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Comment Man made BS (Score -1) 846

Man made global warming is & was nothing more than politics, trying to dictate how countries use their resources, and to try to steal more resources & MONEY from the developed countries, to continue to give them to the "poor" countries. Most of the so called poor countries, are in Africa, and because of the backwards lifestyle, and the THUG DICTATORS that run those countries, until they get a taste of freedom, they will remain poor. The sun controls our climate, and, runs in 11 year cycles. I remember in the early 70's, Time magazine was telling everyone that was dumb enough to read it, that we were entering a period of a new ice age, simply because that winter, we had below zero temperatures for weeks. 10-20 years of climate "research" is but a blink of an eye, in the history of the Earth.

Comment man made (Score -1, Flamebait) 517

man made global warming is and has always been MADE UP. The only reason, is to control people who are too stupid to realize that the sun runs in cycles. We had one of these severe cold snaps in the 70's...lasted most of the winter. It was colder than this even then. And the next summer? It was hotter than it ever was. Then, in the 80's it moderated, and in the early 90's it heated up again, then cooled again. The man made global warming nuts are just trying to control the money the United States and other "rich" countries have, steal it away, and give it to the "poor" countries, because, under their idea of a Utopian world, if someone has more than someone else, that isn't fair. Of course, those that make up these rules, are exempt from having more than anyone else. You want to see how this would all end? Watch the movie Elysium.

Comment Thank you anonymous (Score 0) 181

Thanks for trolling! Saw the headlines, KNEW someone would jump on Fox. I gave up on all "talking heads" version of televised news about 2 years ago. I'm conservative (NOT to be confused with Republicans). I believe everyone should be treated EQUALLY, not one group elevated above another. I do not believe in political correctness, I do have faith, but I do not berate those that don't. I believe the government meddles too much into the lives of people. I believe it is good that government helps those that, for whatever reason, have fallen on hard times, but I believe those that are capable of working, should work. I think it is good that we allow people to immigrate to this country, to broaden our country, but, believe those that sneak across, should be sent back until such time that they come across legally. I believe that the "nation building" started during Korea, Iran, Vietnam, and through Iraq & Afghanistan, should STOP. I believe that that countries should defend themselves. I believe that unless one of our embassies is attacked, if an INTERNAL struggle in a country begins it is NONE of our business. As far as I'm concerned, WW2 should have been the last major war we were involved in, until Kuwait asked for our help in 1991. After it was over, ALL of our troops should have been brought back, as with the ones still stationed in Japan & Germany. I believe all of our elected representatives, including the president should adhere to the Constitution, period! As with any 24/7 so called news operation, Fox, MSNBC has a dedicated news program, with the rest of the time being filled with OPINION shows. THAT is the difference. I might watch a video clip of a NEWS show, but do not watch those opinion shows. They are always biased, and, set up in such a way, to try to force someone into saying something that will make a juicy 30 second sound bite. Both conservative leaning and liberal leading news organizations flood the world with their versions of news. Carefully editing sound bites, carefully wording stories, to drive opinion. As was said many decades's what they DON'T put in the papers, that speaks volumes.

Comment The 60's (Score 0) 152

I was 9 years old when Apollo 8 flew to the moon. I remember that Christmas eve broadcast just like it was yesterday. I was a "space nut" from the first launch I saw, John Glenn (being too young to remember Sheppard, Grissom's flights. I had a standing pact with my mom who woke me up to watch the launches, no matter what time they took off. Saw every launch from Glenn, to the first few space shuttle launches. I remember that Christmas eve, opening presents, pausing to watch that broadcast on that black & white tv in the living room, and seeing those grainy images of planet Earth thinking how small the world was. Apollo 8, kind of closed out 1968. Being 8, I didn't understand but today I do, how important that flight, and that broadcast were to a nation that was tearing itself apart. In the space of a year, the Tet Offensive in Viet Nam, Martin Luther King Jr, Robert F. Kennedy were both murdered, the riots after King, the 1968 democratic convention riot in Chicago among the many problems of that year, that one little broadcast, helped close out the year, on a positive note.

Comment The standard (usa) tv model doesn't work anymore. (Score 0) 261

Before the advent of time shifting, people were at the mercy of when broadcasters would air shows. When the VCR came along in the 70's, it was the beginning of the end for the major networks. With online shows, streaming and the like the monopoly that the networks, cable & satellite services had on how & when we watched television has changed forever. Ad revenue is going to continue to shrink, which might be a double edged sword. It's that ad revenue that helps offset the costs of televised shows. With it shrinking, how are they going to pay for the shows? Will we reach a point where everything will have to be pay for view?

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