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Comment Re:Obama Is The Virus (Score 1) 100

Yeah, not everything is Obama's fault. Lots of things are, but the EPA is a good thing. So is OSHA. Without them we have things like shown on to which should be added Fukushima and West, TX fertilizer disasters (which is why urea is a safer nitrogen fertilizer than ammonium nitrate, but requires a carbon source, such as coal or oil or natural gas, to make. On the other hand ammonium nitrate makes a great explosive for makeshift bombs and makeshift ammo for self defense if social security fails and the welfare checks stop coming and an economic apocalypse or an Asian invasion hits, and people start eating each other, but it's also a bad explosive in the hands of terrorists with a cause, such as the Oklahoma bomber bitchin about the Waco TX FBI tank invasion, citing "my head is bloody but unbowed" Invictus poem at his execution. So that West, TX, explosion is a bad thing, but it has a yin yang good side to it, that less ammonium nitrate and more urea will be made and supplied bulk to the public. Liquid ammonia, if handled properly, is cheaper in massive bulk per unit cost, but urea is cheaper to handle in smaller quantities, and can be sold in bags at Walmart, and is safer than both ammonia or ammonium nitrate.) The EPA and OSHA only become a bad thing if they don't properly exercise balance, or common sense, i.e. they are too overbearing, or not overbearing enough. It's difficult to balance economics and jobs with environmental protection, and heavy swings in either direction may happen due to simple incompetence. Rule #1 of any job: we are all incompetent at what we do, some are just more incompetent than others. And the opposite is true too, we are all experts at what we do, some are just better than others. Usually practice makes the masters, and that's why employers look for experience above anything else when trying to get a job done, but experience alone is not a guarantee of great competence.

Comment Re:crAss (Score 1) 100

Sometimes somebody else gives you a crass name, as a way of mocking you, such as Anal as an abbreviation for Analytical. And then you're stuck with it, love it or not. You yourself would have probably chosen a more respectable name, so with a name like this there may be a reason to look for tension, Abel-Kain or racism related social and psychological issues with the people that came up with the name. What a fun task for all these humanities college graduates analyzing the anthropological/psycho-sexual-freudian ramifications surrouding biotech muscle-minds. Now I don't envy the scientists involved in this research, but they can send all these humanities grads away for a while by keeping them busy analyzing some really heavy duty pscyho issue loaded topics like weird porn, and then they can get some breathing space for themselves in the meantime. As in here, analyze this, you psycho freaks. And leave me alone for a while.

And by the way, in biotech we should take on a more voyeuristic approach, as in watching all the life that's already there, and learning it, without creating too much new biotech variation in a dish, that's so cheap to do, but it can dangerously get out of hand. And hold off on it while with outer space, instead of having a voyeuristic Hubble telescope and the like attitude, we should take on a more practical and pragmatic invade nobody's territory and claim it as our own approach, and live there, safely, securely, isolated from the atmosphere and biosphere down here, which is very expensive to do, but safety first. Then you an go more wild tinkering with biotech in a dish and carrying it on your skin outside and infecting the whole atmosphere with it.

Comment Re:Why? (Score -1, Flamebait) 85

Y'all are naive. They are probably building these flying ships to invade us when they get really hungry. Asians eat anything, alive. Like watch some Korean live octopus eating videos. If push comes to shove and they are really hungry they can eat you and I too. I love Asian countries like I love tigers. They are beautiful, I want them to live well and prosper, but I worry they want to eat me for dinner. We better have an iron dome missile defense against these slow moving targets, because, when, out of the 1300 million people they got there, they decide to send 333 million to over here with these flying ships, that's a whole lot of flying ships to knock out of the sky, while they are still above the ocean, so they fall into the ocean and don't land on land. It's like a video game where you get a high score, but you cannot run out of ammo, and then it's game over, and in real life you cannot try and play again to get a higher score, unlike in a video game. By the way the US has 330 million people, so 333 million is 3 million more than that, and that's a lot of hungry mouths to feed once they land here, and they eat anything, including you and I, alive, for breakfast. And they'd still have another 1000 million of them left at home. Stack up on the iron dome missile shield ammo supply, I say.

