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Comment Re:Feels weird agreeing with scientologists (Score 1) 265

Nothing would be different if the doctor could do it. The police are not going to call a doctor when confronted by a mentally ill person.

What would happen is the doctor would call the police and say he's a mentally ill person and a threat to himself or others and convince the cops of it . If the doctor had the ability on his own, all that would be different is that he would not need the extra step of convincing the cops.

Doctors are not going to physically detain someone on their own unless it's an immediate life and death situation. But anyone can already do that right now in Texas and many other states. You might think that they could reason with them and cause them to stick around for four hours but they can already convince someone to do that.

So the only realistic difference is if someone else has to be convinced of the claim or not.

Comment Re:Tax dollars at work. (Score -1, Troll) 674

Do you?

No i don't want a law for everything. However taking and or using something that is not yours without explicit permission is still wrong even without a law isn't it? In this case, there actually is a law so no need for another in order to cover idiots that do not understand someone else owns shit that they do not own.

And yes. If i am paying to be on the neighbor's porch i will sit on it. Your analogy makes no sense. You pay to sit on the transit.

Comment Re:Tax dollars at work. (Score 1, Insightful) 674

Why? Is it all that different from me tethering to your electric and using it for my own purposes? Is there some sort of law saying electrical outlet are fair game for all.

Forgot about the miniscule amount of energy for a minute. Would it be ok to run an extension cord from an outlet on your porch to power my fan when I get overheated riding my bike near your house? I know, someone will say but that is private property and this is government property. I respond with does that mean i can walk into a government building and grab some paper or just start using the photocopiers?

There is a principle involved here. Even if something needs changed to allow this conduct, it still needs changed to distinguish between it.

Comment Re:If you gotta ask... (Score 2) 267

I had two sites i used to administer that were constantly getting infected with something. They hired kids to work the night shift and they would get bored and surf anywhere you could imagine.

At one site, instituting a computer use policy, proxy, and a blacklist like dan's guardian along with fetching the mail to an internal server and scanning before delivery was enough to curb it to 1 minor infection in 5 years. At the other site, this didn't even come close. We had to completely lock down the internet and approve specific sites and domains as needed. This has yielded no infections in the four or five years i remained with them.

Both sites have or had a public wifi and separate linux systems for guest access on a separate subnet the employees could use (when guests weren't ) but for some reason they insisted on using company workstations.

I stopped working with them about two years ago. I dunno what they have now but i saw one of the companies is being sued for a data breach with credit card numbers.

Comment Re:The real Man in the middle.... (Score 1) 101

Bing, the uspo, academic journals, and a lot of other places. that would stop them from having any impact by returning garbage results.

As for snagging ideas. Nothing would stop that. In fact i have found the auto complete in some searches i do shows ideas i already searched for. This means that Google is already exposing ideas to others that can be taken advantage of by not just Google.

Comment Re:Cry More (Score 1) 139

There is not enough waste to cut to pay for it. Cutting waste has been a political whipping post for quite a while now.

We have to think about how it is going to be paid for. This is something new and not currently being done which is why currently agencies can charge a portion of the costs. Our options are raising taxes, deficit spending, or using existing funding which cuts into mission objectives. I'm not saying it is not a good idea, just that it is not as simple as saying do it.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 1) 410

Maybe it is just natural to you and you do not see it. But you are in fact anti white male which you have shown in your comments about diversity. This article points white males out as a problem displacing diversity. You are commenting about how you want diversity and saying it is a problem too.

Now if you were actually encouraging minorities to move to Seattle and enjoy the prosperity, i wouldn't think twice about it. But it seems your problem is white males moving in at a faster pace than others. You as well as the article's author seem to be in the same boat.

Comment Re:Cry More (Score 1) 139

I do not think you understand. It costs money in terms of employees pay, office space, equipment, bandwidth and so on just to post it online. This needs to be paid somehow. It will either require more budget allocations from congress or come from the existing budgets meaning their existing missions will not be performed.

And no. You cannot just post documents. Your name, address, and social security numbers might be in them. These documents need to be vetted for non public information.

Comment Re:If you're not doing anything wrong... (Score 1) 174

There are legitimate reasons to have secrets. If i came into a bunch of money, I wouldn't want every crack addict knowing it. If my wife cheated and we worked it out, I wouldn't want everyone knowing about it. If i was looking for aother job, i wouldn't want my employer to know about it until I gave them notice. If the government has a back door, it is only a matter of time before others have access to it too.

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