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Comment my mother quit when she was pregnant (Score 1) 155

I was born in the 1950's, LONG before the surgeon general came out saying smoking was bad for you. Heck, the commercials of that era, had doctors advertising cigarettes! When my mother became pregnant with me, she was 25. When "the rabbit died" she quit until after I stopped nursing. Same thing for my younger sister 2 years later. Both of my parents quit for good in the early 70's after repeated nagging from myself, my younger sister & my older sister. Both are alive & well in their 80's now. Even before the facts were really known about smoking, a lot of my parents friends wives quit smoking when they were pregnant. I see pregnant women today smoking and just shake my head. Oh well, it's a free country...even if you aren't quite so smart.

Comment EXACTLY! (Score 0) 230

Unfortunately, in the land of liberals & socialist, individualism has been lost. Now, it's about the collective. Except of course, for the elitist in our society. THEY continue on as before, but tell everyone else how to live, what to eat, where to work, how to think. Life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. If you don't want to pursue it, then don't ask me for a handout, when you are in your 30's, broke, homeless, hungry. I worked my butt off when I was in my teens & 20's, all the while, some of my friends in the backwards small town I lived in, did nothing but drink, party & have fun. Last time I went back there, some, NOW in their 50's are still doing the same f'in thing, with no ambition, nothing to show for life, except a stack full of bills, and living on government assistance. In other words, they are LAZY! And they want ME, to "give" them free food, free housing, free healthcare. THAT my friends is why collectivism, and socialism DOES NOT and will NEVER work! Hell, even the original settlers in America figured it out! They started out as a collective, and almost killed off the colony because some worked and some didn't, but those that worked their butts off, didn't like the idea of giving the fruits of their labor, to the lazy asses that did nothing. Once they gave everyone a small piece of land, and said what is yours is yours, and the fruits of your labor belong to you and no one else, and if you want to sell your excess, you may. This inspired people who wanted to better their family, and the community as a whole. Just going to college, getting a lame ass 4 year liberal arts degree, isn't going to cut it, IF your degree is in something not useful to the country as a whole. Getting a degree in underwater basketweaving, or some other lame ass thing, won't do anyone any good, if there is ZERO demand for that degree. And, the other problem with so called higher education, is with "big college". You hear those on the left complaining about big oil, big pharm etc, but no one says anything about "big college". What is meant by that term? How about university professors, university presidents, and some coaches, making upwards of 6 or 7 figures? Results then should be we are graduating the best and brightest. LOL, NOT happening. We have some college educated people that come out of college, dumber than they went in! Public education, today, thanks to political correctness, and the 60's radicals, that are in charge of everything, is nothing more than re-education camps, to get children use to the idea that government is good, and people, conservatism, God is bad. By the time they have been molded by years of socialist teachings, politically correct, history revisionism, when they graduate, they are "socialist". My nephew, almost 40, started out that way. When he got out of college, he though government was the end-all answer to everything. Only when he got out in the working world, having lived off his parents from birth though college, did he finally get it. His first job out of college, paid xxxx dollars per month. He thought he had it made in the shade, until that first paycheck came, and he found that his paycheck, thanks to all the taxes & withholdings, was about 30% less than he expected. Along with becoming born again, he changed and is now a true conservative (not to be confused with the RINO republicans), believes it is up to each of us, on our own or with our family, to make it in this world. The other problem, in my opinion, is the total lack of respect, that people in society have for their fellow human being. We see it constantly, someone down and out, getting beat up, mugged, on the street and does anyone come to this persons aid? Nope, we just whip out our phones to record it all. What happened? Why have are we a broken society? The absence of religion in everyday public life. The government, has pretty much stripped out any reference to religion, in society, starting with education. The so called "establishment clause" says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". This is the ONLY thing anti-religion types on the left, will spout out. The problem comes from the 2nd part of that phrase, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It's freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. By removing religion from everyday life, by breaking up the "nuclear family" by telling women, you don't need a man in your life, we have broken, what has worked for centuries. Now, children don't know who their father is, have no basis for right & wrong, and you end up with children having children, running around killing each other thinking it is no big deal. The lack of values & morality, are a direct result, of the breakup of the family. Until we get back to that, it will only get worse!

Comment Bring back the F1 (Score 2) 146

Good grief...we had one of the best heavy lift rockets in the world, the Saturn V launch system. (The apollo was on top, not the lift part). Even after getting hit by lightning, Apollo 12 continued to go, Apollo 13, had a center engine cutout, continued to work. Only lift rocket that had a 100% success rate. It was a proven design, and, you can bet since it was made in the era of slide rules, it could be improved on to be even better, but no, can't do that...let's just spend a TON of money we don't have, design something new, that will of course have a few billion dollars of glitches & cost overruns, and come in way over budget. (Just look at the F-35). Sometimes, it's better to look at what worked, before going off on a new design.