Comment Re: Australia Deserves it. (Score 0) 128

As far as piracy and intellectual property goes, it simply shouldn't apply to some things, like prostitution material. Like this stuff (the traditional slashdot goatse warning, though this one is not may gale, but very feminine) . And that brings up the topic of same sex marriage. People are just too fucking horny. Traditionally marriage has been between a man and a woman, and the bible prescribes proper sex as only into the vagina, and ejaculating into the vagina, and other forms or sex, including fellatio (blowjobs), cunnilingus(pussylicking), sodomizing(anal sex, also oral sex technically) are improper. So, in a sense, same sex couples are free and have been free to practice their craft or creed, and nobody really cares, as long as you love each other, and you don't hurt kids, and you don't kill each other or send each other into the hospital with stuck objects and whatnot - and all hospitals have a long roster of such stuck object incidents - where we, the outsiders have to get involved. Also keep it to yourself, don't hang it out in the public in the face of kids, like the Teletubbies Tinkie Winkie is gay, and now we got a big discrimination topic, and everybody has to walk on eggshells because he's gay, and not to offend him, or he'll file a discrimination lawsuit. Ma, what does it mean he's gay? Shut up son, that's not for you to know. But I want to know. You'll know when you turn 14. Same sex marriage? Come on now. They should pass laws where discrimination against gays is illegal, with the understanding that it's not gonna be a constant open topic. Such as when people are working together. Just like working with the opposite sex, don't get your meat where you get your bread, in that don't get your piece of ass meat where you earn your daily bread income, because when things don't work out, it will be hell to the point of unable to sustain an income. And somebody being married, or a bachelor or bachelorette, or gay or lesbian, that's their business and none of the coworker's business, at least not as far as working together is concerned, I mean people know anyway if someone's like that, but it's not an open in your face topic, hey I came out of the closet, yeah, I'm a woman and I like to lick pussy, or wear strapons and fondle my bitch, or I'm a guy and I love sucking dick - dude, if you're gay, don't openly trumpet you're gay. It's ok, we just don't wanna talk about it. And if someone assumes you like the opposite sex, and talks to you about it as if you actually did, play along, pretend you do, for the sake of peace and harmony. Because as far as I know it still takes a woman and a man to create a child, and a child is a very important thing to the point where we should ask the gay people to be more flexible and tolerant and play along in their behavior as opposed to the straight ones, and child is a bond stronger than a marriage vow, or a ring on the finger, or at least should be. Same sex couples can adopt kids, but they could adopt them as individuals, and not brainwash the children into their own mentality, their own culture and lifestyle of gayness, because they are influencing the reproductive rights of the child. If anything, they should act as if they were bachelors or bachelorettes, with close friends, and even if the kids find out from walking in on them or from the noises, it's okay, they'd know anyway, but it would be like a taboo, not an open "we're a same sex married couple and we adopted you" topic at the dinner table, and this way they can still decide for themselves if they wanna follow the beaten path and have their own children, or wanna wander off into the same sex couple territory where they can only adopt.

Comment Re: Australia Deserves it. (Score 0) 128

I'm I'm not buying no car insurance, health insurance, business insurance, life insurance, etc. Insurance is for retards who buy lottery tickets. It's a horrible gamble, the house always wins. In fact I'm gonna make a living like the stock brokers on wall street, become a professional gambler, let other people do the hard work, I derive my income from betting. And for that all you need to do is be lucky, as in be born in the correct "chosen" group of people who were born lucky and luck follows them around in life. In the stock market there is one rule: you agree that your investment is at risk and you could lose the whole thing. That's all the sharks need to figure out a way to get your money. You agreed. The house always wins, or the house does not exist. Ira, traditional and roth, and all that good stuff. 401K. Give it all to the sharks. Why should they have to do any work when they can have other people do the work and they can sit back and collect? That's what smart people do, right? They let other people do the work, and they "own" Da Game, and sit back in the armchair and collect. That's what we call an economy, but the whole thing falls apart when the ratio of actual middle class producers and creators to the upper class stock market sharks and lower class always dick and booty on the mind welfare free riding collectors gets too strained. And while we're at it, when I say "we" should build space stations, I don't mean "we" as in USA, because those days are over, Obama wants to cut what his thinks is this NASA bullshit of going to the stars budget completely, and instead give the money to more relevant, real life topic, such as all the welfare suckers fucking out of control and popping babies left and right, they have real life needs. I mean "we" as people, and most likely somebody like China or India will have the economic resources to put a space station up and have isolated life safe from biotech weapons killing everybody down here. See I don't care if I die, but knowing that somebody up there is safe from the Monsanto lab mad scientist devising glowing monkeys and biotech weapons that devour all life down here, that would make me sleep good at night, not so worried. And I don't really care if they are Chinese, as long as they are people, and hopefully they take a zoo up too, with plants and animals, because I know I don't live forever, but I'd like life from Earth to live, at least securely a little longer than a few more decades.

