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Comment Re:Copyright against ad-blockers (Score 1) 618

You cannot copyright dynamic. The page they send me may have copyrighted *content*, which I do not modify, but the ads placed into rectangles of space is not copyrighted by them and I would suggest you argue with the advertisers as to who exactly owns the copyright on their content. Blocking said ad is synonymous with not visiting their site to view their content.

Comment Re:To avoid product placement, watch period pieces (Score 0) 618

The advertiser lobbied the movie production's responsible parties. Those are the people who decided to go ahead, they could have simply refused. Similar to an actor lobbying for the part, it's just that the money flows the opposite direction. Your scenario would have an advertiser sneaking into props and putting that coke bottle in the set item group. So yeah, the advertiser didn't put it in the shot.

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

Many little snowflakes nowadays make the accusation that they've been "coerced" once they make a bad decision that is freely theirs to make.

coerce: persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

I do believe you're calling it coercion because you fell for their clever manipulations and encouragements that enticed you to open your wallet and freely draw out your reserves to make an adult exchange. All without using any force or threats.

By the way that free adult exchange thingie doesn't qualify as theft.

Some parting adult advice to those delicate snowflakes - learn delayed gratification. It works wonders for preventing you from accumulating piles of unwanted crap.

Comment Re:Controversial because? (Score 4, Insightful) 284

Actually, you should have bolded Pearson Those people produce horrid tests.

About a decade ago I wrote science essay tests for them. I quit because they kept asking for dumbing down. Example: They insisted that an essay on hot air balloons tell the reader what a basket was and what it was for on the balloon. The what it was for was already described functionally in the text. They wanted an explicit, dictionary type description. It was very much worse on the non-technical essay tests. Enough so that so many writers stopped, Pearson used their own editors to write the essays.

Short of it is, those are the people producing the bulk of the terrible test examples you'll find in complaints; 'Indicate the box that is correctly shaded.' with none of the boxes shaded, 'Lincoln was a Democrat.' , etc.

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
