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Comment Re:And after the "Mega Drought" Comes ... (Score 1) 113

When a Pineapple Express event dumps 10 feet of rain in less than a month and a half from the equator, it is not the yearly event of which you note.

True that we get minor variations and once every 2-3 centuries we get the mega-dump.

But it points out that this is cyclical and has been for AT LEAST 2000 years and that it obviously has ZERO TO DO WITH MAN-MADE FACTORS.

Comment New Internet Architecture Anyone??? (Score 3, Insightful) 56

As an engineer who stopped programming @ Fortran, I still wonder why after all this time that new core elements for sane internet use have not been implemented in the real world to stop all sort of these nefarious actions.

Yeah, I know some things are hard, but they are worth working on. As IOT devices balloon in volume, I would imagine they could add to the arsenal of the crazies.

Who should be coordinating the change to internet protocols to fix it?

Comment Manufactured Sugars may reduce over population! (Score 5, Informative) 78

Microbiome researchers have recently identified how lots of sugar in the gut damages the surfaces of the GI tract and leads to inflamed & bleeding tissues, giving rise to the ability of microbes in the GI tract to migrate into the blood stream and consequently into organs in the body.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is now in nearly every "natural" sugar added product from restaurant meals, to drinks, snacks and baked goods. It appears to be linked the rise in obesity since its introduction in around 1980.

Refined sugar intake &/or sugar intake in high quantities looks to be a true self-induced poison, yet people in general know about it but don't do anything to reduce their intake.

Average consumption of sugar 2 centuries ago was a few pounds a year at most, and today it is many dozens of pounds per year & some people are in the 100 pounds or more per year category.

Given the obvious damage, I dare say sugar is worse than Covid. Oh-Oh, now I said something controversial. We are within 10% points of having half of all adults in the US being obese. That ought to be a major warning.

Comment Disasters Come in Many Flavors (Score 1) 53

Power outages, floods, tornados, but everyone knows about that and corporate foulups.

I have yet to have anyone describe to me what will happen during the next Carrington Event.

Let's just ask the real & rational questions based on past history:

1. Will your laptop survive as plugged into the AC outlet & will there be any AC power?
2. Will your data connection remain "up"?
3. Will your "Cloud" & email systems & storage remain accessible?
4. Will some of your remote data be lost forever? I can answer that. "Yes", said Bo Regardless! (I am dead certain AWS and others will deny what I said by replying "But we have redundancy.")

So, what do I think about password managers? -- You better keep a rotating group of small SSD devices (& some paper backups of core items) in a locked steel sealed box that you keep rotating backups through that does not require a profit making 2nd &/or 3rd party to control which could go bankrupt after the data center goes poof. (Does LastPass even OWN its own ALL of its data centers?)

Worse yet! How many months or more will it take to get 50% of the services back up?

I'm not sure that modern societies can remain "modern" after another 1859 event given that all transportation, communication, government & business has come to rely on susceptible electronics. I know there are design changes and new power station equipment being installed to minimize such problems, but I've not heard anyone say how long that might be to finish and how much of a solution it really is.

Comment Facebook has become "Big Brother" (Score 1) 196

It has the continuing data to show what works and what doesn't to inspire certain user opinions and actions and downplays or eliminates what it doesn't like or want to be seen.

It appears that Facebook has become the giant political idea mover.

Sounds a lot like what a repressive regime does, where everyone is supposed to step in line.

Comment Modern Bait & Switch (Score 3) 79

Why would I buy an Amazon branded product? Uh, I don't.

I simply believe it is totally unethical (though not illegal) for a site to offer great products delivered fast and then undercut them with a house brand.

I want to support the companies and their founders who have the guts and stamina to "do it better" and bring out a new product.

I don't buy off Amazon!

Comment Re:To be fair (Score 1) 154

To be fair to the conversation, some facts are relevant to show how bad it is in US society.

The CDC/FDA & Medicare divisions know because they pay a lot of the bills & collect & "follow the data":

About 90 million (mostly a supermajority or more of 120 m seniors) Have:
          a. Chronic GI problems
          b. Obesity
          c. 5+ prescription medications (let alone OTC meds) with many being caused directly or indirectly from obesity

Comment Re:This is why I hate software subscriptions (Score 2) 172

Adobe tries to lock every user in forever, but what does that do?

It encourages competition to come in and offer things like Pixelmator and others who offer great tools for less and which a lot of students (read future employed & startup creators) use and will use into the future. Some will work where Adobe is on all the machines, but Adobe will lose some business permanently.

The government & companies know how Apple, Adobe and others work and so they often & so they often set up special deals or buy software that is set up to run on dedicated machines that have no connection to the internet, so they can't be mucked with or infiltrated.

I run a 3D app on a dedicated computer that was set up on the Internet once and has never been connected to the internet again, much like secret military design sites. That is the only way I can be sure this super expensive app and its data never get mucked with.

Hacking to exfiltrate data (designs) is reaching epidemic proportions by countries outside the U.S. So ...

How are companies with great proprietary product data able to protect that data if all their computers are forced to stay on the public internet to keep running, like say Apple, Adobe, Microsoft?

Comment Re:If Apple can bypass it.. (Score 1) 211

Then Apple can be COMPELLED to bypass, let's see now:

1. Your phone
2. Your competitor's phone
3. Your ex-wife's phone
4. The Congressman's phone
5. The POTUS assistant you want info on.

And if Apple can be compelled to bypass encryption, nothing on an Apple iPhone can be trusted data by anyone, because sooner or later everyone with a need will know how to bypass encryption! EVERYONE WITH A DESIRE TO KNOW.

Comment Re:This is what happens when products are mature (Score 1) 344

"Mature" just means MSWord is the safe job choice for C-Level managers, knowing they won't lose their position.

Human beings plan or detail or provide the history of something or someone in a timeline or dateline to provide context to writing.

A simple outliner does much better than MSW, faster with FEWER distractions.

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