Comment Re: Australia Deserves it. (Score 0) 128

And in the days of mandatory chip implants to police intellectual property violating thoughts, or at least measure the accruing royalty fees taxi-cab-meter-style, there will be no need for uttered words, because everyone will conversate telepathically, globally, through short-wave radio reflecting off the ionosphere. Only the Amish will retain spoken Dutch or English, dictionaries, regular muscle legs and arms, and horses and dogs. But they might succumb to some bioengineered cat-horse interbred hybrid contraption from Monsanto, that cleans up after itself and grooms itself, so you don't have to shovel the horseshit, the horse does it like a cat, and buries it somewhere, and grooms itself too.

Comment Re: Australia Deserves it. (Score 0) 128

Thought crime? I just had a job where the military-maffiozos infected my gloves with some kind of fungus cancer to rot my hands down to showcase Obamacare and importance of health insurance, the new bio-implants and robotic, mind-controlled appendages. They have a big selection of IED amputees coming home from our stupid wars in the middle east, and they'd love to have ergonomic titanium limbs that work better than your arms. My hands hurt like a biatch, and I don't usually give a crap about carpal tunnel syndrome, but this was no carpal tunnel, because carpal tunnel hurts in specific ways, such as, if you shake your hands and the blood flow constriction temporarily releases, you feel a sudden warmth everywhere it was numbly tingling from oxygen degradation. This was localized to a specific area, it did not tingle/feel numb just hurt like something is digesting my meat, and in areas that were not overworked muscles - at the base of the ring finger for instance. I had to use a roach killer/bleach combo as a chemotherapy soak every time I woke up at night (boric acid plus sodium hypochlorite, gives a little perborate too, and perborate is devastating to almost all fungi, this includes most meat cancer - hey it's cheaper than a hospital chemo that makes your hair fall out, plus you don't even get it right away, first they take you to the nuthouse and hold you down and shoot you up for Haldol for hallucinating pain in your hand when they can't detect anything.) Also diaper rash ointment, 40% zinc oxide in vaseline, nonstop, all over my face that keeps getting infected by "coldsore virus herpes simples" fungi against which zinc oxide and other antifungals work great, every time I wake up something new on my face, like i get gassed with anesthetics while I'm sleeping, and that's why the floor behind my toilet is ripped up because I used to not predictably stay asleep, and that's my windows are so fucking small), and diaper rash ointment, all over my hands too. Sometimes I forgot to put it on my hands before I stuck it in the gloves (btw, they left some perfectly good but used gloves laying around, just in case they have to blame it on where I caught the infection from, it's from some other guy for whom it was a symbiotic fungus but it was infectious to me, or some explanation like that.) Zinc chloride is one of the most environmentally friendly wood preservatives against fungal attacks, invented around 1905, much better than the copper arsenate antifungals even as recently as 1990's that can kill a whole family with arsenic fumes if burnt in a wood stove. So zinc oxide, diaper rash ointment, is a meat fungus, meat cancer killer. You have to be careful when you kill off all fungi you become vulnerable to attack, as having a symbiotic resident fungi that protects you, as its turf from other fungi, protects you from catching cancer, and that's how cancer is not infectious, because most healthy people have good defensive fungi in them, even if these fungi rebel as pimples when hit with brominated vegetable oil in mountain dew, or dioxin from agent orange -like things, so antifungals should be used only when necessary, and then go lay on the ground in some public park to inhale/catch some healthy soil fungi.

