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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 200

Not only can they cut their own waste, but conventional U235 is only like less than 0.5% of all U ore, and what these guys are after is the remaining 99.5% which is just as good nuclear fuel as that 0.5% if you got the technology to burn it and make heat out of it, for steam. I just did a whole serenade about bismuth, gallium, zinc vapors, sulfur vapors, molybdenum, niobium and ruthenium structural materials and fast neutron reactors, if you dig through my Slashdot posting history. I mean if you're one of these researchers who cares and is looking for ideas.

Comment Re:People who did High School Chemistry know this. (Score 1) 182

Liquid nitrogen, when used in place of compressed air to keep tubing greases from oxidizing in pneumatic powered robotic machines, so when these pneumatics work and go puff puff, and you work next to a machine that cranks out 3000 assemblies in 8 hrs, and for each there is like 30 different puffs going off, and you stand in a cage surrounded by them, so then you get to learn about the narcotic effects of nitrogen. As that's what the most pronounced effect is, it's an anesthetic, it puts you to sleep while working and standing up. Sleeping on the job, even if standing, is not tolerated by management, unless you know how to keep moving while spaced out and the whole world going dark before you.
The solutions are simple - shake your head wildly, if you can't move around.
If you got room to step back and bounce up and down to get your blood pressure up and heart rate up, bounce up and down, get a pulse going, and you can fight that 15% O2 atmosphere you've been working in, and with a high pulse, your spacing out and falling asleep O2 ambient concentration is like 13%, or something lower like that. Shaking your head also utilizes lower blood O2 levels effectively. Yawning also increases blood pressure to increase oxygen pressure, to supply the brain better when it's low on energy, energy being glucose + O2, either one missing, and when you're sleepy it's the glucose missing, or low concentration, but increasing O2 can help mend the situation, and squeeze extra out of what's left available. When you catch yourself yawning on the job, or even while driving in your car, pay extra attention, and as a last resort, shake your head wildly. I would have been in at least 50 accidents so far if gassing me with nitrogen or the like could make me pass out while driving, but I know the head shaking trick, to the point where they had to sell me a remote control car, that had like a fluid-feeling coupling power steering at the steering wheel, like really soft like old stereo knobs, not hard and direct like I'm used to, but I had no option but drive it, and think, wow, that's interesting, til one night, in the rain, I hit a rain spot, and it would not obey my commands to correct for it, and I went spinning straight into the side rails at highway speeds, both airbags deployed, and I smacked out the driver's side window with my head, but did not feel a thing. I thought that was the end, but I made it through with only my right pinky hurting, it was weird, like why would I not feel my head hurt after an impact like that, and why would my pinky hurt? And I learned something about myself. I don't get scared facing death, my pulse barely went up, they say it takes some time before you become aware of what just really happened, but for me there never came such a time. It's like piss on it, whatever, shit happens, get on with your life if you can.

Comment Re:Ultimate Ice Buckey Challenge (Score 1) 182

I keep hearing about the Leidenfrost effect, like in dude, that's so cool, let's try it. Yeah right! One of these days I stick my arm into liquid nitrogen, and the Leidenfrost effect fails to show up to participate, and there goes my arm, shattering to icy pieces, and me banging my head against a wall of how could I be so stupid I knew I should not have stuck my arm into liquid nitrogen.

Comment Re:Ban when you are done testing? (Score 1) 322

Dude a treaty banning such things is just that, a treaty. Better than absolutely nothing, but it still does not stop the research and development, except it's gonna be classified, and countries that can afford to do it, will do it anyway, as that what really makes the difference, whether you can afford to develop it, not whether you want to because a treaty is telling you not to. It's the real world mofos.. It will come down to how you can keep doing it anyway in secret, but then you can't wave it as a threat during negotiations or diplomatic exchanges, which is what super weapons are most useful for, nobody really wants to use them, or at least not too much, just sparsely, here and there to test it out and make sure it works, like in a hillbilly war with Afghanistan, where the going is easy - but the main use of super weapons is as a diplomatic strong arm tool.

If it can be done it will be done, or at least it might be done, and the only safe solution against the possibility of these threats - such as nuclear or biological weapons delivered by these missiles - to humanity actualizing in practice is running away, into outer space, and have at least 100 million or 1 billion people living up there, for starters. Even if it were a nonhypersonic warhead loaded with deadly, biotech lab designed anthrax like spores that eat any animal up and there is no immune defense from them - such as combo between clostridium difficile and anthrax, it aint that complicated - so even if you shoot such a thing out of the sky but the debris land in your country or even the nearby ocean, you could still be doomed. The bubonic plague that ravaged Europe in the Middle Ages is just the first one of these things, and with the advent of biotech, they are gonna be deadlier and deadlier, delivered to you as weapons. Nuclear isn't even the threat to run away from into outer space, but biotech weapons are.

