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Comment Re:Maybe, but you won't make it past HR (Score 1) 255

Why would you need MS Office to communicate with others. That's what we have e-mail and phones and a number of other tools for. Using a Word document to communicate something generally gets ignored. Also, most people have evolved to be able to use more than just MSOffice, they can use LibreOffice, Google Docs etc. If your HR drones fail to recognize the technological process since 2000, their performance needs reviewing.

Comment Re:Buggy software is buggy (Score 1) 233

You can never assume that time will not change due to external factors. That could be due to a sysadmin executing the 'ntpdate' command, leap years, leap seconds or even daylight savings.

You're talking mainly about human representations of time though and although the conversion should be handled delicately, they should not be used for internal time representations (a major mistake I see very often is to handle/parse hh:mm:ss strings back and forth between a model and a controller).

The testcase however is one that does need handling though if you do require such reliance on time. It may not be simple but yes, it is possible to fake the clock (ntpdsim). External (live/production) data within a test environment is likewise a 'bad thing', you most likely will not handle outliers if you assume the current external data includes improper data.

Comment Re:Buggy software is buggy (Score 1) 233

Most, if not all of them. Unix time is leap second-ignorant and there are a number of other time sources that likewise handle leap seconds. If you do for some reason, require solar seconds or GPS time, there are other solutions for that. Most likely though, it's your platform that needs to handle the leap seconds and Linux, Mac, BSD, Solaris is more than capable of that, don't know about Windows or other esoteric systems though.

The issue is in human date/time representations and/or bad programming. I've seen many times programmers parsing a MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss string rather than a proper timestamp. I've also seen programmers implement timers even in lower-level languages like C by simply subtracting "$current time" - "$past time" or having a timestamp with a "unique" requirement. If you've ever worked on platforms that do not keep accurate track of time or have no hardware clock such as embedded devices, virtual servers etc, then you know that it's a bad idea.

If you're relying on mm:ss to progress 'properly' during these time events, then you're in trouble. The article gives the example of timers as well which just gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Comment Buggy software is buggy (Score 0, Troll) 233

Slow news day? Software dependent on accurate timing should be able to handle such exceptions such as leap seconds, leap years etc. It is a simple test case and is well documented. So if your software fails, you have a bug in your software, which shows you either didn't test or you're simply incompetent.

Also, most if not all languages have libraries that can handle accurate timing very well.

Comment Re:Shared hosting (Score 1) 97

VPS has the same problem as shared hosting amongst the majority, especially the 'cheap' VPS. Shared hosting == VPS and Shared Hosting is way more resource-friendly to the hosting company.

A good VPS is nicer to have than a shared host because you're (generally) not locked to a specific operating system or software stack but if you're just doing static or simple PHP content you may be better off with a good shared host than a similar cost VPS.

Comment Re:What is Windows doing differently? (Score 1) 182

Does your OS actually do TRIM or is it merely reporting that it supports TRIM? Or does it require a binary to execute TRIM? I've noticed, most devices are simply ignoring TRIM commands. Also, do you actually continuously verify that your data is written and stored correctly? Unless you have ZFS or BTRFS, you most likely are accumulating errors across your data.

Comment Re:TRIM -- command of mass destruction (Score 1) 182

I wouldn't say that. There are plenty of stories about random SSD corruption across all platforms. Some platforms (Windows/Mac) simply do not execute TRIM unless the device is whitelisted or a proprietary piece of binary is running on the computer.

TRIM is a kludge at best, a hack to get better performance out of shitty drives. Get a decent SSD and you won't need TRIM.

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