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Comment Re:Refunds indicate bad tax planning (Score 1) 632

You can do direct deposit into a savings account, just get an account slip (routing and account number) from the bank. You can also do a checking account and simply shred the debit card and checks, or simply request not to have them. All you need is a routable account. You don't need "easy access"

Comment Re:Gotta pay the government bills somehow (Score 1) 632

It's about trying to reduce the size of government consistently... It's when a party tends to get 8-10% of the popular vote, and even 5% of seats in congress that those concepts start to influence decisions... I'm more pragmatic than a typical Libertarian, just the same I'm for creating change, and reducing the federal government in was Democrats or Republicans would oppose.

Comment Re:Taxation (Score 1) 632

It definitely has me rethinking my tax contributions. I think if everyone changed their deductions to 99, so they don't have taxes taken out, it would choke the government off a bit... I'd rather 20-30% of my income go into savings for the year.. I won't make anything, but it at least would stop the interest free loan the the US Govt.

Comment Re:user profile location (Score 1) 353

Windows as of 7 (maybe vista) supports actual symbolic links via mklink .. you'd need to login as another user, replace ownership/permissions of the profile directory, and then move and mklink /D to the original location... It's a pita, and honestly, I prefer my OS and profile data on the SSD ...

Comment Re:500GB minimum for SSD... (Score 1) 353

Not necessarily, the cache and buffers on the chip may be the same depending on model. A couple years ago a 256/240GB was the sweet spot, as usually had twice the throughput, but the controller was the same for the 512gb so throughput was roughtly the same or slightly slower... that said, go for the space you really need. If it's the only drive in a laptop, go for at least a 240/256, but today I'd go for 480/512gb. (Note the 240/256 and 480/512 are pretty much the same, it's just the slack space is taken off the top/bottom for advertising, a certain amount of space on SSDs are reserved for handling bad sectors).

Comment Re:Maybe someone else will? (Score 1) 67

Don't get me wrong, I loved B5, and today, imho it's just behind the newer BSG as best sci-fi of all time. That said, the first series wreaked of day-time soap opera in terms of the acting. It got better, but lets be serious here... Again, loved the show, but wish they could re-shoot the entire first season with better acting, and a slight bump in the dialog.

Comment Re:Back in my day (Score 1) 142

Duh, that's why you get 3-4 phone lines... one for voice, one for you to dial out on, and one or two for you to run your bbs... Then your users upload DOOM to you overnight, or your FTN setup will get it to you for the GAMES sub... You bluebox your way into a long distance board to download the best new stuff for your users, and have l33t/pir8 access. New User Voting modules, and secret sub-bbs access boards abound. Though I was in it for the ansi/ascii art scenes and for the message boards more than anything.

The fail is when you're stuck waiting 3 years for US Worst to actually get you more than a second phone line, despite living in a major metro area, when it's 1994 and BBSing is starting to die off in favor of the wider internet.

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