Da Man, such as the Microsoft chiefs, and hospital chiefs, and even military chiefs, would love to entice my interest in mind control robotic appendages, as they are running out of good ways to make money, and they need something radical that improves lives, where you cut your good arms off to get titanium arms and legs that can lift 500-800 lbs compared to a mere 120 with your regular muscles. Imagine the awesome new breed of soldiers with tatoos, body piercings, blue punk mohawks, and titanium legs and arms who can jump unto the roof like a cat from standing still. And the most important part is mind control, and in that, mind reading, so that intellectual property rights can be properly policed. As in dude, I have the dumb today, cannot think, or more like cannot afford to think about anything, because the intellectual property royalty fees on all these thoughts are too expensive, and I'm fucking broke, and Da Man claimed intellectual property ownership to all possible thoughts in the world. Freedom of speech? Haha. How about freedom of thought, and keeping quiet about it. Enjoy it while you can because the days of freedom of thought are numbered. When they can read them. It starts with these fuckin mind control gaming devices, then mind control robotic arms and legs, then mind policing mandatory chip implants. The future is organic? Maybe not so sure. You are gonna be borg, half human, half machine, with a borg-like interconnected brain, and the megabrain will gradually be more and more silicon and less and less human, but that's ok, because this artificial intelligence thing is you, you are Da Megabrain machine eating up all silicon in the solar system, or more like you are a part of it. I say fuck Da Megabrain. Fuck Da Machine. Fuck Da Man and fuck mind control. In fact fuck Obamacare too while we're at it. Couple more days and I'm fully insurance free. In fact that's like my new motto - live insurance free or die. And fuck Monsanto too, and their bioengineered intellectual property crap. They claim intellectual property in a phosphorescing monkey that glows like a firefly at night. They can do that with the same technology that makes seeds roundup ready, in fact the monkey is roundup ready, and all the fish in the oceans, and all the humans are gonna have to be roundup ready, because the whole world is gonna be sprayed with roundup version 59.1.43-beta2, that kills every lifeform except roundup ready ones. And then they claim intellectual property in phosphorescing people. Why should you carry a flashlight in the dark when you can glow like a firefly? Or focus a beam out of your hand when you're looking into dark crevices while repairing your car. At will, turn it on and off with your mind. You think they are just gonna let phosphorescing color-of the rainbow chameleon skin camouflage people just be for free, without paying an intellectual property existence fee to Monsanto? Slavery is illegal, but slavery is only related to humans, and once we legally redefine what a human is, these artificial biotech phosphorescing titanium legged soldier grandchildren of yours are not gonna fall in that category in the eyes of the law. Monsanto's motto is that no food in the world shall be grown that we don't own, intellectually speaking. That's for now. The real goal is that there shall be no lifeform on the planet that we don't own, I mean there will be still some native white or black people, kept on some reservation, and because they are not roundup ready, their days are numbered when accidental releases get into the reservations and kill a bunch of them. You know what? Fuck Monsanto. Fuck technology.

I wanna keep my real fingers to jack off with. A super powerful titanium finger or tool like Jack the ripper had as a hook, metal fingers like that might crush my sensitive little dick in the heat of the moment. I love my short little stumpy fingers with the chewed nails on it just the way they are. How am I gonna bite my nails if they get replaced by titanium fingers? Or they're gonna create and add-on, an accessory that grows nail like things that are edible so you don't even have to spit it out? As long as the customer is willing to pay for it.

Comment Re:One man's Pandora's box is Monsanto's Profit Bi (Score 1) 52

They should ban and make illegal any biotech seed that's not fertile the next year. If Monsanto ever goes out of business after they converted the whole world to become dependent on their roundup ready but nonfertile, sterile seeds, there'd be a major collapse in the biosphere, a major extinction event, dependent on a corporation going out of business. That is insane. It's like Microsoft requiring all operating systems to be activated after install to function starting with XP, disregarding the scenario of if they ever go out of business, as they don't give a crap what happens after they are dead as a company, as self interest is their only motivator, not in balance with the protection of other life or the other people. That is not in accordance with the ways of God. God is externalized ego, to get rid of the tendency to deify the self. Monsanto and Microsoft are arrogant in self assertion and profit mongering out of balance with the public good. Any company who becomes a monopoly, a standard, and does not give a crap about what happens to everyone when they die, should be regulated by lawmakers. How is your product going to keep functioning when you made so many people dependent on it and derived great profit from it, when you die as a business? Every business dies, even if the name may live on, it's not the same business, the name living on is just a mere artifact. Very few make it a few hundred years as a stable business, and most are dead in under 100. Recent deaths are Kodak, Oldsmobile, Lehman Bros, etc. You have to care about more than just the self interest if you make so make so many dependent on you. I know pure altruism and communism doesn't work either, it's not practical with real life people, but neither is pure capitalism, or pure every living thing is private property and every thought and word uttered is private property in an aristocrat-nobility owners owning all life and all thought vs. commoner tenants and wage slaves world, else we would not have had all those peasant rebellions for millenia through history. People forget to keep that in mind. Yin Yang balance and moderation is what works, but you shouldn't have to spell it out and explain that to people with common sense.