Comment Re: 1st post (Score 1) 266

Btw, I came across a note that adding K2SO4 to H2SO4 increases he boiling point from the 330C's to the 370C's. I think it was the Kjedahl method of nitrogen digestion, or some other nitrogen test. So in case you want to recover moisture from the air in a desert (from what I gather, the relative humidity in deserts is usually between 10 and 30%, corresponding to about 0.5% weight moisture in the air. So for every 199 parts of absolutely dry air mass you get 1 part of steam or water vapor mass) using sulfuric acid, adding a salt like K2SO4 to it can lower the vapor pressure even further reducing sulfuric acid loss through vaporisation. All you need is an acid resistant pond and just let the sulfuric + K2SO4 sit outside overnight, or for weeks (and even at 10% concentration sulfuric has desiccant properties, though maybe not in a desert) and let it build up moisture. Then you need an acid resistant (such as glass) distillation apparatus, with a good acid resistant reflux column to distill the water out as steam, using solar or wind origin heat, which should condense fine at room temperature to absolutely pure distilled water.
Phosphoric acid has similar properties, however, according to Wikipedia it boils at 158C and decomposes at 213 C into, I'm guessing, polyphosphoric acids and water, which should boil even higher. Pure anhydrous phos acid can be obtained by vacuum distilling 85% phos acid, so I'm guessing there might be some kind of azeotrope there. So anyway, polyphosphoric acids, or just plain phosphoric acid might have a lower vapor pressure and lower loss through evaporation, including loading with phosphate salts that might lower the vapor pressure even further.
Ideally there might be some very hydrophobic sugary-like things that are liquid with water, and hold onto it strongly, I don't know if highly polysulfonated aliphatics or aromatics are like that, or even polymeric glycols which should absolutely not evaporate, but maybe they are not hygroscopic enough. I don't know if it's possible to polysulfonate them and not char them into aromatic-like brown condensates on the way to graphitization, but anything slightly polymeric and somehow, of low viscosity, should have very low vapor pressure to where if you put it outside in a pond, you can recycle it for years and years without evaporation loss. Glycerol has a high boiling pt, but also high viscosity, and a low flash point, so it's a fire hazard, which goes equally for the other organic chemicals, so the water recovery distillation part might have issues if the hydrophobic material is not properly selected. But most hydrophobic materials are ultra-loaded on hydrogenbonding oxygen groups, which should be less combustible than straight hydrocarbons, but also amine groups, which maybe more combustible, maybe not. What else can you attach a lot of to a high(or never) boiling organic polymer, besides lots of hydroxyl, sulfonate, and amine groups? Making them into a salt might increase the boiling point even further, and hygroscopicity too, but then you're probably dealing with a crystalline solid anymore, not a liquid, so when going that approach, things that are volatile in absence of being a salt might work. Also if the stuff is not volatile at all, the distillation is pretty straightforward, other than thermal degradation over time. Sulfuric and phosphoric acids are simple compounds and don't thermally degrade from repeated distillations, but most organic materials do. So something super-thermally-stable would be necessary, maybe hexa-sulfonated hidered aromatics if they still stay liquid, or even fluorinated sulfonated things, where the fluorine increases thermal stability compared to hydrogen, but it also lessens the hydrophilicity, but maybe not too much to where it's worth including it in the moisture scrubbing liquid compound.
There are molten salts that are ionic and organic, so they might be moisture scrubbing too, but maybe too thermal degradation sensitive. Thermal degradation from repeated boilings is a very important criterion for such atmospheric scrubbing liquids.
Oh yeah I also read somewhere that calcium chloride, a highly renowned and cheap dessiccant, melts in its own crystal water near 29-32 degrees depending on purity, so to become very moisture hogging again, as in crystalline water hogging, it has to be able to undergo this "freezing", and if the desert air temperature is higher than 29-32, it's not possible for it to "freeze" back into the crystal-water state. So whatever salts are used, they should have a "melt in your own crystal water" temperature higher than the ambient temperature in deserts, which is sometimes 50C (120F.) Maybe sodium hydroxide is such a thing, but its fault is also scrubbing the CO2 from the air, and losing hygroscopicity that way. So staying in the neutral pH or acidic pH may be important, other than mildly basic amines that give up their CO2 easily, which could also be used as a byproduct, to convert into a hydrocarbon from the plentiful energy but low availability of moisture or fuel materials in the desert. Or it can be used for injecting into a greenhouse atmosphere, for better growth rates of plants in it.

Comment Re:No: They Can't (Score 1) 258

It's always the retards that moan for laxer controlled substance laws. I say, like Pontius Pilate, give the people what they want, if they wanna be fucked in the head from being constantly high. let them be constantly high. Then you can bitch at them for being so, and harass them with words, but you can't force them with laws.

