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Comment Re:you guys really miss the point... (Score 1) 329

"most "mental illness" appears to be an appropriate biological response to environmental and psychological stressors."

You obviously have never known a schizophrenic person. Please tell me how exactly are hallucinations, paranoid delusions and a complete inability to make rational decisions an appropriate biological response to environmental and psychological stressors?

Comment Re:But... (Score 4, Insightful) 186

I know everybody loves to bash Walmart, but is really justified? At the risk of greatly oversimplifying, you can help poor people by 1. getting them more money, or 2. making the things they need to buy cost less. Walmart is working very hard at doing thing 2. Do you think Walmart's margins are higher or lower than the retail industry average?

Comment Re:Entropy (Score 3, Informative) 813

The entropy of the solar system has been increasing since it was formed. What makes you think it hasn't? The existence of life on earth may have decreased entropy in some places but the solar system overall has increased in entropy. You can't look at the earth in isolation when the sun is adding energy to the earth, you have to consider the entire system.

Comment Re:STILL doesn't prove causation! (Score 1, Flamebait) 358

1. Smoking (anything) raises your risk of oral and lung cancers, including marijuana.

So vape it or bake it into cookies or whatever. You don't have to smoke it.

2. Marijuana lowers IQ in developing brains, e.g. children and adolescents. If you've seen the kind of permanent damage neurons experience after smoking marijuana, this is hardly surprising.

Citation pls. Also who says kids should have it? This is for grownups only, same as tobacco and alcohol.

3. Marijuana causes psychosis in healthy people and worsens it in those with existing conditions.

Again Citation needed. We have just barely started to study this. RTFA.

4. Marijuana is addictive. It's a hotly debated point but the fact is that many people really struggle to stop using it and relapse.

No it isn't.It isn't addictive, and the point is not hotly debated. It is as habituating as any other pleasant pass-time, but addictive, in the way a doctor would define it, it is not. Damn near everyone I knew at school who smoked weed, (which is damn near everyone i knew) doesn't smoke any more. It was no big hardship, you just stop. Coffee is actually more addictive, it will give you withdrawal symptoms, marijuana will not. Look at it this way, over 50% of Americans have tried weed, under 5% smoke it daily.

Comment Re:It's not like it's a new drug or small sample s (Score 4, Insightful) 358

As far as i know the active ingredient is the same as it has always been. You have modern strains of weed that might produce more of it, but so what. We have always had the ability to concentrate high levels of THC into things like hashish and pot oil. The dose you ingest has always depended on what you smoke and how much. Three fat stogies of 1978 Columbian gold or one medium sized J of 2012 Northern Lights and you are in exactly the same place.

Its like arguing that wine is twice as bad for you as beer because it contains twice the percent of alcohol.

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