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Comment Re:could be right (Score 2) 353

Indeed, my feelings exactly.

For my generation it was too much TV causing these issues.

What I see now are children who have zero social skills because their parents don't enforce any minimum standard of behavior. They get nowhere near enough exercise, nowhere near enough unsupervised time to just be kids and do stupid shit, far too much poor quality food, and are completely over-indulged.

My kids weren't allowed in the house after school unless it was pissing it down with rain, in which case, they were expected to be doing their homework. They had real chores to do from an early age including mowing the lawn, folding laundry, sweeping the floor, etc. I see none of this happening any more in any of my neighbours houses.

You simply can't let children do anything they want, all the time. Children need rules, and they need to do productive work too.

Comment WTF is "doxxing" (Score 1) 467

Dox, Doxxed, doxxing.

Yet another made up word, where an existing word is already available, widely used, and only a few millimeters longer.

While I can appreciate that stories on slashdot have to keep up with the times, that doesn't mean Headlines should contain uncommon/unnecessarily stupid/undefined words. That just makes slashdot look more stupid than it (usually) already does.

Comment What I 'took away' from that story (Score 1) 217

My over-all impression is of a typical fool who thought (maybe still thinks) that he's the next Steve Wozniac, but in fact had none of the knowledge, or ability that The Woz had at that age.

Anybody can come up with a cool idea for a cutting edge product. Hell, I do it daily.
The reality is, there is a big difference between an idea and a product.

Yes, it is important to try something new. It's also important to have a reality check. Small steps people !

Submission + - Android phone completely disabled after receiving an international call

OneSmartFellow writes: I was out with friends on Friday evening when I received an international phone call from a +7 phone number. It's not at all unusual for me to receive international phone calls, but, I'll admit I have never receievd one from the +7 dialing code. I answered the call, and I could only hear myself speaking. I hung up, and my phone immediately shut off. All attempts to power it back on have failed. I have tried removing the battery, and booting into recovery mode. Phone is a Nexus S with Cyanogenmod installed. It is now a paperweight. I presume I have been hacked somehow. Is there any way to recover from this experience ?

Comment Pros and Cons (Score 1) 700

Home Schooling:
Pros: Your over-indulged child won't be a nuisance to other children at school.
Cons: Your maladjusted teenager/young adult will be (a nuisance) later in life.

Public Schooling:
Pros: Your child will learn about life outside of his over-indulged home.
Cons: Other children will have to put up with him.

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