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Journal Journal: While you preach against stealing, do you steal? 14

You that forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You that abhor idols, do you rob temples? You that boast in the law, do you dishonour God by breaking the law? For, as it is written, 'The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.'

Blessed serendipity. No matter how hard I try to repress my Catholic upbringing, it always finds a way to crash the party. We can claim no thought as purely our own. Everybody else already knows.

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name...

United States

Journal Journal: PnL: Segundo Parte

Oh man! Pure Seinfeld! The best journal about nothing, ever.

D_R? Congratulations. You kept him going for five days. Most excellent. Bonus points for getting him to make the hyper jump from his room of mirrors to your place for another whole day.

United States

Journal Journal: Saw a complaint about "mindless populism" 21

By itself it's a valid one. It's no different than mob rule. Pretty much what majority rule is in general, but I wonder if the complainers realize that the religious right is precisely the same thing. Actually more so, since they work with no evidence whatsoever in their claims. In today's case, the "mindless populists" are seeking what they perceive to be justice(at the command of a charismatic?). The "moral majority" was openly seeking to exercise(impose) what they believe to be god's authority(definitely a charismatic working those people). Now Wall Street is seeking and getting all the power. So, in your next election, you might have a choice between the bankers on one side, and the church on the other. Don't be fooled. They are also one and the same. Different branches of the same company. The third branch? That would be the puppets in the pretty white buildings the other two put up in front of the camera to divert your attention. That's your holy trinity right there. Heh, more like the devil's triangle. It sucks you into its hellhole, never to be seen again.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Point and Laugh 4

That's all you gotta do

03/21/2009 -- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM -- Winnenden, DE -- Catholic Church of St. Karl Borromaeus - Shooter sent by God How BIZARRE! The abbreviation for Germany is DE (as in Denmark?).

Hey RG! Why doncha go on over there and assplain it to 'em!

United States

Journal Journal: Idiot from the New York Times 3

Completely ruined the panel discussion on Real Time. Bill Maher's a wimp. He should've shut the guy up. This isn't the first time I've seen him lose control of the show.

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: "Vulnerabilities have a market value 1

so it makes no sense to work hard to find a bug, write an exploit and then give it away."

These are the children of your trickle down, anything goes free market. Thanks, Ronnie. Of course you couldn't have done it without the blind mob.

No! But really! It's the rappers! And those damn individualists! Bunch of radicals! All of them!... FATHER!

United States

Journal Journal: Bork Bork Bork (rev.01)

First, there was a rule--children made no noise,
no muttering. Then, when they went outside,
walking the streets to the music master's house,
groups of youngsters from the same part of town
went in straight lines and never wore a cloak,
not even when the snow fell thick as flour.
There he taught them to sing with thighs apart.*
They had memorize their songs--such as,
"Dreadful Pallas Who Destroys Whole Cities,"
and "A Cry From Far Away." These they sang
in the same style their fathers had passed down.
If any young lad fooled around or tried
to innovate with some new flourishes,
like the contorted sounds we have today
from those who carry on the Phrynis style,*
he was beaten, soundly thrashed, his punishment
for tarnishing the Muse. At the trainer's house,
when the boys sat down, they had to keep
their thighs stretched out, so they would not expose
a thing which might excite erotic torments
in those looking on. And when they stood up,
they smoothed the sand, being careful not to leave
imprints of their manhood there for lovers.
Using oil, no young lad rubbed his body
underneath his navel--thus on his sexual parts
there was a dewy fuzz, like on a peach.
He didn't make his voice all soft and sweet
to talk to lovers as he walked along,
or with his glances coyly act the pimp.
When he was eating, he would not just grab
a radish head, or take from older men
some dill or parsley, or eat dainty food.
He wasn't allowed to giggle, or sit there
with his legs crossed...

You'll spend your time in the gymnasium--
your body will be sleek, in fine condition.
You won't be hanging round the market place,
chattering filth, as boys do nowadays.
You won't keep on being hauled away to court
over some damned sticky fierce dispute
about some triviality. No, no.
Instead you'll go to the Academy,*
to race under the sacred olive trees,
with a decent friend the same age as you,
wearing a white reed garland, with no cares.
You'll smell yew trees, quivering poplar leaves,
as plane trees whisper softly to the elms,
rejoicing in the spring. I tell you this--
if you carry out these things I mention,
if you concentrate your mind on them,
you'll always have a gleaming chest, bright skin,
broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks,
and a little prick. But if you take up
what's in fashion nowadays, you'll have,
for starters, feeble shoulders, a pale skin,
a narrow chest, huge tongue, a tiny bum,
and a large skill in framing long decrees.*
And that man there will have you believing
what's bad is good and what's good is bad.
Then he'll give you Antimachos' disease--
you'll be infected with his buggery.*

CHORUS: O you whose wisdom stands so tall,
the most illustrious of all.
The odour of your words is sweet,
the flowering bloom of modest ways-
happy who lived in olden days!

United States

Journal Journal: How would you like to suck my balls, 5

Mr. Dodd?

Unbelievable...and in 2010 nobody will remember a thing...

Connecticut, huh? Hey! What's up with you people? Put him in your state senate if you like him so much. And take that damn Lieberman back too! How would you like it if we gave some politician from Illinois so much clout?

United States

Journal Journal: From Politico 16

Thanks, RG - Are they a right wing or a left wing rag? I only ask because of their use of the word and the tone of the article...

Well, okay, anyway, did you know there is a new left-wing conspiracy?(that's the word) Yeah yeah yeah...what they do is have a big conference call to dig up dirt on people who are trying influence policy. Some people evidently don't like it. Personally I think they should get the old right wing conspiracy guys together and do the same thing to their opposition. I figure if they're going after each other, it'll keep them off our backs. Should be easy. The internet still has a right wing bias(thanks cap) by a long shot. With each calling out the others fraudsters we could clean this place up a little. We could eventually put the government in a glass house where it belongs.

And thank you, sir for spelling it out so succinctly. I wish the "insane clown posse" name was available. These guys are fun to watch, especially now that they're no longer running through the house with scissors. I would feel a bit better with some more padding around them.

*sigh* After we dispense with that, we gotta deal with a real dog.

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Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
