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Comment Re:1000 times (Score 1) 622

Yes, but how often does that happen?

my 1992 F250 7.3 needs a new block (cavitation) and my 1997 A8 quattro is on its second transmission and has had a shitload of leaks addressed and is still leaking and our 2000 Astro has had both engine and transmission rebuilt, so actually, very frequently AFAICT.

The powertrain warranty on modern vehicles is quite long, my GMC has a 5 year, 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. Since I'm not likely to keep it beyond 5 years, it is not material to me.

People like you are why GM makes shit.

Comment Re:Recently had hybrid loaner (Score 1) 622

This could be because hybrid system was "strapped" into regular car, and unlike say Prius, that was designed around being hybrid.

Most hybrid versions of cars which are normally non-hybrid are designed for performance, not efficiency; the hybrid either provides the same mileage as a larger engine with slightly more performance, or just provides the performance model of the car. Whereas, as you have guessed, cars which are designed to be hybrids are more efficient overall. It's mostly just due to the different body design.

Hybrids are dumb because small diesels cost about the same amount, are pretty clean these days, and get the same mileage. EVs are cool, if they fit your needs, because they get rid of a whole lot of moving parts — hundreds to thousands of them.

Comment Re:Buying cars based on fuel price... ugh (Score 1) 622

We have a few reasonably-efficient cars like that here, by the way, such as the VW Golf 1.9L TDI. They're not popular because they have less-than-stellar reputations for reliability,

Because they made a bunch of cars in Mexico and those were crap. And then they brought them back home to Wolfsberg and they were great again. And now they're being made in Mexico again. Oh well.

and the reliable Japanese brands don't sell Diesels here.

I long for a diesel Impreza.

Comment Re:Gas isn't free(as in beer), Many charge points (Score 1) 622

Texas is a big place. If you want to go practically anywhere out of your town and back again in the same day, it will take you a lot longer than four hours.

Where I live, it takes me an hour and change just to drive to some decent shopping, let alone to drive around and get some stuff done.

Comment Re:I'm driving a rented Nissan Pathfinder while my (Score 1) 622

MY2000+ Chevy Astro EXT AWD FTW. Great in all conditions, and even off-road although ground clearance is not much. Has shockingly good economy, although not as good as a small car. And it doesn't suck the life out of your soul, but it does make people try to cut you off when you pass them.

We just have an LS model. Still has massive nuts.

You can bolt a 350 into these vans...

Comment Re:Progressive Fix 101 (Score 1) 622

Why not just let the market bear what it will...

OK, so what you're saying is, make the SUVs meet the same efficiency and emissions standards as the rest of the vehicles? Sounds good to me.

But where in the constitution of the US does it tell the feds they can mandate what vehicles we can make...

The government can make necessary laws, and if any asshole can make any vehicle then things go to hell in short order.

Comment Re:Progressive Fix 101 (Score 1) 622

Most people don't need a Suburban, they aren't for everyone, but don't go trying to take mine away when I use it just because YOU don't need one.

Nobody is trying to take it away, just make it conform to the same emissions standards as other passenger vehicles. That seems fairly reasonable. They could do it with a small engine like Ford is offering in the F-150 these days, and some weight reduction like Ford is doing in the F-150 these days. So basically, when GM catches up to Ford (hahaha)

Comment Re:Specced too low, weird form factor (Score 1) 174

Yep and it's worse for a media center than a Raspberry Pi 2.

1GB RAM equals fail. If you can slap Linux on the 2GB version of this stick then it's good. It's still around $70 to get a R-Pi with a case, power supply, and HDMI cable. That is substantially more expensive though, so if the Pi will serve your needs, so be it.

Comment Re:It's not surprising (Score 1) 129

I own a high end Panasonic plasma TV. It is the year after the ones that are being cut off, but I was worried for a while. I use YouTube every day on it. If it were to break down and stop showing YouTube, a feature I specifically wanted when I bought it, I'd go back to the shop and ask for compensation, say 30% of the purchase price.

And if you had bought a TV without that nonsense inside of it, and got that functionality in a separate device, then if you did wind up having to exchange it, that would be a lot less hassle. Even in countries where there are effective consumer protection laws, smart TVs are still dumb.

Comment Re:privacy :{ (Score 1) 190

Android has the same functionality, and it can be disabled there as well. No reason to believe it would be any different in Windows, at this point.

Now, there is the question of whether some malicious software could reactivate it, railroad it, use it for evil. But that's true of any beneficial functionality in the OS.

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