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Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

You leased an eGolf for $440 a month, the taxpayers are paying $220 a month of your payment, leaving you with $200 left.
Clearly that can't happen for anything but a very small fraction of the new car buyers or that tax incentive will go away in a big hurry.

Well it could. But once a significant amount of people have taken up the offer, there's no point to the incentive any more. It'll have done it's job so it'll probably be withdrawn.
Best to take advantage of the offer whilst it's there!

Comment Re:A word you made up? (Score 1) 108

Are you suggesting that trademarks should extend not only to an actual trademarked name, but to all conceivable misspellings or abbreviated versions, etc.?

No I'm not. I'm saying that all the clues point to cybersquatter:
AC question, lack of desire to put anything there that would take any time to do, worried about bandwidth costs of having a site that anyone would visit, trademark misspelling.

It walks like a cybersquatter and it quacks like a cybersquatter.

Comment Re:The short answer is nothing (Score 1) 108

No, that's the man bites dog story.

The typical case is that it's a cybersquatter who's either registered thousands of domains in the hope of some of them paying off. Or worse: that's got a script looking for expired domains and snatches them up, in the hope that some schmuck who accidentally let a domain expire pays to get it back.

Comment Re:Perhaps half of us are (Score 0) 266

Sorry but yes, forced, as a member of the Eurozone.

Theoretically they could have refused like thy have now, but that was a different government then. That government didn't have the best qualified finance minister in Europe. This one does.

They probably would have been better reusing 5 years ago. Iceland did, and they've done better than any of the countries that went down the bailing out of the banks route.

Fuck your childish pony comment. It's not a matter of no strings attached. The ECB and the IMF are attempting regime change. They are insisting that the debt is paid off by punishing the poor, rather than taxing the rich.

Comment Re:Why does Jobs always steal the limelight? (Score 1) 266

The Gates/Jobs match is over. Gates might have lived longer, but Jobs won the business game. Apple is the biggest tech company in the world and Microsoft is in rapid decline.

Still, yes, Gates had different but comparable business skills. That makes 2.

There were far more engineers that could design a microcomputer.

Comment Re:Why does Jobs always steal the limelight? (Score 1) 266

Although this is completely true, Woz is special because he had a.. sorry there is no word for it but genius mind for reducing the number of components required to perform a particular function.

This is the off told myth, but in reality that was standard practice at the time. Components were simple to understand but expensive. Everyone came up with nifty tricks to minimise components.

Jobs mix of talents were rarer.

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