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Comment Re:More proof religion is another arm of... (Score 1) 39

Catholicism is specifically an anti-state-like organization. Power is limited to the least competent authority in the hierarchy, the higher you go, the less power you have.

Kind of like on Babylon 5- when Londo had no power, he had the freedom to do whatever he wished, when he became emperor of Alpha Centauri, he had zero freedom at all.

That's why I am against Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution. It reserves far too much power for the central government, and does not leave enough power with local cities and counties to protect themselves.

Libertarianism is full of meddlesome engineering- that's what Ludwig Von Mises was writing about. Yeah, it's not as outright evil as Stalin, but the intent is the same- engineer a system for maximum profit for a small group at the expense of everybody else.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Found at a Catholic site 39

The legal impossibility of a Christian polity in America is formally declared in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The so-called 'free speech' and 'free exercise' clauses of the First Amendment are purely secular mandates. They are a rejection of the Catholic notion of the common good, mandating that there be no restraint whatsoever on things that damage souls and ultimately destroy the State itself. They grant as lawful precisely what many popes have called unlawful: unconditiona

Comment Slashdot is broken again (Score 1) 10

I tried to comment on something about progress, then it claimed I was posting anonymously, logged me out, and when I logged back in the comment on progress was gone. I'm going to post my response anyway.

I think I finally found a big hole in all human progress. Human beings are short term thinkers. That's why we base our transportation system on fossil fuels that can't be easily replenished; that's why "progressives" base their romantic escapades on non-sustainable procreative strategies like serial adultery and homosexuality. That's why when the "scientific Green Revolution" came to Bali and overturned a few thousand years of theological agriculture to try to increase rice production, the whole ecology went out of whack.

No long term view. And that's why this Gleichschaltung, like all others before it, will fall.

My only question is, when will Northern Europeans in general realize that what they think is progress, is extremely short term thinking?

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is a test 4

I was just asked, on a comment, to prove that I was human.

I am logged in to slashdot.

This is a test to see if I can post in my journal without becoming anonymous.

Comment Re:So What (Score 1) 324

2nd potential mechanism. Due to competition for rare leadership positions, serfs showing leadership potential are killed outright, leaving behind only those with brains enough to do the job that the lord wants them to do. Once a dynasty and traditional economy are established, eight nor nine generations of this and you'll end up with a genetic separation between "noble blood/highborn" and "serf/lowborn" populations.

For an extreme comedic version of this, see, these English actors portrayed the four class English system perfectly, complete with simulated IQ levels.

Comment Re:So What (Score 1) 324

In feudalism, and in certain forms of tribalism, the chief/King and his family eat first, and then everybody else eats what is left over from their table. (in Calapuya Chinook, the title of the chief was the Hias Mucktymuck- quite literally "the dude sitting at the head of the table", from which we get the saying "Lord High MucktyMuck"). I'd call that a very powerful selection mechanism.

Comment Re:So What (Score 0) 324

I suspect that evolution is involved. Those who have power in society are making the decisions and thus NEED the larger brains. Those whose grandfathers were ditch diggers and under 99% of the societies ever designed would be ditch diggers themselves, didn't need big brains and in fact were better able to survive without them.

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