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Comment Christie in 2016 - how will this play out. (Score 2) 266

As a non-USA-citizen, I don't have any stake in the outcome, but I'm really curious to see how this affects Christie's run for the White House. Is this a big enough problem to derail his carefully crafted "Pragmatic, bi-partisan, get stuff done" persona, or will it blow over?

My personal take, FWIW, is that he either knew and is lying, or he didn't and is a schmuck because his whole team leadership lied to him for months and he didn't catch on. If I was a voter I would be asking myself, "What if this guy is elected president, and then one day gets mad at me?"

Comment Money Talks (Score 2) 236

The moral of the story is Money Talks. An embargo is toothless if we have to keep buying Iran's oil. Once we can get our oil without them, the embargo starts to bite hard. The mullahs are looking at what happened in Egypt and Tunisia and Syria, and they can do the math. About 60% of their population is under 30. They are young, educated and unemployed, which is the recipe for social unrest and political instability. The sanctions are making an already bad problem much worse. If they have to choose between obtaining nuclear weapons, or regime survival, they will make the obvious choice.

Comment Re:42-year old pre-med student (Score 2) 279

My younger self was an absolute fuckwit, at times. He also managed to last long enough to turn into my older self, who tries to not be too smug about how much he has improved. My younger self also was busy making the mistakes my older self has learned from. As a completely off topic example it took me about 5 years to figure out there were some things I did that women absolutely hated, and another 5 years to figure out that maybe I should stop doing them.

Comment Re:Scare tactics (Score 1) 407

Basically yes, this is how it was explained to me. The animal was herded by Anglo-Saxons, so it kept the Anglo Saxon name - Cow, Swine, Chicken etc. The meat prepared in the kitchen got the Norman French name, because the cooks had to tell their overlords what was for dinner (if they weren't French cooks in the first place) so - Poultry (Poulet), Beef (Boeuf) and Pork (Porc).

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