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Comment In 20 years (Score 3, Interesting) 43

Ill be telling my grand kids about the days of dumb box tv's with out the need to run the tv behind a firewall, game console and computers you owned and could modify and game disks you could lend to your friends with out the authorities breaking down your doors for illegal game lending.

Comment If it was to own (Score 1) 227

for say $4 with out DRM I'd buy it and many others. Gimme old releases for $2 and I wont even bother with torrents to download whats in my 800+ dvd's I'll just pay for it agai and if I lose it, so be it, its so cheap I'll just re buy it. If I'm out of town and need to watch a movie but already have it at home, for $2 I'd pay for it again.

Comment Re:not quite (Score 2) 176

Well you can easily tell its a farce by how much special commentary a story gets on the news networks besides its being about North Korea (its like a episode and Pinky and The Brain). Unfortunately the ratio of seeing through the bullshit people vs omfg they're taking away out freedom people is 20/80 so....

Comment Look at the loses this way (Score 1) 280

All those billions saved by the consumer will be funneled back to the local economy and smaller companies. Those companies will develop new technologies faster than some company only concerned with profits over market innovation. As an added bonus the gov will get a bigger chunk of tax since the little guya will pay way more corporate tax than some big ass corporation.

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