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Comment And the Steamroller begins (Score 5, Insightful) 175

"May I please view the evidence against me so I might put up a proper defense?"
"The appeals court ruled that disclosure would 'bog down the process' and that a summary of the U.S. case would suffice"

If that line doesn't send chills up the spine of every person who believes in due process... Good luck getting a fair trial in the USA where the judge, prosecutor and all aspects of the legal system are under the control of the corporations. I suspect they won't be happy until Kim Dotcom winds up like Aaron Swartz.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 5, Informative) 212

I haven't gotten a straight answer from MSM accounts as to why they even suspected this might be KR3.

1) They have DNA from a descendant of King Richard III. They were able to get a DNA sample from the skeleton. It's a match.
2) Skeleton is a man in his early 30s. King Richard III died at 32.
3) History indicated King Richard III suffered from scoliosis. Skeleton has curved back consistent with scoliosis.
4) Skeleton was killed by blows to the head, then suffered a sword thrust upward through the buttock. King Richard III died due to a head wound, and as a war leader, it is consistent that his body would've been subject to 'humiliation wounds'.
5) They knew King Richard had been buried beneath the church of Greyfriars in the centre of Leicester. However that building was destroyed so the exact location was unknown. However the place the body was found was one of the potential sites of that structure.
6) Bone analysis showed a high protein diet, consistent with nobility of the era.

Why it might not be King Richard III?
1) History indicates he had a withered right arm. The skeleton shows the right arm to be completely normal.

But really, the DNA match is the smoking gun. It proves that the skeleton must've shared a maternal ancestor with King Richard III, and combined with the other evidence, it seems very likely that it's certainly King Richard III

Comment I HATE this (Score 5, Interesting) 473

He's scum. He preyed on innocents without remorse and deserves punishment. And yet you're going to give him more jail time than he'd get for MURDER?

I hate that I have to stand beside him and say this is wrong. I hate that I have to support someone so despicable. I hate that the flawed system actually makes me support people like Gary Kazaryan.

And yet it's something I must do.

Comment Re:$5000 Canadian (Score 2) 172

Why? It still gets Canadians all pissed off when you use it. Doesn't matter if its true or not, they still throw a little hissy fit ...

Heh, are you saying that you enjoy reminding people that a CDN dollar was once around 60 cents in US money, and now a CDN dollar is worth more than a US dollar? And you think that pisses off Canadians? Man, I *LOVE* being reminded that my savings have effectively doubled compared to the average American. I *LOVE* hearing that our little country is actually doing better than the sputtering mega-economy on our southern border. So if this is your idea of pissing off Canadians, keep it coming!

Comment Re:Voting for Obama (Score 2) 707

I'm voting R because *fingers crossed* Romney was blowing smoke throughout the primaries and will return to his roots: a pragmatic administer pursuing data-driven solutions.

I'm a Canadian so please understand I'm only asking because I'm curious... You're planning to vote for Romney because you hope he has been lying to everyone while he's been campaigning? Is that correct? I'm not saying Canadian elections are perfect, far from it, but I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that you are saying "I am going to vote for this guy because I believe he's been a liar and is going to do the opposite of what he's said he would do."

Comment Re:Too Late (Score 1) 218

It's never too late for me... I swore I'd never buy an Ubisoft game while the DRM was so obnoxious so I didn't. And unlike others, I didn't pirate. I just didn't play their games. Now that they've focused more on the paying customer experience (and my personal inability to insure I had internet access at all times) I can again look at their library of games.

I mean it's not like they killed people or something. It's a business decision.

Comment Re:sad to see (Score 2) 293

You missed the point. You are applauding "The ends justify the means", Either you have the intellectual capacity to see why that's bad... "It doesn't matter if my explosives kill many innocents as long as I get one enemy" ...Or you are a moron. If we start thinking the same way as the terrorists, we might as well surrender to them now.

Comment Blizzard's Response (Score 3, Informative) 518

From http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/07/blizzard-clarifies-diablo-iii-ban.html

"We’ve extensively tested for false positive situations, including replicating system setups for those who have posted claiming they were banned unfairly. We’ve not found any situations that could produce a false positive, have found that the circumstances for which they were banned were clear and accurate, and we are extremely confident in our findings.

Playing the game on Linux, although not officially supported, will not get you banned – cheating will."

Comment No one trains anymore (Score 5, Insightful) 1201

In the olden days, you would hire someone at an entry position. They they would work with someone experienced who would both train and mentor the employee. At the end of the process, you had someone trained and ready for the position.

But some time ago, companies realized it was cheaper to poach from other companies. Let them do the training, then swoop in, and offer just enough to pry them away.

What we are seeing today is the end result when everyone poaches from other companies and no one is actually doing the training. For some reason, there's a lack of qualified people. DUH!

Comment At first I was sceptical... (Score 1) 241

... But then I realized just how many billions of dollars are being spent and the justification is to protect against 'cyber terrorists' like Anonymous.

They might have a case as the most dangerous organization on Earth! Because certainly our politicians and businesses wouldn't just use them as a convenient scapegoat as a method to get funding and appropriations, right? Right?

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