Comment Re:Summary is terrible (Score 1) 52

I'm not saying we should stop the progress of science, there is of course two sides to every new technology, yin yang, the good side and the bad side - flying, nuclear power, lasers, robots, etc.. I'm saying safety first, cover your bases, and make sure you have a solution, and escape route for if the shit ever hits the fan. That's what vacuum isolated fully self sufficient space stations would be, a safeguard. Don't keep all your eggs in the same basket. Diversify your portfolio. Don't keep all life stuck on Earth, in case we fuck up Earth with terrible biotech designed diseases that eat up all DNA based lifeforms. Moderation would be welcome in the relentless drive and competition to more power more power more power, as in artificial intelligence, nuclear bombs or biotech capabilities. We kind of got over the Cold War nuclear arm's race, now the military is on a biotech quest to infect people that don't get sick, especially under Obamacare and health care money mongering directive, they have to send people to the hospital by force to showcase how our wonderful health care system works, and they will fashion-design diseases that get even those who don't get sick, etc, more power more power more deadly diseases coming at you from the lab as a weapon, til human error messes up and things get out of hand and we have a problem.

Comment Re:The only problem is... (Score 1) 157

It is possible that there have been human-like creatures before, they evolved, left the planet, and all of us monkeys down here, and we re-evolved from chimps, gorillas and orangutans into some more human-like apes, while they turned into angels with Jetson-like flight and ghost-like cloaking technology. In fact we may repeat the same thing, and then you're talking angels of version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, each being thousands of years ahead in technology from the crowd following, and acting like supernatural beings to all of then behind, or under, or later.

Comment Re:Summary is terrible (Score 1) 52

This kind of bullshit is why we need to put like a thousand Noah's Ark's into orbit, each with a rain forest zoo, in the form of a rotating steel cylinder space station, made from Moon mined materials. Pronto. So when everything gets fucked up on Earth from this biotech playing in a testtube - it's just an experiment, it's just scientific curiosity, we can contain it, it will never get unleashed from the lab into the Earth's environment - then at least you still have some sane life left on at least one of the thousand space stations, that did not make physical contact or get infected for a hundred years, if the incubation period for the disease is that long.

Comment Re:One man's Pandora's box is Monsanto's Profit Bi (Score 1) 52

I agree. Genetically modifying the entire ecosystem starts with lawn mowing, and killing all native vegetation and biodiversity previously present in it. Then into this mowed and weed killed and pesticide and insecticide filled "green desert" you call a "pretty lawn" with your fucking corporate brainwashed distorted sense of beauty, we can realease all purely genetically modified, and 0wned by Da Man himself organisms, as a new fashion, new vogue, in a bandwagon that everyone jumps onto like they jump unto smartphones, fashion designer designed genetically modified plants on your front lawn that look exactly like your ex-weeds you used to cut down so vehemently, these new fashionable but "pretty" lawn "weeds" that you can rent for a monthly fee sucking the very last cents out of your bank account, plus one cent, and the crimes you commit and rules and laws you break to get that extra cent will prove that you're just a filthy little thief no better than Da Man. Fuck Monsanto. If there is anything ever representing the excesses of private property, and the devastation it unleashes unto the world, it's embodied in everything Monsanto does, starting with genetically modifying things to own every biological thing in the world to promoting spraying the whole world down with pesticides and insecticides, in the name of private property, quarterly profit, and bottom line. And even without intellectual property, it is possible to create seeds that you can't save seeds from next harvest, because they are sterile, so once every lifeform is "sterilized," (this includes tigers and you yourself), the only way to create new life will be to purchase a permit from Da Man, and he will give you a seed that can create new life, but whose seeds are also sterile. Holding a reserve of seeds that are not sterile in future generations will be illegal or at least get you killed by the maffiozos, and this includes having humans that are not sterile from birth, but actually able to reproduce, instead of having to apply for a permit at some hospital, receiving a sperm and egg packet in the mail, and having babies like that, with optional black or white or blue or green or orange tint on their skins, and eye irises the colors of the rainbow. The miracles of science and biotechnology coming your way, directly from Monsanto.

