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Comment Re:insanity (Score 1) 27

There's no need to "jumpstart" a market anyway. Either a market exists or it doesn't. Either you're making a product people want or you're not. If it's a good product then you won't have trouble finding investors to get you started and you won't have trouble finding buyers.

Total waste of tax dollars.

Comment Re:No no no (Score 2) 114

Yeah, I took a look at the article and watched the short little concept videos. It would drive me insane to open a new window and then have everything automatically re-arrange itself. Not useful, especially since most of the time we use a single maximized window at a time anyway..

Windows does tiling way better. Things typically open maximized, if I want side-by-side windows then I can do that manually, when I need it. Simple, to the point, works fine.

I'm all for innovation and experimentation but I don't see this as something anyone would want. I imagine the project manager here also loved rounded corners.

Comment Re:Republicans, Rush is dead tho (Score 1) 264

Public(ly funded) radio stations broadcast on AM as well, and in every case I've ever heard, those lean heavily toward Establishment Left in terms of politics. So if you want to make it about politics, the people on the left have as much, or more, to lose as people on the right.

Rush is dead, it's true, but thought leaders on the right have largely moved on from AM radio and are available elsewhere.

Comment Re:Try using iHeartRadio App during Tornado outbre (Score 5, Interesting) 264

This is the primary reason to keep broadcast radio around. The ability to send information to a large segment of the population, all at once, with minimal hardware (that already exists), and cheaply, is a huge benefit and one of the greatest advances in communications technology we've had in a long time. One tower can broadcast information to tens of millions of people. That's amazing.

And AM has benefits over FM. It's extremely cheap to implement (moreso than FM), it has a much wider range, and it is less affected by physical barriers. It is more vulnerable to interference. I wouldn't be terribly upset if they deprecated AM in favor of a larger FM band, but then you run into issues with current radios being unable to access the newer stations. I've seen arguments that it's "difficult" to isolate the AM receiver from the EM interference produced by electric vehicles, but this problem has been solved by several manufacturers already.

I'm all for deprecating old tech in favor of a better alternative, but that alternative truly does need to be better.

The only real argument I've seen against it, from the auto manufacturers, is that they don't want to pay for it and many people don't use it. I don't blame them, you need to pinch a few pennies to keep those CEOs and Union Bosses in their penthouse apartments, after all. I have yet to use an airbag but if I ever DO then boy will I be happy it's there.

I do still occasionally tune in the local AM stations. Good for news, and the 3G/4G coverage in my area is unreliable (yes, I live in the USA). I know people in the city don't have these issues, but those of us who don't still exist and we do, in fact, matter.

Comment Re:Meta isn't your friend? (Score 1) 86

Twitter is great. I've made some good friends there, and it's a great place for following news and politics. Also some very positive interaction with the TTRPG community.

Like any social media platform, what you get out of the experience depends largely on you. If you want to get into fights, you can get into fights, if you want to follow negative, nasty people, you can do that, too. Or you can block/ignore the dickheads and have fun with everyone else.


Presidents do have some influence with policy et al., but you are correct. The economy is larger than any one president (unless they start minting trillion dollar coins). No, this is the fault of bad economic policy over the course of decades. If anything, congress has much more blame here.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
