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Comment Re:Why so negative? (Score 1) 385

Meh. This is not too far off. We do not teach much proper mathematics in schools any longer, but rather we instruct students in how to manipulate computers.

While I agree that the instruction in computer manipulation should be superior, I would suggest that this indicative of the overall decline of the American academic system rather than an oversight of education.

Comment Re:Land of the Free! (Score 1) 370

OK. Enough with the lies and fallacies.

I hunt. I fish. I shoot. I do these things well. I do not much care for people telling me I ought not do these things.

But insulting PETA for putting down animals in shelters is like insulting General Motors for building a good car. Putting down animals in overcrowded shelters is the right thing to do. It is the ETHICAL thing to do. It is what PETA should be doing. We should praise them for doing the right thing.

Comment Re:Time to ask the bank for a new debit card and P (Score 0) 213

It's not that big of a deal for the consumer. According to, ah, GLBA I think it was, the consumer is completely off the hook for any fraudulent activity that takes place on their cards. So if some bad guy gets a hold of your card and begins a spending spree, that's on Chase or Citi or Navy Federal or whoever your card is with. You should always pay attention to activity on your card, but no need to go nuts.

Comment Re:Yes, because moderation is oh so hard to do (Score 3, Insightful) 384

That's not the worst part, that's the only part. The entire purpose of using a Real Name is that it aids various governments in controlling their citizens. You will even recall US Federal government officials encouraging anonymity in the early days of the Internet for personal security. That anonymity provides security is obvious. Security through obscurity, although imperfect is also obvious; however it is still security. Or in the case of a government, a hurdle to overcome when policing a populace.

Otherwise, there is no advantage in using a Real Name in conversations on the Internet, but rather only disadvantages.

Comment Re:Near the waterfront? (Score 2, Interesting) 339

Yeah, pretty much. But in this case, I will put my money on the hull of a schooner. Old piece of garbage got dumped there wholesale I'll wage.

150 years ago:
Person A: "Hey, we need landfill. Do you want this leaky decrepit hulk any more?"
Person B "Give me 20 bucks and it's yours."
Person A: "Here you go, thanks! That'll make great landfill and as long as anyone doesn't try to dig a giant tunnel through here, we're set!

Comment He who gets there fustest with the mostest (Score 3, Insightful) 365

Some badguy once said that the way to win a battle was "He who gets there fustest with the mostest". That typically works pretty well for most human endeavors. We should want a scramble to get to the moon. Human innovation, powered by greed, has typically been the best catalyst for moving forward. I fail to see why this would be any different.

The UN would undoubtedly screw it up, as would any other controlling agency. So for the time being, leave it uncontrolled. It causes no harm and may do good.

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