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Comment Re:Clicks are ads done wrong (Score 1) 44

Does this mean that the ad purchaser is paying Google or whomever for not real clicks?


Isn't this a risk for Google and their ilk if ad purchasers decide to cut their spending by 22%?

The ad space is sold by auction. If you decline to buy, the next highest bidder buys the space.

The click fraud rate is already built into the price.

If the fraud rate was zero, advertisers would bid more than they do now.

Advertisers are buying clicks but are really paying for results. As long as the click-throughs are profitable, they will continue to bid.

Comment Re:Dark matter isn't so exotic (Score 3, Interesting) 87

Dark matter could also be tiny black holes

There are plenty of reasons to believe that is not true.

Tiny black holes are not stable.

If tiny black holes are stable (because physics doesn't work the way we think), then some of them would merge or grow into medium-sized black holes. Yet there are ZERO observed black holes below 3.3 solar masses, the minimum size from collapsed stars.

If there were trillions or quadrillions of tiny black holes in our galaxy, 30 times the mass of all the stars, we would see signs of them everywhere, yet we see them nowhere.

Comment Re: Boeing's management... (Score 2) 130

Criminal negligence is a thing. That seems to apply in this case.

It was an open process, and lots of people were involved. Some of them expressed second thoughts, but the bottom line is that the FAA signed off on these decisions.

Should someone go to jail? That's a matter of opinion.

WILL someone go to jail? No.

Comment Re:Boeing's management... (Score 4, Insightful) 130

Who'll go to jail?


If you want to put people in jail for stupidity and incompetence, you'll need to build a lot more jails.

The decisions that killed people were the lack of redundant sensors on the 737MAX and skimping on pilot training, both of which were approved by the FAA.

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