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Comment Re:Well, DUH. (Score 1) 544

and, despite the findings of your rigorous "informal online survey", there actually ISN'T that much demand for such a device.

Sliders made up 30% of US phone sales, a short time ago. There's no mistaking those numbers. There are a large number of people who want them. Perhaps they, like me, are reluctantly sticking with older sliders, waiting for a compelling device to come out. Maybe a few are reluctantly accepting non-sliders, with no other options from work or their preferred carrier.

Hell, I'd have switched to Republic Wireless, or Ting, or others, if they had a compelling Android slider available with their service. I never even considered an iPhone, for their omission. Lots of companies are losing decent chunks of money, for ignoring this market.

I was planning to sign-up with T-Mobile, too, and delayed for being unable to find a slider for myself, and the plan isn't such a good deal with fewer people on it. I later realized they had just one, but their website doesn't have it classified correctly, so you get no results when you narrow it down to Android and Qwerty, but I find their service less-compelling today, so several potential customers were lost.

Comment Re:... Exclusion?! (Score 1) 544

Not sure where this rant came from, but...

Coke and Pepsi both have sold mini-cans, about 8oz, for quite a few years. It's up to the convenience stores you visit to choose to stock them, or not. And if they determine that they can't make a profit on them, they shouldn't stock what YOU happen to want.

Of course you also have the option of throwing an ice chest in your car, stocked with whatever sizes of soda you prefer. You could save tons of money, and entirely eliminate waste, by buying 3 litre bottles of generic sodas for $1, and using whatever size cup/bottle you prefer.

Or you could just drink water... Cold water and crushed/cubed ice in the door of my refrigerator, with a 5 year filter to eliminate the bad chlorine taste, is easily the best and most convenient option for drinking I've found.

For some flavor, drink powders (iced-tea, lemonade, hawaiian punch, tang, gatorade, etc.) are far cheaper than buying water that's been trucked across the country, and can be mixed into drinks in whatever sizes or strengths you happen to prefer. They even sell "stick" packs to be dumped into bottles of water, though you're far better off if you reuse and refill any water bottles you buy.

Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

How does traffic generated within verisonz ASN, and exists within the same verizon ASN, even need BGP to function?

This discussion is all about data going from: Netflix --> Level-3 --> Verizon

How are you getting Verizon --> Verizon out of this, and how is that relevant to Netflix?

Comment Re:Where are the buggy whip dealers? (Score 1) 544

And the other huge problem here with selection bias: he targeted people who'd used both virtual and physical keyboards. In other words, the people who had at one point gone out of their way to buy a physical keyboard when there were other options. Not many people (percentage wise) ever bothered, so the set is very much limited to those who were motivated to like the non-virtual option.

Comment So, what does the in-memory database option do? (Score 5, Interesting) 97

This being slashdot, it would be nice to have the article on "gotcha" licensing accompanied by at least as much information what it actually is, and when it would be worth paying for. (And not just some snarky comments about how cheaper databases already have in-memory tables, unless that's really all it is!)

Comment Re:My experience with hydrocodone... (Score 4, Interesting) 511

I am a bit unusual in NOT having started drinking coffee until almost the age of 40, and had the same experience of hyper-concentration the first time! Now I can hardly feel anything, if at all.

I think growing tolerance to drugs is practically universal. I've known several people who started Prozac etc. and told me, "wow, so THIS is what I've been missing! Life is so great!" But fast forward a year, and they don't seem that much happier. Yet they still have a costly prescription for the rest of their lives.

Comment Re:Oe noes! A compiler bug! (Score 0) 739

GCC is terminally broken for ever and ever and ever.

GCC is a mess that has been getting consistently worse since 3.0. It's so bad that compiling GCC with GCC, with any CPU optimizations enabled, produces a non-working compiler. It just keeps getting bigger and slower, and has a great many proprietary GCC-isms that open source developers keep using, not even realizing they're bugs.

The crappiness of GCC has driven tons of people away, and spurred the development of LLVM, tcc, and others.

I've seen fewer bugs in GCC than any other production compiler ever.

Either you're not looking (myopia is fun), or you have very little experience with other modern compilers.

End result, the GCC people will fix this bug in short order

With this much publicity, they might... But major bugs that get reported, but don't hit the /. front page, and often linger for year after year.

The success of Linux is 100% built off the success of GCC. There have been no other credible compilers for Linux throughout the majority of its existence

Only true if you drink rms' kool-aid... Otherwise, any of the proprietary compilers out there would have done the job just fine. Or Linux developers would have put some effort into getting another compiler up-to-par for their purposes if nothing had been available, kinda like they did with the kernel...

And now, the competition is just waiting to break-through and rid us of all the GCC nonsense.

Comment Re: Alternative explanation (Score 1) 398

Your first paragraph is a pointlessly incredulous waste of time.

The rest is vastly exaggerating the difficulty... There are several very small open source multicast file distribution software packages out there that already do all of this, and work perfectly. It is not a major technical feat.

Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

Verizon providing free access to Netflix is the logical conclusion of your attitude. You don't care about the technical details, and just want everything handed to you. That gives upstream services the upper hand to demand absolutely anything and everything from Verizon, including making them build-out their network as cheaper ISPs put more burden on Verizon, or even making Verizon pay for access, lest they lose customers.

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