Comment Re:Yep, how the music industry was killed... (Score 1) 192

I subscribe to emusic. Because they still provide DRM free mp3 tracks. As soon as DRM hits, I'm done. It's like $12/mo, for $0.50 tracks. Sometimes I don't feel like I want to get any music, but every 30 days I gotta work up the effort and make a selection. And it ends up being pretty neat stuff. Also, because I paid for it all, in the future when they create a total intellectual lockdown, and there will be police raids reviewing everyone's computer for intellectual property and copyright violating stuff, I get to keep the emusic stuff for sure. I also made a collection in a pile of boxed software like MS DOS and Windows 95, which I don't really use right now, but want to have the option to go back to if I feel like it, that they may raid my home and computers for and I'd still have official right to use. Prices for these oldschool things are very cheap on Ebay, and they are still very available, which may not be the case in 10 years, especially when the intellectual property raids become commonplace in your homes. They are probably gathering data about all your files through web browsers and operating systems, and eventually you will be forced to keep all of them on the cloud for free review, so in those days I can keep all my emusic downloads having paid for them as opposed to all the youtube videos and porn image samples that I found and downloaded for free. In fact I keep a separate folder just for youtube, knowing that that's the first thing to nuke or agree with the authorities to get nuked when you get raided. Porn the same. One of the reasons to save porn is that it's available in present computing technology with present formats, and if the future brings you some stupid format or hardware that's impossibly cumbersome to use, you can go back to it, sort of grandfathered rights, like you can go back to antique cars that are not chipped, therefore not remote controlled, where Da Man will send you into an accident and either kill you or blame the accident on you, when in fact he's remote controlling your car. Yeah chips makes cars more fuel efficient, but also unsafe from the remote control perspective. You don't know what a chip does, it's not possible to dissect a chip and figure out what it does, even a 3 legged device that looks like a transistor, could pretend being a transistor until some zero day when it switches on to being the equivalent of a whole supercomputer cpu, via serial communication on the printed circuit board tracks. Only if you made the chip do you know what it does, and even then you're vulnerable to it being replaced by an identical looking, identical acting, but payloaded fake chip, while you sleep. So anyway, you have some kind of grandfathered rights with antique jpg pictures, or at least you can bury them in your backyard from authorities doing house raids. Also a lot of the nude pictures say low resolution sample, subscribe for high resolution, so they are kinda like advertising, that you get for free, but the creator still retains copyright, so it gets complicated. It's like making a living on promotional samples when it comes to toothpaste, soap, shampoo, cookies, etc., especially when the market is flooded with free samples, and when it comes to porn, the market is indeed flooded, because it's easier to make a nude picture than to write a book. The basic issue with intellectual property pricing is that the incremental cost of production is zero, so the long term equilibrium price is zero. By the way I bought an organic chemistry book from Google play for like 5 or 8 bucks, having no idea it would be DRM'd, so I'm not buying anything from Google if they are pimping DRM crap, but surprisingly the book had a great quality, by authors from India, on the level of a $350 college textbook, for less than $10. When international competition sets in and the incremental cost of production is $0, what's driving down intellectual property prices is not entitites like Amazon, but simply massive global competition.

Comment Re:Hoping this is not as bad as it sounds (Score 2) 272

I think for whales it's not the loudness that beaches them, but the constancy of the annoying sounds. If they plan as many blasts as you say they do, they should spread it out for like 10 years, and do a whole lot for 1 day, then stop for a few days, then repeat, and this way, whales that decide to get beached, don't reach the beach in time before the annoyance stops, and they get plenty of time to wander about and get far away from the beach before the next set of annoying blasts goes off in quick succession. Dragging it out for years creates jobs, and you can get the oceanographers and biologists involved too, who can track a whale from a chopper and ship, and follow it on its way to get beached, and tell the blasting guys, hey, we're getting close to the beach with our whale, stop blasting, and when the whale wanders back far enough, make the call, that hey, you can start blasting again. Follow a few whales, like 5, statistically, and monitor the coasts for any beachings and be ready to hoist the beached whales back into the sea with choppers and ropes.

Comment Re:Hoping this is not as bad as it sounds (Score 1) 272

And there is still a very valuable place for nuclear bombs, but it's only for outer space use, to ping-pong celestial objects around, such as a huge meteorite on an impact course with Earth, you could use a gigaton Tsar bomba to send it off track and avoid a dinosaur-extinction-like-impact with Earth, and instead let it smack into Venus on its way back from around the Sun, sending Venus higher up in orbit, and spinning, any little bit counts, and eventually, habitable by humans (and bugs too.) If there is ever a definition of alien life, I think it'd look like a bug, which is so different from us, mammals. Like the antennae are their noses, that's how they smell. They have no lungs. They still have eyes, mouths, limbs, and they poop. Amazing little creatures, and luckily, they are tiny. I would not want to live in a world with spiders and ants the same size as me. Ever see a bug under an electron microscope? It looks scary! Do a google image search on SEM insect. (SEM is scanning electron microscope, the reflecting version, the other is TEM, transmission electron microscope.)

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