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Comment Re:Like Bing and Yahoo? (Score 2) 232

My wife was given a ticket. She was traveling the highway with a cluster of other cars. When she asked why she was singled out the officer said "You ever go fishing? You ever catch every fish in the pond?" No, moving with the traffic won't do you any good. Trying to debate your way out will do you ill. You were speeding, that's it.

Comment Re:Oh, *BRILLIANT* (Score 1) 317

Not really. Couple of reasons.
Many times psychotic episodes (or looking episodes) are caused by drugs. Three days doesn't seem too long to see if the drug's effects wear off or the episode is "natural".
Also, the holding could be used to see of the patient isn't faking *not* being psychotic after the first day to get out.

Comment Re:Of course! (Score 1) 305

many of them for completely stupid and banal offenses

As opposed to murder, theft, arson, bribery, etc. Hell, you can be rejected now for just having been arrested for possession of pot. I certainly wouldn't want a convicted felon, guilty of robbing a bank, *working* for a bank. They can get another job. It doesn't have to be working with people's money. Good damn reason not to want them doing that. You seem to be purposefully conflating "stupid and banal" with vicious and dangerous.

Comment Re:Quantum commuicantion (Score 1) 188

"... it is just biological and chemical processes that get your body into fight or flight mode." Since that "biological" component seems vague to you, allow me - it's chemo/electrical. Fast stuff. Three hundred feet (100 meters) per second fast. Or, for a six foot tall individual, 1/50th second from the toes (not the eyes where it's more like 1/200th).

Of course, there's some processing and then sending the results back down. Fortunately, there's a lot of simple testing that is going on so we know it's pretty quick. From that site, 264 milliseconds (1/4 second) is average for simply clicking at a screen. No high level impetus there.

That's what triggers the fight or flight. The second or more it takes to either start fighting or fleeing is where the hormones come in, generating the feelings of rage or fear and upping performance. And yes, the system can be flooded in little over a second. The whole thing is not "split second". Only the nervous system part.

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