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Comment Re:Hmmm .... (Score 3, Informative) 112

That problem was fixed and is not the reason why the DC-10 isn't used any more. The DC-10 (and MD-11 followon, which is still in service) went on to fly millions of safe, reliable hours once the issue with the overcentre locks were fixed with the cargo doors.

The DC-10 is out of (passenger) service now just because it's old and burns too much fuel. (It remains in cargo service, where it will be pressurized).

Comment Re:" Foley's killers may have thought of him as le (Score 1) 11

"Regardless, that is not what starts and perpetuates these wars. Religion is a psychological tool, used to motivate or dissuade, by those who want to dominate."

So eliminate the theologies that are based in domination instead of service.

"Military recruits recite almost the same thing during bootcamp. And salespeople, oof! ever been to one of those seminars? This is standard procedure."

Standard procedure for 99% of the world's philosophies yes. Exactly the opposite of standard procedure for one.

"The prime motivator is biological, and all driven by the laws of physics." Not all. One is different.

Comment Re:" Foley's killers may have thought of him as le (Score 1) 11

The problem is that there is superiority in the theological difference. The standard Jihadist theology of "all human beings are dogs to be done with as Allah wishes" vs "the image of God is in the dignity of each human being from conception until natural death". Both, however, are superior to the American Materialist "Human beings are just another resource to be exploited in the eternal search for profit".

The Jihadi who beheaded James Foley believed the first. James Foley himself believed the second. Youtube and the American news media believe the third.

Comment " Foley's killers may have thought of him as less" (Score 1) 11

I can guarantee he didn't think of them the same way they thought of him. Completely different philosophical and metaphysical underpinnings to the theology, Jesuits are anti-Islamics.

My question is, if ISIL, just for a second, isn't a CIA plant, what makes them think a few beheadings will STOP the bombings? Given the evil of American Secularism, it is far more likely to turn the Levant into tritonite than it is to stop anything at all.

Comment Re:hope for improvements (Score 1) 330

Really? I run it on an AMD A8-3850 on Ubuntu 14.04 and I didn't have the impression it's strained at all. Granted, I don't run the server part on that machine. My CPU is severely outclassed by most i7s.

Sure, it's not the most efficient codebase, but on a modern machine with power to spare, it's rather fine. Now, I have run it on a rather high end Core2Duo. That's less fun.

Comment Welcome (Score 1) 5

Welcome to my personal hell since like forever. Internationalization is a major fuckup in all OSes because of assumptions that are untrue. Adding geolocation makes it worse.

Comment Re:It should be (Score 1) 364

It should be the car that is disabled (or your license taken away)

Exactly - as they do already in the UK: get caught driving while using a mobile phone, you get 3 penalty points. That puts your insurance premiums up in itself, and if you reach a total of 12 points, no more driving for a few years. The penalty may be increased to 6 - in which case, get caught driving on the phone twice, you're in the passenger seat for several years. If someone's been caught driving on the phone (whether texting, talking or reading Slashdot), why let them continue driving at all? Will disabling the phone stop them driving while fiddling with the radio, eating, shaving etc? Of course not - so get them away from the wheel and let them text all they like as passengers.

Comment Re:A solution in search of a problem... (Score 1) 326

It is against the law pretty much everywhere. However that law is enforced pretty much nowhere. It is just simply too difficult to enforce it, as a police officer has to catch the person in the act to even write a ticket. And then the ticket is so laughably small in terms of the monetary penalty as to be pointless to even write.

Here in the UK, the penalty is that you get one-quarter of the way to no longer driving (3 penalty points, where 12 means a driving ban); the government announced earlier this year they were considering doubling that to halfway, i.e. get caught doing it twice (within 3 years) and you won't be driving again. However small the risk, I suspect that's a big enough deterrent to scare many - particularly since it would often mean losing their job too. You don't have to be caught red-handed, either, just suspected enough for the police to investigate, then they check the network usage logs and confirm you were using the handset at the time in question. (Or get seen on a traffic camera, of which there are many.)

The idea in the article is just silly, though.

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