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User Journal

Journal Journal: the harbinger of things to come... 2

Way back when I got my first passport ever, a friend of mine looked at the empty pages and said "this is going to get full of stamps..."

Well, I'm on my second passport now. I just got back from the US Embassy because I had to get new pages put into this passport, as I'm running out of un-stamped pages. Just like I had to do with my first passport...


Journal Journal: trying to figure out a strength+power routine...

I'm on a Krav Maga break (for formal training anyway) until August. In the meantime, I need something to do, and after the strength drills from hell during Thursday's grading ("the Nazi" among other things), it's quite obvious I need to work on strength...

I still want to work on power, so I figured I'll do this during the summer:

day 1: legs + back (+ biceps)

day 2: shoulders + triceps + chest (+ biceps)

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: shopping day... 2

Today I purchased the following:

- training pants for Krav Maga
- focus mitts
- a large kick mitt
- mango shower gel
- a little travel-size bottle of conditioner
- lip gloss
- a leg from a suckling pig (tomorrow's dinner!)
- lots of spelt pasta (since it always seems to be sold out otherwise)

This is strangest shopping list I've had for quite some time...

Lord of the Rings

Journal Journal: grading 2

I graded tonight, even though I said I wouldn't. We both decided this afternoon to grade. We were very apathetic about the whole thing...

We're both P4 now :-)

My injuries, in particular my evil finger, weren't bothering me too much. And I was able to execute the most difficult thing in our pensum - defense against an overhead stick attack - almost perfectly. I couldn't be happier about that...

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Little Toe of Doom VIP Protection AS

(AS is the Norwegian version of Inc.)

We were at a Krav Maga seminar yesterday; the theme was protection of third persons. Our guest instructor was a guy from Sweden...

The Gimp

Journal Journal: moose news 1

Mirrors cut moose fatalities

Small mirrors hung alongside a major highway in Oppland County are proving highly effective at keeping wildlife off the road and preventing accidents. Moose aren't the only animals being spared.

Classic Games (Games)

Journal Journal: garlic-roasted chicken 3

We had this for dinner last night. It's based on a traditional recipe in Provence (France). It's very simple and tasty.

Translated from Norwegian:

What you need:
1 chicken, ca. 1.75 kg
50 g butter, softened
40 whole cloves of garlic, including the skin
sea salt, freshly ground black pepper

User Journal

Journal Journal: Trondheim, Pekka, freaks, and curry...

I'm back home from Trondheim. I was there for this big meeting of an organization I belong to. We were inside having discussions most of the time (and just as well because the weather was pretty much awful), but today was the first day I saw anyone with a trønderbart - a kind of moustache that the region is known for. Just as well... it's not very attractive...

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: public service announcement 11

In case you ever decide to chase after me with a knife, don't. I'll kick you. One way or other, I'll kick you. Back kick, side kick, turn around and roundhouse kick, I'll kick you. And if you start stabbing me with that knife while chasing me, I'll turn around, break your arm, and mash your groin with my knee.

Yep, that's what we did in training tonight. Defenses against psychos chasing you with knives.

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