Comment Re:Can't you teabaggers (Score 1) 258

If you're a homosexual male then that might be your thing. And as almost every female is a lesbian - some naturally, some need alcohol - a surprise of a dick from a tranny would not be such a surprise to them, would not be such an instant rejection. I feel for these trannies for being born the way they are, and constant rejection they get, especially from homophobic males, as they are people too and every person in beautiful, but if they learn to hang mostly with the females, females in general have more capacity to love everyone (of course with the downside that they have more capacity to hate and be psycho too.)

Comment Re:No: They Can't (Score 1) 258

Yeah they should amend the constitution on the 2nd amendment part, on that besides the right to possess weapons for self defense, with the possibility of shooting your foot off, they should allow full substance abuse, with the ability to fuck yourself up, but then you don't get into situations like going to the doctor asking for antibiotics, and the doctors deny it from you, instead they send you to the nut house, in their best judgment of what's best for you. Hey even if you're crazy you may not belong in the nut house, but instead should be able to get antibiotics, which is not instilled into law as of yet. If anything lack of controlled substances and allowing full substance abuse would lessen the burden on the welfare state by the retards, as they would fuck themselves up and die quicker. Nobody forces you to fuck yourself up with drugs. There is peer pressure, and bullying, but in general you are in charge of your destiny, you're the captain of your soul, not the government, just like the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh recited it in the poem Invictus at his execution. How many fucking idiots do we have to pay for to keep in prison on a mere "found" some bits of drugs on him. What's the big fucking deal? If he wants to fuck himself up, let him do it, you can deny employment from him over it, but you don't have the right to make the decision of what's best for him, that is fully his turf.

Comment Re:He is what he is... (Score 1) 258

Yeah Obama is like fuzzy logic, gray area, neither black, nor white, but both black and white at the same time. But when it comes to people, we usually don't call the ones in between gray people, but creole, or caramel, or brown. Creolization is the term used with people similar to how perfectly white sugar gets caramelized, and brown, halfway between being pure white crystal sugar, or pure black carbon char. To see pure black carbon char from sugar, watch videos of concentrated sulfuric acid reacting with crystal sugar, like So there too, the intermediate stage between white and black is not something gray, but brown. Pretty neat, isn't it?

Comment Re:No: They Can't (Score 1) 258

I would love to sign such a thing. Suing employers is very low on my list of priorities, as in, you're welcome not to show up to work, and the consequences are mild - like no job stability history. The only imaginable thing is when you get attacked, but that would also stand in public life, nobody else is responsible if you go around in public and get yourself hurt, but if they attack you, it's different. Similar things of the employer is not responsible for the employees safety would kind of apply, as in if it were a public place, however there are traps and gotchas that employers with decades of experience know about, and you don't, so when they tell you to do something or wear something, you have to rely on them for guidance, else withholding such thing they'd be considered attacking you. It's complicated. But sometimes things are obviously plain and simple. Like how will a hardhat that's very hot in the summer gonna protect you from chemicals or overhead cranes dropping 5 tons of metal on you - if anything they block your vision to quickly react and jump like a cat. Yet some chemical or metal handling employers mandate hardhats irregardless, and you're the one who gets to suffer from the unnecessary and stupid clown gear.

Comment Re:Since nuclear is "too cheap to meter"... co (Score 1) 258

You're right. Nuclear power, or even renewable power as it's happening in Germany these days, may be too cheap to meter in the sense of having a flat fee system instead, once you got the infrastructure in place, just like with broadband Internet or a lot of cellphone services. The limit, in this sense would be the "bandwidth" of your electric wires coming into your house, which sets a maximum power rate, and then you can buy different plans based on the fatness or gauge + voltage (whether it's 110, 220, 330 or 440V) of your power connection, just like you can get different broadband Internet flat rates based on the connection speed. In essence your "meter" is your bandwidth, which puts a cap on the maximum possible amount extractable even when on at 100%, so the setup is not vulnerable to the tragedy of the commons overconsumption issues.

