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Comment Re:But seriously now (Score 1) 634

Pehaps you have trouble with Context. Is there some rule that I am only allowed to address specific issues from this article in question?

No, you have trouble with context. You posted a bunch of random crap unrelated to the article (according to you) and magically expected me to deduce from the context that it wasn't about the article in question but was instead an off topic rant.

We have been inundated with articles about how STEM (of which engineering is included in as a career) workers are indeed pigs,

No we haven't.

First off, let us speak of reframing as referenced. How is that not changing the overall scope of the work.

It's changing the motivation for the work, not necessarily the work itself.

Because science is about the truth,

This article is about engineering, not science. Engineering is about building stuff. Or is this one of the times I'm meant to deduce from context that you've wandered off topic?

And seriously, if the entire basic nature of STEM has to be radically changed in order to suit a particular group

If *invalid-premise* then *conclusions-void*.

Now stop being an asshat.


Comment Re:Furthe proof that men and women think different (Score 1) 634

Well, we found the guy who's never been romantically involved with a woman. Get a girlfriend, then come back to us in a year and see if you still support that statement.

Women are no more irrational than men. The fact that you appear to believe otherwise is a pretty good demonstration that I'm correct.

I'm prepared to accept that you're being an inveterat pedant, however and aren't actually indicating that there are any gender differences in this regard.

Comment Re:But why? (Score 0, Offtopic) 634

Ah I see, instead of having a reasoned argument, you jump straight into invective. I think that means you basically have no reasoned arguments with which to support your view point and have instead resorted to supporting it entirely on emotion.

By the way: almost all engineering courses have modules at some point so that students can pick things which are to their interest.

Comment Re:Furthe proof that men and women think different (Score 3, Insightful) 634

And this is why we have sexism:

You won't find a male engineer that...

Apparently average diffrerences between genders mean you can make a generalization about every single member of a gender.

I mean FFS, it only says in the summary that the society of engineers without borders is 70% female. That's 30% male. Which means those MEN are also doing something which they consider to be a societal good.

So, please take your ill-formed opinions about me (just because I happen to be a man) and kindly shove them up your ass.

Comment Re:But why? (Score 1, Troll) 634

I didn't refuse to go into Comp Sci because the school wouldn't teach the stuff I was interested it.

So in other words you chose a course which was completely of no iterest to you but you did it anyway?

Or perhaps universities should make the courses as boring as possible because why bother trying to interest students at all?

Or perhaps universities should only offer courses that you have personally approved???

It was/is my job to use and extend what the University taught so as to *then* do what I want.

That's your actual job description?

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