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Comment 100,000 Light years across the Milkey Way ... (Score 1) 686

So if we wanted to signal a civilization on the other side of the Milky Way (assuming we could muster the power), We would have to aim the focused radio beam on where that world would be in somewhere 50,000-100,000 years from now and they in turn would have to know the signal is coming and instantly reply to where we would be in another 50,000-100,000 years.

The whole communication thing is a total joke.

Any smart civilization would just want to make their world a nice place to live for as long as they could.

Comment HP Inspired by Apple: Think Different (Score 5, Interesting) 257

Well, Meg Whitman had the guts to say "Find them some money" when HPLabs proposed the "Machine." I wish HP all the success.

It is about time some corporation stepped up to the plate other than Apple and jump-starts mega-improvement in major devices.

My first time sharing "Mini-computer" (was not mini sized), desktop engineering computer (using mag-strips pre-HP45), & then the HP35-41-45-75 were all incredible computing devices for their day.

Comment Trust in Cloud Data Centers? (Score 1) 62

Given the numbers of attack vectors in data centers from social engineering to software to hardware faults, would you trust your company's IT data system ONLY to "cloud suppliers?"

Something like 2/3rds of small businesses that lose their digital data go out of business within 6 months, so it is a real risk issue to not have a totally local backup data system that can be brought up within a day.

Do you totally trust big cloud data centers?

Comment Re:Long-term capital gains? OK, then Capital Mkt (Score 1) 382

Or at least a stock purchase must be held for at least 4 days and then any gains are 100% taxed if sold in under 4 months.

This stops flipping and incentive to do short term ordinary income gains. Stocks after all are about long term investment.

I know, I know, the BIG trading houses and HFT & DARK POOL guys would absolutely go on insane rants, but what we want is a "CAPITAL MARKET", not really a trading market.

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