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Comment Re:What else is needed... Rocket engines (Score 5, Interesting) 140

However, the real reasons that astronauts like Chris Hadfield et al think that the Russian Soyuz will be hard to replace are hard to fit into a single post.

  • Consider, for instance, that the Soyuz TMA-M can hang around the space station for 6 months, and be ready for use to return astronauts safely back to Earth, without a maintenance crew having to go and check every nut and bolt - a feat that even the Space Shuttle could never muster (for the record, the Space Shuttle had a mission duration of about 12 days - a few Columbia missions went up to 16/17 days).
  • Another example is that it takes the Soyuz just 6 hours to go from launch to docking with the space station (for comparison, it took the space shuttle almost 3 days to reach the space station after launch).
  • There are many other little things like these that are not cool or sexy, but make the ruthless efficiency and effectiveness with which the Soyuz executes and fulfils its purpose is second to none. It will take a lot more than a larger tin-can and a more comfortable ride to convince astronauts to put their lives in SpaceX's hands.

OK, keep in mind orbital parameters. The ISS's orbit was specifically placed the way it was to allow the Russians to get to it with ease. It's on a steep incline that takes orbital corrections to manuver to from any other launch site than Baikanour. It passes directly over Canaveral occasionally, but the delta-v required to do a one shot insertion orbit to ISS from Canaveral is expensive. That's why the Shuttle was downrated for ISS missions in payload and duration.

Shuttle was also a hell of a lot more complicated than a Soyuz capsule. It's like comparing a Prius to a Model T. Soyuz was designed for no-frills get them to orbit. Shuttle was designed to get a shitpile of cargo to orbit along with the crew and the gear to operate independently of anything once there. Think of it more like a spacegoing Winnebago.

Comment Re:What else is needed (Score 1) 140

If some issue occurs with the Dragon, it would be nice to have a means of getting people into orbit that was independently engineered.

Thats where the other also runners come in, Orion, Dreamchaser, et al. If a NASA inspector downchecks a Dragon 2, somebody will be able to fly out. Once these all come online, we really won't need Roskosmos.

Comment Re:Keystone XL (Score 1) 411

Of course you do realise that the Athabasca reserves are not American property but in fact the product of a foreign country being imported to the US, that free market capitalism at work? Why should the end result of processing foreign oil be reserved to subsidise US consumers when the source material is imported?

Of course you realise that most of the oil leases are owned by Koch Industries through various cutouts, right? It is a matter of public record, you know.

Comment Re: Wait.. (Score 1) 411

Why do people like you keep talking as if nuclear power is being restricted in some way. Permits are available and companies can build new plants if they want. There are no new restrictions or regulations holding back the industry; it just isn't economical for power companies and hasn't been for a while. Look it up, nuclear plant orders dropped to zero years before Three Mile Island or Chernobyl due to cheaper coal and gas options; that's it. Money.

Gas/coal generators are cheaper because they don't have to go to court every other day to defend their permits. A large part of the cost of building a nuke plant is legal costs just to keep building. See Perry Nuclear Plant for more info. They kept stopping construction whenever a judge issued an injunction, and since the buildings and reactor housings weren't complete, they had to keep a crew there full time playing cards so they could jump back to work when the injunction lifted, and were prohibited from doing maintanance on the site while the injunctions were in effect. Weather in northeast Ohio isn't pleasant, there was a lot of damage that needed removed and rebuilt before they could continue until they got handed their next injunction.

Comment Re:Keystone XL (Score 2) 411

I wonder if this might change the Obama administration's calculus and their continued delays on the proposed pipeline.

Keystone XL won't do a damned thing for the taxpayer at the gas pump. It's designed to take the dirtiest most corrosive form of oil from American-leased fields in Canada to refineries in Texas so they can be shipped overseas for more profit. If they REALLY wanted to use the oil in the US, they wouldn't be piping it to Texas. They'd be piping it to refineries in the north.

Comment Re:Stupid is as stupid does.... (Score 1) 313

Going to the moon is expensive AND pointless. You have to do everything you do in Earth orbit, but it has to happen farther away from safety and at the bottom of a gravity well. There's absolutely nothing of value on the moon that couldn't be gotten cheaper by snagging bits off of a water bearing comet, or bringing that same water or up from Earth, for that matter, or mining a few local asteroids in-situ.

Look, gravity is *bad* and expensive. You don't go looking for it. You simulate it a bit with centrifugal force when necessary, but that's all.

Keep in mind that all the exploration of the Moon so far is like taking a detailed analysis of a single grain of sand from a beach and declaring that 'nothing of value is on Earth.' We haven't come close to any statistically meaningful samples yet.

