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Comment Assuming you believe anyone else more. (Score 1) 61

Because most modern countries among them Brazil, France, the UK don't even have these paper protections and they operate security agencies which are OFFICIALLY unaccountable except to the person of the President or PM. So sure, make yourself feel better that the big bad old USA is horrid. Except of course all the others are as bad or worse.

Comment Is there a way to make it explode? (Score 1) 374

In South Africa the way we typically defeat car thefts is to leave a bottle of liquor in the glovebox and it's laced with cyanide. Usually they get about a half mile, die and crash. But it's just a fender. Drag out the dead guy, get the dings knocked out, you're good to go. I wonder if there's a way to kill the thief by making the phone explode though. Or at the least electrocute his face when he holds it up.

Comment Liberals will call this another Obama victory (Score -1, Troll) 498

Keeping in mind of course that Obama gets most of his foreign policy advice from Walt and Mearshiemer, both of who are staunch advocates of 'neo realism' and who both lobby for the ideas of neo realism developed by their mentor the father of neo realism Dr Ken Waltz. And what is one of the foundational beliefs of neo realism you ask? It's that nuclear proliferation is a GOOD and stabilizing force in the world. The more countries have atomic weapons the better. Waltz had a 4 part debate series with Dr Scott Sagan on this very topic where over and over he comes out in favor of nuclear arms for all nations no matter how unstable they appear to be.

Comment Re:Of course. (Score 1) 273

More or less. They're waiting for it to wither and die so either Verizon or AT&T can pick it up at fire sale prices. Deutsche Telekom has said repeatedly that they're losing money on it and may be forced to simply shut it down w/o a buyer if Obama repeatedly denies it the chance to merge with anyone, which is what they've done so far.

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