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Comment Re:If he sold phyiscal copies (Score 2) 465

No. They would not. Not unless you count shitty little hand held movies thrown together by a group of friends as being the best you want. The creation of good movies is simply a very expensive endeavor and even college films cost more than someone not actually in the class underwritten by the college can afford to do it. And *those* are almost exclusively horrid crap.

Comment Re:Easy, India or China (Score 1) 303

So why has every environmental initiative in the past 40 years been pushed by the Democrats and resisted by the Republicans?
How the fuck did this get +4 insightful? The Kosdot is strong today. Let's go back less than 40 yrs ago to the Byrd-Hagel resolution that passed 95-0 in the US senate prior to Clinton signing the Kyoto Protocol. Do you honestly believe there were 95 republican senators at that time? Hint there wasn't.

Comment Re:Influence vs. similarity (Score 1) 74

I still think that the paintings are likely unrelated to each other, but it seems that both artists were thinking similar thoughts when they chose to paint these. And that's the sophistication of the algorithm.

Unfortunately, it's not the point of the algorithm, so that sophistication is projected upon it by you, not intrinsic to it's conception. You yourself invalidate the point of the algorithm with the beginning of your sentence. There were no influences between the artists, only similarities. Which is to be expected, as they are humans painting human activities.

Comment Re:Influence vs. similarity (Score 1) 74

You can't use mathematical computation an example that's anywhere near similar to this as similarity in art is far more than if both items contain a rectangle. The worthiness of this particular algorithm depends on the percentage of false positives. Only going by the items in the article, I count three for three false positives. A waste of human time to review.

Comment Re:"program" = cattle prod (Score 1) 74

Running arbitrary code doesn't meany anything more than a jump table. Humans are far more capable of altering their thinking patterns, studying and adopting new pattern on their own and even forgetting things, making for new overall outlooks. Short response: you are so completely wrong.

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