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User Journal

Journal Journal: God Thinks

"God Thinks"

God thinks all blacks are obsolete farm equipment
God thinks the jews killed his son and must be punished
God thinks the white man is Satan
God, they know what God thinks
God thinks we should all convert to Judaism
God thinks we must all be Christians and
God thinks we should all embrace Islam
God thinks the only true religion is Hinduism

User Journal

Journal Journal: Repository Post

Just tossing this in here because it interested me. Thanx to WTFMonkey, whos post I shamelessly ripped this out of :)

Is the action of nature not unlike drawing a bow?
What is higher is pulled down, and what is lower is raised up;
What is taller is shortened, and what is thinner is broadened;
Nature's motion decreases those who have more than they need
And increases those who need more than they have.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Changing Times

Anymore, I read a lot about RFID chips, governments deciding where you're allowed to go on the internet, secret spy organizations set out to track everyone's movements...Here's what I've come up with:

- Your information isn't YOURS anymore.


Journal Journal: The Patriot Act II? Wasn't one enough?

According to this article from the New York Times, "Mr. Bush is seeking broad new authority to allow federal agents -- without the approval of a judge or even a federal prosecutor -- to demand private records and compel testimony." This creeps me out to no end. I'm sure that everyone has seen what power does in the hands of those that don't deserve it. Not o
User Journal

Journal Journal: Well Well Well

Well, here's the first entry. Seeing as how the text above this little window says this is going to go down on my permanent record, I'd like to plead the 5th.

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