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Comment Re:good ideas (Score 1) 61

"The design devotes a whole room to 3D printing, but I agree underground would be better than depleted uranium. Thick layer of martian ground is much easier to get than 2cm thick walls of DU."

No to mention that it's a toxic metal that weights 19.1 g/cm3 , 68.4% denser than lead, to transport that to another planet with rockets is going to be expensive if not impossible.

A single sheet of that 2cm thick shield, 1 meter by 1 meter would weigh 382kg, one third of a ton.

Also it still has 60% of the radioactivity of normal uranium, so you'd need lead to shield the uranium as well to avoid golf war syndrome on the astronauts.

Comment Re:Funny thing about email (Score 1) 232

"I'm not sure in what parallel universe you live, but in my part of europe there sure is overtime, and we are surely not getting paid for it. It's even explicit in the contracts that we do not get paid for overtime."

That clause means there is no overtime, go home instead of trying to make the manager have a good opinion about you.
There is no other possible interpretation, since all those have been declared illegal by the European Court.

Unpaid labor is called 'slavery'.

Comment Re:Funny thing about email (Score 4, Interesting) 232

"You don't have to check it while you are on vacation. You can actually ignore it."

You don't _have_ to, but you can.

This is Europe.
There _is_ no unpaid overtime!
If people check their mail during vacation, they are working, and they have to be paid and their vacation is still due an they can sue the company when they leave (or not) to get payment for the missed holidays or weekends.
Same thing if you get sick or injured during a holiday, the days don't count as holiday but as sick days, even if you stay there at the beach bar with a cast for 4 or 5 weeks. (although you can't drink alcohol, since this can hinder a speedy recovery)
The vacation days are still due.

Also, people with a security/dangerous job have to be alert and cannot have worked _anything_ 8 hours before the shift, if case of an accident or other misfortune, the company would be liable.

"So why delete what could be important communication? Just deal with it when you are back in the office."

If it's really important, the vacation guy is replaced during his absence and the replacement handles the email.
If that's not the case, it's not an important job, even if the tenant thinks it is.

Comment Re:Niggers. (Score 4) 359

"Wasn't there enough information posted and published everywhere in the mass media in Liberia to inform even the dumbest people not to do that at all? I mean, after 1000 people die in a quite horrid way, a bunch of RFSP (Really F****** Stupid People) storms an Ebola Quarantine Center, lets the infected patients flee, steals the medical supplies and probably believes they just fulfilled the will of their ancestors."

Think of it as evolution in action.

People who don't believe in Ebola are removed from the gene pool.

Comment Re:Question (Score 3, Informative) 219

'Australia banned guns: Sure, there are no school massacres but the murder rate hasn't decreased.'

You're reading the wrong newspaper, the Washington Post says otherwise.

"So what have the Australian laws actually done for homicide and suicide rates? Howard cites a study (pdf) by Andrew Leigh of Australian National University and Christine Neill of Wilfrid Laurier University finding that the firearm homicide rate fell by 59 percent, and the firearm suicide rate fell by 65 percent, in the decade after the law was introduced, without a parallel increase in non-firearm homicides and suicides. That provides strong circumstantial evidence for the law's effectiveness."

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