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Comment If you have an (D) or (R) after your name (Score 1) 510

Don't get me wrong, if Hastert did something that violates the law, then he should be appropriately punished. The thing that bothers me is it should not be ANYONE's business how much money I put into, or out of my personal bank account! Period! The other thing is, selective prosecution. How come some of the shady dealings that Bill & Hillary, are not treated with the same level of prosecution, that someone with an (R) by there name receives.

Comment 40 years ago (Score 3, Insightful) 391

When I was in high school, small town...4,000 population, middle of the country. If you saw a pickup truck in the school parking lot, including teachers, 99% of the time, there would be 1 or two guns in a gun rack, on the rear window. One being a shotgun the other being a rifle. Also, if it was hot outside, the windows would be down, if it was raining, the doors wouldn't be locked. Guys ran around with a skoal can in the hip pocket & a buck knife on their belt. Not one incident of "gun related crimes" EVER happened in schools. You had a beef with someone, you took it across the street AFTER school, duked it out for a while, declared someone the winner, someone the loser. Few days later you'd be hanging out in town having a beer with the same guy. Try that now, they'd toss you in jail and throw away the key. So, that begs the question...WHAT has changed? Perhaps single parent families, everyone living in a sub division with privacy fences, who have no idea who their neighbors are, schools/federal government removing any mention of God from every day life, the increase of violent video games, children growing up with a lack of respect for their elders, or anyone else. SOMETHING has changed since the days I attended high school in the 70's, and NOT for the better.

Comment 1974 (Score 2) 258

During the age of the "CB" radio craze, I made an antenna out of a fiberglass whip flag that was on my bicycle, mounted the radio on a bracket on the handlebars, used a magnetic mount for the microphone. Rigged up a generator out of one of those bicycle light thingys, to kind of trickle charge the 2 6 volt lantern batteries mounted where the water bottle went. Worked pretty good. Use to get truckers going back & forth across the state on U.S. highway 50 would call me on the radio wanting to see it if I was on the air. What the heck...wasn't much to do in a small town, if you were 14, in the mid 70's.

Comment Simple (Score 2) 583

NOT to be so naive! 21 years old, fresh out of electronics school. Moved to Houston Tx. Believed everything the recruiter said. Got there, found out it wasn't what I thought it was. Stuck it out a year, just for the work experience. Came back to my home state, found another career in electronics and have been with it for 3 different companies for 33 years. Current one, 17 years. Take everything a recruiter tells you about a "major" corporation with a grain of salt. 18 months after I left the one in Houston, they laid everyone off and closed up shop, moved it to Dallas. Couple computer companies had that building for a while, northwest Cyprus, Tx area. Don't know who has it now.

Comment Never happen (Score 1) 597

Had the USA not had a power grid, but, each home had its own independent "power plant", the USA would have been on DC long ago. But, back then, it was decided, that it was better to have power generation done from a central location, and have it "piped" to the homes. Of course it became a business, & I seriously doubt the powers that be, will NOT allow home owners to have their own source of power, without some sort of BS tax. They will throw a ton of money at politicians, which do their bidding, and not the people.

Comment Cheap mid spec is the way to go (Score 2) 108

For probably 75-80% of your TYPICAL smart phone user, the mid tier devices will be all they would ever need, but, most consumers fall for the slick marketing, hype and got to keep up with the Jones' attitude and will go on the hook (even under an overpriced contract) for a flagship device. I did the numbers when I bought my last phone almost a year ago. I had been off contract for over a year with straight talk, with zero issue or coverage problems. At the time the S5 had been out and the OnePlus was just out (late May '14). I went ahead and bought a $299.00 Huawei Mate2. It's a mid tier device, 6" screen, 720p, snapdragon 400. It was the BATTERY size that sold me, 4,000mAH. I ran the numbers between it and the S5, and in a 24 month period (typical USA contract), I save over 84 dollars per month buying outright, than on a contract. The problem with the device manufacturers now, is lack of INNOVATION. They release a new device every 6-9 months with marginal speed increases or tighter pixel densities, or (shudder) higher megapixel cameras. And with them come HIGHER prices. But, if you run the same apps on my snapdragon 400 device, with these snapdragon 80x devices (general apps, not high intensity games), you will find both devices run them adequately for everyday use. Then why are people willing to shell out year after year for overpriced devices, that the apps can't really benefit from? Because in my opinion, they are suckers. Also, it's in the best interest of both the carriers & manufacturers to NOT offer software updates to the devices, when, they can push them into a new device every 12 months, and, simply extend the contract. You keep them locked in for life. I hope these "sell for cost" or mid tier devices flood the markets. It will require the "big boys" to change their market ideas to compete. They will have to drop the price on their devices, or lose market share. More competition is good for the consumer. When the manufacturing cost of a smartphone, with marketing, research, advertising is less than 200 dollars, but yet they will retail them for 700, 800 or more, consumers are being ripped off. That's why I will stick with a good quality mid tier device. It's your what you want, but I'd prefer value, over bright shiny new flashy things.

Comment Never happen (Score 2) 532

Why? Because if you have tax free medical savings accounts, couple things would happen. As with the so called social security trust fund, congress would raid it, and would have NO money in it. Giving POWER to the citizens, goes totally against congress, the senate & the white house. We can't have the people having any would make the government not needed, and would take away OUR power. Sad, but true.

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