Comment Re:Since nuclear is "too cheap to meter"... (Score 1) 258

It was a he, and he complained a lot when my mother would not let him inside at night to snuggle up and sleep behind the warm stove in the winter right next to the mouse hole, his favorite spot - you'd fall asleep to him purring if he got to spend the night there - but inevitably by each morning he'd shit under another empty bed we had in the room, and my mother got tired of cleaning it up daily, so she locked him outside in the cold, and then you'd fall asleep to him desperately meowing right outside the door, asking to be let inside.
He was an old cat, a village cat, and in most villages people never even heard about cat litter boxes, as in you let the cat outside and it does its thing, it finds a spot where it can bury its poop with earth, without humans having to micromanage it. So some never really grow up to be housebroken, but stay wild, always hunting rodents and birds and the like around the house. In fact some old ladies I knew had like 4 cats in the attic, that were very wild, not friendly with humans, like you could not touch them and make them purr, they'd run away from you and even if you caught them it would be a fight and a bloodbath, and they would not come to you no matter how long you asked and tried, something they learned from their mothers. So these old school communist-block back country village cats were almost fully dependent also on the availability of rodents, and their own, wild population was kept in check by lack of rodents or rodents over hunted, unlike in a lot of elderly cat lady stories in modern US cities, where the abundance of cat food gives rise to 500 highly domesticated cats in the same house, and cat poop everywhere, where social workers and animal services have to step in. There is something beautiful about retaining wilderness and self reliance in the middle of a busy social environment, like a village, even if that also means difficulty and lack of abundance of resources, but at least it keeps your population in check, in some kind of "suffering" balance and harmony with your environment, and similar arguments would go for the welfare system that permeates the US so much. People need to learn how to get wild, how to lower their fucking standards, lose their luxuries but make their own ends meet, and when someone is trying to do that, to become wilder and more self reliant by lowering his standards, like buying a junk house of sleeping in a tent in the middle of freezing winter, you should not attack him for it.

Comment Re:Interesting line from TFA: (Score 1) 212

He he he. Well, when it comes to food at least, absolute specieism hold well morally, for all species equivalently, their own kind being above other species. Such as a tiger is supposed to eat a human before it eats another tiger for food, it should respect its own kind. Similarly, a human should eat a tiger before eating another human. Unless you got 10 trillion humans in the word and you're dealing with the last 10 tigers left, about to go extinct, that situation could be complicated. But then there's got to be other food than tigers, or humans, like rats, available, or even simple grass and tree leaves.
On the other hand if you consider these other animals inhabited by the same intelligent parasites that inhabit humans, ants, trees and the forest floor, and do mind control on higher species, then you can't really argue on basis of intellect, because those animals might be just as sentient as you through having the same sentient residents in them as you do. However specieism or indentiism still holds, as in every life form is reponsible for themselves as an individual first, then their kind, before they get held responsible for other life forms. Such as a hungry wolf can eat a rat, it's responsible to live, and even in reproductive sense it's responsible to maintain and breed with its own kind, wild wolf populations instead of say domesticated dogs of various kinds.

Comment Re:You could just use Salt... (Score 1) 245

There isn't that much battery research left to do that has not been done in the past 150 years. But if you have your own windmill, you can still optimize your own at home micro-economy, by bagging deals on scrap stainless with high nickel at a junkyard, and extracting the nickel from it and make your own battery. Same with even scrap lead.

The make your own battery part is a great thing, because all, all, all batteries wear out and die, and if you have to trade it in for a brand new one. like lead acid you get $10 for your scrap one, and spend $100 on the brand new one, when the brand new one is not that much more value, all you have to do with the scrap one is recover the lead, melt it down and pour it back into electrode shapes, and coat it with lead dioxide you make with bleach. And the bleach you can make yourself too from road ice salt, if you have a windmill, instead of paying out the ass for stuff packaged at the store, where, if nothing else, you have to pay for that "expensive" plastic bottle that you will throw in the garbage later. Expensive on a relative scale of course. All you need is a basement to have a chemistry hobby. But the authorities may not like everyone getting expert at chemistry, because then home made chlorate+charcoal gunpowder might proliferate, and these days, that's the biggest deal with the 2nd amendment, even if you got a gun, you have to bend over backward to get your hands on any ammo, sometimes it's so scarce and unreliable. Plus the biggest hobby chemistry field at home is illegal drug making, as in recreational drugs, not things like antibiotics, of course. I don't think if people synthesized antibiotics like sulfa drugs or even penicillin at home, for their own personal use, that the authorities would get involved too much, even if they are controlled substances. This whole idea of a controlled substance is just insane. Like how can you justify one person having the right to access to some substance, but not another? Doctor has to approve it? The doctor is a fucking corrupt crook, you are your own doctor first and foremost, and you can hire consultants to help you out, but you are responsible for your own health, not some stupid doctor, whose financial interests are more to get you sick and keep you sick, than what you would consider your best interest, being sick as little as possible. Money makes the world go round when it comes to health care and doctors. Which is why you can't trust them which is why controlled substances are bullshit. They should amend the constitution with right to substances of any kind whatsoever, just like you have the right to self defense weapons of any kind whatsoever, and if you shoot yourself in the foot with them, well that's your fault. But the government should not be paternalistic protecting you from yourself, or more like, keeping you oppressed with that kind of excuse. Like injecting you with drugs you don't want in your body because they think it's better for you. Aren't you the one who's supposed to make that decision, is the government in charge of and responsible for your body or is it you yourself?

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