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Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 4, Informative) 392

Umm.. The numbers are not even close to 12 million.



Obamacare seems to have only helped a little under 3% of the people who did not have coverage previously. Even now, there are still problems with it as one of the largest insurance companies in Minnesota is pulling out of the exchange.


Now before you get all pissy, this isn't a swipe at obamacare, it's the facts surrounding it that you seem to have missed and evidence of the GP's statement that "they simply do not have any clue to anything that they are involved with". Evidently, neither do you unless you were listening to them.

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1, Troll) 392

There seems to be cities in which are somewhat majority muslim. Dearborn Michigan I think is one of them. Youtube that and you will see a lot of videos posted by people protesting it.

But I think the original poster is thinking of the mosque that the boston bombers attended has produced many radicalized muslims and keeps being investigated but ignored by the FBI.



Comment Re:Spot on (Score 1) 156

There is more to it than that. Buying and selling car between commercial entities is highly regulated. For instance, you need a special license to open a new or used car lot, even if that lot is your driveway. Many states even have laws that consider you to be a commercial sales entity if you purchase and sell more then so many cars in a year (5 or 6 in my state).

But you also need special licenses if you want to purchase junk cars, salvaged vehicles and so on. The regulations by the state goes well beyond dealerships getting burned by the manufacturers. Its because the public was harmed- salesman lies about condition of car or the car is a lemon- warranties voided for not being serviced at a specific location or using a specific branded product- selling car with leans on the titles so the new owner ends up getting them repossessed by third parties. There are lots of reasons, even the little old lady who only drove it to church on Sunday stems reasons.

Comment Re:Spot on (Score 1) 156

The law should not bind Tesla or any other new manufacturer to a business model GM and Ford designed many decades ago that puts the new entrant at a competitive disadvantage.

It most certainly should bind them. If you don't like the law, get it changed. But any law on the books needs to apply to everyone equally. Every other automobile company has to play by those same rules. think of how much cheaper toyotas would have been if they were mail order back in the day (and they were both cheaper than American cars and got better fuel economy). How about the Yugo, you saw specials of 2 for one for just $9,000.

If you do not like the laws, get them changed. But until then, anyone wanting to join the circus must erect a tent.

Comment Re:Spot on (Score 1) 156

You mean they will not let a manufacturer open a car lot in their state? Or is it that they will not allow yhem to act as one without a physical presence the state can regulate?

This seems a lot like Uber and Lift were people want every business regulated then are shocked to find they are subject to regulation if they act like a business or that their favorite business is regulated too.

Comment Re:Spot on (Score 1) 156

Because they sold the rights to sell those items with restrictions on competition (franchises called dealerships) in various areas of the states and laws have been created to both enforce those rights and restrictions and protect the consumers from the fraudulent acts of unaccountable people.

And actually, they likely can deliver right to your door, they will do it the same way 1800 flowers does business and use a local dealer as the intermediary who actually procures the vehicle and delivers it. I'm not sure how they can get around dealer markup so it will likely cost. I know there are some dealerships that will deliver purchased cars to your front door. Some will even pick up and return vehicles for maintenance and repairs ( I saw both when I was in New Jersey- Ford, Mercedes, and I think it was Audi. there may be more)

Comment Re:Thought crime (Score 1) 165

From what I can tell, there is no evidence of a conspiracy yet. Just communications with someone who gave an order to start randomly killing people that had not been prepared for or carried out.

So I'm not even sure it's a bono fide conspiracy. Hopefully they find some evidence and clear this up.

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