Comment Lots of things can figure into it. (Score 1) 282

At least in the USA, unless you are union, government employee, etc...a lot of factors can figure into changing jobs. Right now, for the most part, the USA is in an "employers" economy. With fewer jobs, they have their pick, and salaries can reflect that. Unless your job, career is in jeopardy, it might be best to wait it out, if possible. I think it is always a good idea, to have at least 6 months of funds saved up in the bank, in case something happens. Layoffs, plant closings, job loss do to an injury or illness. A lot of people say no way I can save 6 months, I have bills, children, mortgage, car payments etc... A LOT of those things, are CHOICES. People don't save like they use to. I'm one of those baby boomers that grew up with parents that were young, during the depression. Back then, it wasn't a new car, house was FOOD! Saving money was something drilled into me. Now, when I got out on my own when I was 18, I, like so many, got into a minor issue with credit card debt. Not really bad, just 10,000.00, but it took me a few years to dig out. After I did, I got rid of them, vowed to NEVER have one again, opened a savings account and instead of spending the money I was paying the credit card companies, I stuck it in the bank, never to touch it. Now days, people spend it as fast as they get it. I have a sibling that is like that. Soon as her, child, husband get money, it's off to dinner out, spending it, then once in a while crying to me or another parent or sibling to loan her money for food, mortgage, medicine... Instead of saving, they spend. Now, everyone is different.... Moving from one job to another is a LOT easier, if your personal finances don't have to play into it. One thing you NEVER want to do when leaving a job, no matter how bad a job is, or how difficult the boss, manager is, NEVER EVER burn your bridges. The bridge you burn today, you may have to cross again some day. Also, give at least TWO WEEKS notice. Any time I've switched employers, I always ask the future employer, I'm giving the former employer two weeks notice, and if I accept the new job, and the old employer wants me gone that day, may I start earlier than expected. Never had one say no. When you do leave, don't announce it to everyone THEN tell the manager/boss. You should always go to them first. Then, it should be their decision when to announce it to everyone else. Of course, if you are in sales, NEVER take anything from your past employer in the way of customer information. If you are good at what you do, your customers WILL find you. I'm in the electronic office equipment business in a small/mid size city (less than 250,000 population). I've been doing this for over 30 years. I've never told a customer, when I leave, where I'm going. My obligation is to the past employer until I leave. I have some customers that have followed me for over 30 years, to 4 different dealers. They WILL find you if you are good at what you do, and, I always carry the idea that customers are MINE first, THEN the companies. I work for the customers, but my employer pays my paycheck, is how I look at it. After you do leave, when speaking of your old employer, speak kindly, it's that burning bridge never know when it comes back to haunt you.

Comment No screen saver (Score 1) 349

Another reason I don't use "screen savers", live wallpapers or any of that other "make it look pretty" garbage...OVERHEAD. Live wallpapers eat up GPU resources & CPU resources, screen savers aren't really "needed" these days like they were in the old CRT monitor days. I use a black wallpaper, no screen saver, set my monitor to sleep mode after 20 minutes of non use. Cuts down on CPU/GPU overhead. Also, I keep my desktop icons in a folder, cuts down on screen refresh and keeps the desktop nice and tidy.

Comment satellite "tweaked" (Score 1) 190

Wanna bet the satellite will give promising "global warming" data? Also, ever notice they complain about the Ozone hole in the winter, for the North, and for the South, in the summer? I'm sure the position of the SUN has NOTHING to do with it of course. "man made" global warming has ALWAYS been a hoax. We've been cooling since the 30's. Also, a decade, in relation to the age of the earth, is but a blink of the eye. People's views of history, pretty much start at the time of their birth, since god knows, schools don't have time to teach world history, when they have other pressing needs such as common core, teaching kids conflict resolution, homosexual behavior, the USA is bad, capitalism is bad, socialism is good...they don't have time to "learn em good" about things like the atmosphere, how the SUN affects our world and the Co2 is an element that plants use, to produce the oxygen we breathe.

Comment Cue the man made global warming in 3,2,1 (Score 1) 80

The core of the earth is a molten core of iron. Iron is magnetic. As it moves around, the magnetic field around it will change. The magnetic north has been moving long before humans walked the earth and probably will be moving around long after we leave. As with NOAA faking the "man made" global warming data, this will just be another way to scare the morons that don't think into believing global warming is caused by man.

Comment XB-70 (Score 4, Interesting) 133

It's amazing, how the weapons of war, develop out of the fear from the idea, that one side has something the other does not. Take the XB-70. It wasn't a "black" project, and even if it was, soviet spies were in the USA watching as much as they could. Once Moscow got wind of the XB-70, they started on a project of their own. They needed something fast, that could intercept the XB-70. They came up with the Mig-25 Foxbat. A VERY fast plane. After the XB-70 was canceled, they kept on with the design, since it could out run, out climb anything in the west. I believe it was a Foxbat that pretty much walked away from a F-4 phantom sometime in the late 60's that spooked the USAF and they got McDonnell Douglas working on an interceptor that could match/beat the Foxbat. They came up with the F-15 Eagle (I still think it could be modded to outdo most anything today). The F-15 is a beast, beat the time to climb record too. In the mid 70's? someone defected in Japan with a Mig-25, almost crashing into a commercial jet at the Tokyo airport. Well of course the USAF pretty much went over it with a fine tooth comb before returning it. They found out the environmental system sucked, the build quality suffered greatly, and the engines were prone to needing replacement after a few missions. In other words, other than speed, it kind of sucked. But if you look back at history, the Mig-15 made the USAF develop the F-86, The Mig-21 was followed up by the F-4 phantom, the Mig-25 got the F-15 going, the F-16 got the Su-27, and on and on and on, just to one up the other guy. Lots of money, wasted, to some extent, if you look at all the rusted out hulks in the former soviet union, and the mothballed ones sitting in the dessert just outside Phoenix, AZ.

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