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Comment OH NOES, APPLE IS TEH DOOMED!!!!!111 (Score 0) 336

It will be ONE WHOLE YEAR MORE before they get into NFC in a big way!* This will certainly doom them, just like how they went out of business when they were late to the MP3 party, and again when they were late to the smartphone party, and again when they didn't let people install apps on their smartphones on Day 1, and then again when they didn't ship the first tablet...

Those morons, in the last 15 years they've doomed themselves so many times they just have to sit in the corner and console themselves with the fact that they're one of the biggest and most profitable company in the world. IDIOTS!

So wrong on so many levels. 1) Apple DOES has A solution for payments, just maybe not the one you want. 2) NFC is not the ONLY reason that someone will or won't buy a new iPhone. (Fun fact: they sold FOUR MILLION in the first 24 hours.) 3) Things CAN and WILL change. That year will go by pretty quick. They aren't going to miss the boat entirely just because they're not on it this year. 4) Did you notice Apple is the biggest company in the world? They have some smart people there doing good work. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, they analyzed their options and decided this was the best, and MAYBE it'll turn out that that's true.

* Besides all the pull they have with retailers and credit card companies to make them use Apple on the back-end... besides that one little detail, DOOMED!

Comment Re:Welcome back (Score 1) 39

That's fine. When I saw you were active with trying to save your neighbourhood, I knew you were fine and hadn't lost your bite (which is a compliment from a shark, isn't it?).

I still find slashdot entertaining, due to the humour, the culture, etc... I just don't learn much from it any more. Back in the early days, there was always something new to be learned about technology, open source, computer security. I think both slashdot and I have evolved. I simply know more now, and slashdot might have gone down a the drain a little bit. However, I say that with the knowledge that other forums never even had the level of conversation one gets here, even now.

Comment Re:Simple set of pipelined utilties! (Score -1) 385

"My data are important to me. I shouldn't need to buy a server to prevent my data from being corrupted."

But you do nonetheless. My current machine was bought for one reason - price - and lacks it. When I've built my own systems in the past I have always used it. Scoping out parts to build a new one, I see the price of sane memory has only gotten further out of line than I remember. :(

This is one aspect of a market where the buyer does not understand the product well enough to make intelligent choices. If computer buyers understood the technology, at least 70% of them would insist on ECC, and as a result economy of scale would have eliminated the price premium long ago. Instead, manufacturers continue to skimp a few pennies on the RAM by default, creating an economy of scale advantage in the other direction, which only reënforces the bad allocation and ensures it continues.

Instead of ECC memory they should call it 'sanity-checking memory.' Maybe then people would understand what it is enough to realize they want it. But since no one in particular stands to make a windfall by doing it, no one promotes it.

Comment Re:Simple set of pipelined utilties! (Score 0) 385

I am saying that its design sacrifices robustness in favor of performance and features at every turn. It might be more crashy, but the bigger problem is it ensures you have no usable logs when it crashes. And it doesnt have to be a crash for it to be troublesome, for a single example in the quest for shorter boot times it starts services without making sure that dependencies are actually working - that normally wont cause the entire system to crash but so what?

Still not what I want on my system. I dont really care how long it takes to boot, I just want to make sure that when it's finished it's really finished. Systemd in so many ways copies windows concepts instead - like how they make it supposedly boot faster - by rushing along to draw a GUI before things are actually ready to use.

Not saying systemd is as bad as windows - and the massive improvements in boot speed are not all illusory! but they do come at the cost of reliability and correctness, and that's simply not a good tradeoff for people using the OS in a traditional manner.

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

their long term goals include taking over the mideast, followed by Europe, and eventually, the entire globe.

How are innumerate people going to operate the machinery needed to produce the necessary weapons for such a task? They are delusional in wanting to return to a pre-industrial society while being dependent on industrialization to fight for that lofty goal.

Comment Re:Yes, pipelined utilities, like the logs (Score 3, Insightful) 385

"You don't have to. If you really want your old way then just have journald pass everything along to syslog and it's back to normal."

Unfortunately that's not quite true. You *can* configure systemd to spit out text logs as well as the binaries but that is a delayed process, so in the one case where you MOST want text logs (where a crash has occured with the file open) it's absolutely worthless.

Comment Re:Protect us against cyber-threats? (Score 1) 103

Convert to Islam or die.

This is not, nor has it ever been a central tenet of Islam. This cannot be viewed in political or historical isolation.

"Convert to Christianity under Papal authority or die by red-hot poker" was a governing principal of church and state - at the center of Europe's most powerful empire, for nearly 200 years. It was never the message of Jesus, regardless of your belief in Christianity. But scripture and political expropriation of pseudo-theology made that it seem so.

I hope someday you have a daughter who marries a an African Muslim. You might be forced to reconsider many of the things that you "know" so assuredly.

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