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Comment Re:Threatens security (Score 3, Interesting) 102

Exactly, just last week I was reading about a proposed Canadian mine that was vetoed by the native council, not due to environmental concerns, but because of uncertainty over environmental impact in the future because current and projected prices didn't actually support opening the mine in the near term but the company looking for approval was looking for a 50 year lease on the land. If Russia ties up a lot of the world supply and shuts down mines they own then the price will rise and mines like that one will come online, it's not like they're going to take over so much of the world supply that we'll be shutting down reactors due to lack of fuel. The real fear I'm sure is that Westinghouse and GE and their suppliers will have to pay more for yellowcake in order to produce their overpriced fuel rods.

Comment Re:Consumer Price Index (Score 0) 1094

The USA economy in 1995 was much more sound than the economy today or what will be in 2020. It was not an economy that lived in permanent state of constant inflation (0% interest rates and money printing out of the government wazoo). The degeneration of the economy over that time period (actually since 1913, when the IRS and Fed were created, 1917, when the Fed was allowed to monetize government debt, 1971, when Nixon defaulted on the dollar and inflation totally took off) caused mass migration of productivity from the USA to other parts of the world. The service sector jobs that we are talking about here (and make no mistake, minimum wage jobs are service sector jobs, jobs that do not directly produce economic output that can be exported to pay for the imported produced goods from other countries) are not paying as much as they paid in 1995 because these service sector jobs cannot afford to pay that.

In USA there should be a REDUCTION of minimum wage, not increase of minimum wage, but more importantly there should be reduction in government spending altogether, reduction in government, reduction of taxes collected from any work done by anybody, reduction of any payouts to anybody on any government promises. Basically USA government needs to let go of its death grip on the economy and let it restructure. This includes abolition of government services, removal of government participation in business and labour altogether and this means no more minimum wage. What USA government is doing is the exact opposite of what the USA economy needs. This is what I mean when I say 'economic illiteracy', it's prevalent, it's all permeating, it's devastating and there is no easy fix.

Comment Re:Consumer Price Index (Score 1) 1094

Aah, no, as a producer I disagree that customer generates the market for a new product. We are building a number of new products here today and some of what we are building does not have a market, we are hoping to create the market for it, just like iPads created a market that did not exist, just like production of kerosene created market for lighting with kerosene that did not exist, just like cars and trucks created market where before the role of the vehicles was carried out by horses and other forms of transport. Somebody steps in with their investment to create the market that did not exist because the item that is being created does not exist.

There is currently no gigantic market for yachts because they are very expensive. IF you can create a yacht and sell it at 10,000USD you will create a gigantic market for yachts that did not exist because the product was not in existence.

If you come up with a way to build a personal space vehicle and make it only as expensive as a car or so you will create a gigantic market that did not exist.

Of-course for all of this there have to be savings taken out of somebody's bank account first, spent to produce thing thing, which means hiring people (creating jobs, not because you want to create jobs, because you want to make money on selling into your new market), buying stuff from suppliers, renting some space, managing everything, marketing, advertising, selling, even going through the regulatory labyrinth and making sure you can actually offer your product to any potential customers, that's what investment is, that's what 'trickle down' economics actually are - using savings to produce and then allowing more economy to be generated around your production.

Comment Re:Consumer Price Index (Score 1) 1094

I run a business (more than one), I woke up one day and said: I have some savings, why don't I build a system and try and sell it. I built my first system all by myself, found a client, didn't sell it but offered it to them for free, getting support money from that still and used that to advertise my services. Found another client and managed to secure a contract for building another system, hired some people, trained them and worked on that system. While I was working on that system I was making enough money to pay off some debts and get some more people, who I then put to work on my own products before I had a single client for those products at all.

I will never do anything 'benevolently', that makes 0 sense to me, I am in this to build my own stuff the way I want to and to make money off of it, if I am not making money off of it it is my problem, since I am spending money on building it, which is mostly salaries, rent, utilities and taxes. I don't need lectures on why people do what they do in business and I know precisely why I hire people.

I would prefer to hire NOBODY at all, that's my preference because I don't need the expense and the drama. However to be more productive I have to add more hands and heads to myself, I see employees as tools that I use to bring my vision to life. I have 0 customers for some of my systems and I must advertise to find those clients, but the money is already spent, the employees already got their salaries, the money came out of my own pocket - my savings.

'Trickle down' has nothing to do with 'giving rich people more money', that's socialist baloney, it has to do precisely with gathering capital and using the capital to invest into more production. Talking about 'trickle down' and 'giving rich money' is the exact economic illiteracy that I was talking about.

