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Comment Re:Why isn't the Water Dept filtering the water? (Score 2) 328

The reason these chemicals are expensive to dispose of is that they are difficult to destroy by any means other than sweet, cleansing flame — and a whole hell of a lot of it. Throwing it in your campfire won't do it. Anything that can't be gotten out of your water by relatively simple means isn't filtered out by your municipal water department.

Comment Re:Not BS. (Score 1) 164

I said, "I have a question about a charge on my bill," and it correctly connected me to the chargeback section.

it eliminated all but the keywords, and got "question", "charge" and "bill". It may only be scanning for about 20 keywords at the most at any given prompt. That's a very easy job compared to natural speech recognition which actually gets all the words. You could get that on a chip 20 years ago.

Comment Re:2-Butoxyethanol (Score 1) 328

That is an interesting and completely baseless theory

It's the very first thing I thought when I read the first-released list of fracking chemicals, years back.

If you have evidence to support it I imagine it would make for a pretty juicy story, though.

The list of chemicals they have announced supports it.

Comment Re:Measurements (Score 1) 425

Further, he's perpetrating the myth that the most talented programmers "drive away others, but you have to put up with them", which falls outside the definition of "talented" that most people would accept.

It would? Since when? The common definition is "having talent or special ability; gifted." which is in no way contradicted by a special snowflake who rubs people the wrong way.

Comment Re:School me on well water (Score 3, Insightful) 328

My understanding is that modern household water wells generally use reverse osmosis systems.

Your understanding is incorrect. There is no standard template for a modern household water well. Modern household water wells generally use one or more mesh filters in the pump house, and usually one big carbon filter inside the house, commonly followed by a water softener. There may be an RO filter involved for drinking water, but there often is not.

Most people don't use RO because of the high amount of waste water. If you don't have a grey water system, that's just additional cycling your pump has to do for no benefit.

Comment Re:2-Butoxyethanol (Score 0) 328

What I want to know is why they use this shit in fracking at all. I assume it's because it makes the process more efficient -

Yes. The process of disposing of refinery wastes. The reason they don't want you to know precisely what's in their fracking fluids and where they came from is that these compounds are wastes left over from the petroleum refining process, and they are taking this opportunity to dispose of them by injecting them into our aquifers.

Comment Re:Learn to read (Score 1) 1097

Obvious deliberate incitement

You don't seem to get how this works. Either violence is an acceptable response to someone insulting your beliefs or it isn't. If it is, then carry on, I guess. If it isn't, then there is no such thing as an incitement to violence which is not itself violent. There are only violent responses to things which do not merit a violent response. Again, you are blaming the victim.

Do you even know who you are standing up for?

Again, you have no fucking idea what you're on about. I'm standing up for free speech, free thought, and free expression. I think it's braver to stand up and make a statement about what you believe than it is to attempt to kill someone to prevent them from expressing an idea you find frightening.

Comment Re:"Brave" Dutchman putting US cops in danger? (Score 1) 1097

Yet you are telling me to go away instead of expressing things myself - make up your mind.

You can't even read. I told you that you could safely fuck off, because nobody was interested. I believe in your right to spout even when nobody gives a shit, that was just for your information.

Comment Re:Industry attacks it (Score 4, Interesting) 328

You're thinking of the local water company with it's water filtering plants and pipes that lead directly to your home. That is not where fracking is happening. Fracking is done out where there isn't public water and sewer.

Hate to break it to you, but yes, fracking very much IS happening right in the middle of where there are water and sewer service. Both Cleveland and Pittsburgh, the 31st and 23rd largest MSA's in the country are right in the middle of the shale boom and both states have their department of natural resource (exploitation) overruling local control so there's plenty of drilling happening in the middle of communities (my town of 30k took the DNR to the state supreme court to try to block projects after we had several leaking wells contaminate drinking water and local streams)

Comment Re:Aw shit! (Score 1) 140

I find myself watching youtube videos for my video, "normal TV is damn near unwatchable, with a 50 percent commercial rate, you can forget what program you were watching.

Agreed wholeheartedly. But then, I don't want to watch many shows. I want to mostly watch car stuff, and that is now better on youtube than it is on TV. I get both higher-quality video and more variety of content — which is also higher-quality than what's on TV. I mean, even when Top Gear was still a thing, they only did a handful of shows in a series anyway. You had to have something for the rest of the year.

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