more than just remembering what you did last time.

Comment Re:Turing test not passed. (Score 5, Informative) 285

That's because they keep shifting the goalposts.

They are shifting them again. This new test includes this requirement: The machine's designers must not be able to explain how their original code led to this new program. So now anything we understand is not intelligence??? So if someone figures out how the brain works, and is about to describe its function, then people will no longer be intelligent? Intelligence is a characteristic of behavior. If it behaves intelligently, then it is intelligent. The underlying mechanism should be irrelevant.

Comment Re:As plain as the googgles on your face (Score 2) 56

As intrusive as the Google Glass has proven to be, it will only be worse when observation recording tech is more difficult to detect.

It is actually the intrusiveness that bothers people. Most people don't really care if they are recorded, as long as it isn't obvious and in their face. Not many people are bothered by store security cameras, etc.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 180

Sorry ... it is very unlikely that with our days super good JavaScript jit compilers you find something that is even faster.

Dart is close enough to JavaScript that much of the same JIT code can be used, and the people that designed Dart include some of the same people that work on JIT. One of the design motivations for Dart was removing some of the barriers to better JIT optimization. Dart is already faster than JavaScript, on a broad range of benchmarks, so it is silly to argue that it can't happen.

Comment Re:No (Score 2) 180

review and testing do add reliability. static analysis doesn't.

If you have 100 hours available for testing, you can use static analysis to find 90% of the bugs and spend the rest of your time on the 10% that require deeper insight. Or you can waste 90% of your time being a human compiler, manually cross-checking symbols. Which is going to result in more reliable software?

Comment Re:No (Score 5, Insightful) 180

If you can convert Dart to Javascript then I don't get the point of Dart.

You can convert A to B, where A and B are any Turing complete computer languages. So, for instance, JavaScript can be converted to PDP-11 assembly language which can be converted to Python which can be converted to C++. The main reasons to use one language over another are performance and the ability to express the algorithm clearly. Dart is (slightly) faster than JavaScript (since fewer type conversions and symbol lookups need to be done at runtime). But the main advantages are that it has better scoping and is more strongly typed, including structures and classes. This also means it is more reliable since more problems can be detected by static analysis tools, and runtime checks can be more rigorous.

Comment Re:Seems appropriate (Score 1) 353

So what would you do with tyrant judges like this one?

I would allow the defendant to appeal the ruling. I would also allow the legislature to impeach judges that engaged in misconduct.

Would you prosecute the judge if he murdered someone?

Yes. He should be prosecuted. I think we can all agree that judges shouldn't be allowed to murder people with impunity.

Comment Re:No (Score 5, Informative) 180

Unless they can magically add Dart capabilities to all the web-capable devices already out there as well as current and future competitors devices, the answer is no.

There is already a source-to-source compiler. So you can write in Dart, and then convert your Dart program to Javascript. Then your server can deliver either Dart or JS depending on the client browser's capability.

Comment Re:Climate Change on Slashdot? Bring on the fun! (Score 3, Interesting) 389

Are there really more methane-producing animals than there would be if there were no humans? Cows, buffaloes, deer, any other farting animals?

Most cow methane is not farted, it is burped. Bison have a similar digestive system to cattle, and produce similar amounts of methane. Deer and goats are browsers rather than grazers, have very different digestive systems, and produce little methane. Cattle and sheep and being bred to burp less, and strains of gut bacteria are also being modified to generate less methane. Food supplements may also help, mostly by encouraging the "right" gut bacteria.

Quibbling about whether it is our "fault" that animals burp is not really important. If the methane burping/farting can be reduced at reasonable economic cost, then it doesn't really matter how much the bison would have burped.

Disclaimer: I am a vegetarian, so it is not my fault in any case.

Comment Re:Forget reading, GET AN IMPLANT! (Score 5, Interesting) 87

"a lot of basic research needs to be done first" == "is unlikely to happen in your lifetime"

In high school I took a science fiction class, and we read the Foundation Trilogy, which contains a description of the Encyclopedia Galactica which was an instantly available compendium of human knowledge. When a student mentioned that it would be cool if we actually had something like that, most people agreed that "it won't happen in our lifetime".

When I first used the Internet in 1982, it seemed almost magical how I could communicate with people and instantly download files from dozens of computers. I mentioned that it would be really slick if everyone had access to something like that. The lab director laughed and said "not in our lifetime".

Most "not in our lifetime" forecasts underestimate the exponential nature of progress. Once a certain critical mass of knowledge has accumulated, additional progress can be astonishingly fast.

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