Poverty happens due to lack of production. I am not a robot in your replicator dream, I produce the way I do it because I want to get more money than when I was working as a contractor. I spend my time and my savings to produce, I see profits as way to increase production, not as a way to eat more expensive chocolate and drive a bigger car. Poverty happens due to poverty in thinking, which is what leads to overall poverty in society. Poverty in thinking is the way of thinking that includes 'stealing from the rich to give to the poor' - THAT is poverty of thinking.

Comment Re:"Trickle down" economics (Score 0) 1094

Forget tax breaks, there shouldn't be any tax on work and on production at all. You tax something, you get less of it. Inflation is a tax on work. Business regulations are tax on work. Income, payroll, dividend, capital gains and other wealth taxes are taxes on work. None of them should exist, the government structured around taxing work will destroy the economy as has happened time and again, not just over decades, but over the entire existence of human life on this planet.

The rich stay rich by letting their money work for them. As to the USA economy right now it has nothing to do with production at all, it is all inflation based and it is mostly fake, it doesn't exist. USA is an unproductive economy, that cannot pay for the imports that it consumes with its own export of productive output, instead it exports inflation (money printing) and war. Disparity between the rich and the poor exists and will exist always and in the times of Rockefeller it was much more pronounced than anything we can see today.

Compared to Rockefeller the wealthy of today are paupers. By the time he died he was worth over 600,000,000,000 dollars in modern money, nobody is worth that much today at all and yet the economy was growing, the unemployment was minimal and the productive output was staggering, allowing the USA to become the economic powerhouse of the world over the 19th century after being an afterthought to Europe for centuries.

'Trickle down economics' is economics of savings and reinvestment and not of consumption at all, so yes, all of those people who use it are economic illiterates, they think in terms of spending money on the consumables instead of spending money on investment to grow money, which is what grows the economy *in normal free market economy*, which is what is happening in China today, not in the USA. You think there is no income disparity in China? Ha! Yet that economy is hot and growing and will keep growing, this century is Chinese and that is that and not American at all, this century is the century of free markets disguised as 'communism' and this is also the century of central planning failure disguised as 'American capitalism'.

Minimum wage does not protect the most vulnerable, it hurts the most vulnerable, minimum wage is minimum ability, it will displace the most vulnerable from the work force entirely.

Comment Re:Government Intrusion (Score 4, Interesting) 837

Since it's primarily weight per axle that determines the wear caused on the roads, and the point of the tax is to maintain roads, it seems logical that heavier vehicles, whether they be SUV's or big sedans like the Tesla, should be charged more. It's not like a Leaf is particularly heavy (it's basically the same weight as the similarly sized Chevy Cruze).

Comment Re:Consumer Price Index (Score 1) 1094

If the government is in business of stealing and subsidising then businesses will be getting in on that game. In the USA government shouldn't be in that business, it shouldn't be stealing from anybody and subsidising anybody, it is government power that people want to use for their own reasons. If I had strong connection to a government that steals and subsidises I would absolutely pull the blanket my way, it's the most rational thing ever. The point is that there shouldn't be a blanket if it is made out of theft and it is.

'Trickle down' economics means that as a person gathers capital by being more productive by building a business the effect of his savings and re-investment creates more prosperity, which it obviously does, that's how new businesses built cities around themselves, that's how fundamental and infrastructural businesses allowed satellite businesses to be created (case in point AWS or Google API allows tons of companies to exist by giving them tools that were produced with the investment of those giants, same is true of every major industry which caused explosion of business around themselves, from food and energy to transportation and healthcare).

What you don't understand is that in order for 'the bone' to exist somebody has to produce it and by implying that the 'bone is given' you completely side step the fact that it had to be produced to exist. No, no bone should be 'given' to anybody, no, that's not a problem of any particular business, but it is a much broader economic and societal problem of theft and redistribution based on violent force of the State.

Comment Re:Stupid reasoning. (Score 1) 1094

Yeah, it's just if the stupid business owners simply understood that if they paid their employees more right now they would be making so much more money from their business, if only they could do a simple business optimisation as well as Los Angeles politicians, who are after all politicians, so they must know a thing or two about running a successful business.

Those stupid fucking idiots, running their stupid fucking businesses, all business should be public property anyway, it all should be centrally ran by the government in the most efficient manner that would totally eliminate the wasteful competition and totally reduce all prices like all publicly provided services do. Public work at public prices and public quality, that should be the slogan. Those fucking morons trying to run their stupid fucking businesses should be thrown to jail for all this abuse that they are dishing out by daring to hire people and pay them the so called fucking 'market rate'.

The only unfortunate thing here is that the $15 minimum wage is not in effect right away, like tomorrow. Instead it is stretched in time over 5 years making it very very hard to connect the dots and see the obviously impending improvements in the economy right away. Why do these politicians not want to reap the reward of producing a much better economic outcome while they are still in the office? Hmm, they must really feel magnanimous, letting the ones who will come after them to enjoy the fruits of this particular labour.

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