Comment Re:So.. (Score 4, Insightful) 313

It would appear that Tea Party Politics are a form of infectious disease, and it's spreading to Russia. Does anyone have the time to tell Capt.PutPut that the USSR, and the Space Race are over?

I dunno, from here, it looks like he's attempting a Soviet Reunion.

Hope he can get the original drummer when he 'gets the badn back together'...

Comment Re:He needs support in congress... (Score 1) 312

If he issues an executive order to undo the spying, it is likely that those in congress who want the spying to stay will refuse to support Obama on other things he wants.

You're assuming he already has support in Congress. Keep in mind they haven't sent him a budget in five years. Considering that's supposed to be the top priority per the Constitution, seems to me that somebody's dropping the ball. And it don't look like El Presidente.

Comment Re:He can't because of Bush... (Score 1) 312

Bush wrote his orders in such a way that no other President can undo them. It requires congress, so this is 100% Bush's fault, and Obama is not allowed to undo it. I hate the people irrationally attacking him for something he simply cannot undo. Please attack the family responsible for it instead. The Bush junta created this and has left it in a state that Democrats cannot legally undo.

Yeah, he can undo it. He just can't make it stick. Next asshole in the chair can undo his undoing with the stroke of a pen. That's why they need a law in place to fix this. There's just no way he'll get that unless some serious changes happen in the midterms. Congress needs to purge the Tealiban and get people in there willing to compromise and govern.

Comment Re:No Law (Score 1) 312

So you are saying Congress needs to authorize the current activities legislatively, before Obama would feel he had authority to override them by executive order? So as long as the activities are completely illegal he's powerless to stop them, but if they got a legislative fig-leaf then he could stand up to the Republicans by defying them? You just might have a future at the office of White House Counsel young man!

No, we're saying that in order for the changes to stick, it will take Congressional action, i.e., a law. Executive orders can be rescinded by the next guy in the chair. See LBJ's rescinding of JFK's executive orders dismantling the CIA.

Comment Re:No Law (Score 1) 312

I almost hope Hillary wins, Obama is not going to leave office if he loses to a Republican (and his followers will eat it up; 'election was rigged, election was rigged!').

So sorry, the Constitution requires he step down at the end of his second term. None of this 'El Presidente For Life' bullshit you see in bad movies.

Comment Re:Is it not obvious? They have dirt on him! (Score 1) 312

As a constitutional law scholar and professor Barack H. Obama knows damn well he can issue an presidential executive order to stop the NSA's activities. Yet he effectively does nothing by waiting on Congress. Shame on Uncle Tom. And you thought Sam was your uncle.

Executive orders can be overturned by the next guy in the chair. Case in point, Kennedy wrote three executive orders dismantling the CIA and spreading its programs to the winds. Some were to be assigned to the FBI, some to military intelligence, so on and so forth. One of the first things that Johnson did when he took the chair was to write executive orders rescinding Kennedy's executive orders to dismantle the CIA.

Obama is a constitutional lawyer. He taught constitutional law. He knows if he tries to shut down the NSA by executive order, which is his right and power as the chief executive of the Executive branch, ordering a department under the Executive branch, that order can be rescinded at any time. He needs Congress to pass legislation to stop it if the fix is to become permenant. Or, at least permenant until the Supremes wipe it away.

Comment Re:evidence? (Score 1) 312

Check who voted for the Patriot Act the first time around. Almost everyone from all parties. Those were their true colors; they took advantage of the situation and used it as an opportunity to take away our rights. Furthermore, many people in both parties (except now it's Republicans that tend to do this more often) continue to vote to renew the Patriot Act.

If Obama really hated this, he'd try to stop it with his executive orders *even if* that would only be temporary. At least it would stop the collection for now. But he doesn't, and it doesn't matter what he does, because you seem to be an Obama drone.

Of course just about everybody in Congress voted in favor of the PATRIOT Act. If they hadn't, their political opponents at home would have had a field day in the next election cycle. "Congressman Blowhard is AGAINST security. Vote for Candidate Fuckwad. HE'LL KEEP YOU SAFE!" At the time, if you weren't in lockstep because "America! FUCK YEAH!!" you got accused of being unAmerican, told to pack your shit and leave the country, etc. Because, if you didn't buy corporate America, the terrorrorrorrists win.

And no, you can't stop the law of the land with an executive order. That's not what they're for. Executive orders are how the president manages the Executive branch. They have no standing or force outside the branch. Why do you think Obama EO'ed a minimum wage increase for federal contractors only? Because that's as far as he could push it. Federal contractors work under the Executive branch. And he took shit for doing that, the 'tyrant' rants cranked into high gear. They're also used to set policy and priorities for enforcing the laws on the books. Considering he can only work with the funding CONGRESS gives him, he has to prioritise. There just isn't enough money in the pipeline to do everything.

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