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Comment Re:How is this "News for Nerds"? (Score 1) 932

I suspect there is more interest in this than in you whining about how you don't care.
We don't care that you don't care.

I didn't whine about how I didn't care, nor did I ever say that I didn't care.

I asked how it was "news for nerds." Because unless I'm missing something, it isn't.


Yeah. Thanks for that intelligent commentary.

Comment Re:Exceptions (Score 1) 636

In Objective-C, you should only throw exceptions on programming errors. And there's no need to catch them, because you ought to fix the code.

Nonsense. That is what assertions are for. Assertions are not meant to be caught, and should be used to throw an (uncaught) exception upon detection of a programming error, i.e., an internal consistency check. Regular exceptions, on the other hand, are for handling exceptional cases encountered in the process of execution (such as file-not-found or unsupported-format).

Swift just makes it a bit stronger. No exceptions.

They will probably add exceptions in 1.1 or 2.0. They're pretty imporant.

Comment Re:Bjarne Stroustrup (Score 1) 636

Apple can definitely deploy the new language effectively, but I'm not sure it solves any problems.

The problem it solves is Objective-C having a steep learning curve and, more importantly, people having a kneejerk reaction to its odd syntax.

In other words, Swift will have a wider appeal to people than Objective-C. And that means more developers for iOS, which in turns means more money for Apple.

Comment Re:Deja vu (Score 1) 311

The $ per square meter spent on a runway at an airport is more than a few orders of magnitude more than that spent on public roads.

I call BS on your assertion. Either that, or you can't be serious. A "few orders of magnitude" is like 4 or 5 or 6, but let's say for the sake of discussion that you mean the lowest possible value of "few," which would be 3. That's still 10^3 = 1000. And then you say "more than a few orders of magnitude," which would mean at least 10^4 = 10,000. In any case, there's no way that the dollars per square meter spent on a runway at an airport is 1000x— let alone 10,000x — more than that spent on public roads.

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